20 research outputs found

    Precise control of miR-125b levels is required to create a regeneration-permissive environment after spinal cord injury: a cross-species comparison between salamander and rat

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    Most spinal cord injuries lead to permanent paralysis in mammals. By contrast, the remarkable regenerative abilities of salamanders enable full functional recovery even from complete spinal cord transections. The molecular differences underlying this evolutionary divergence between mammals and amphibians are poorly understood. We focused on upstream regulators of gene expression as primary entry points into this question. We identified a group of microRNAs (miRNAs) that are conserved between the Mexican axolotl salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum) and mammals but show marked cross-species differences in regulation patterns following spinal cord injury. We found that precise post-injury levels of one of these miRNAs (miR-125b) is essential for functional recovery, and guides correct regeneration of axons through the lesion site in a process involving the direct downstream target Sema4D in axolotls. Translating these results to a mammalian model, we increased miR-125b levels in the rat through mimic treatments following spinal cord transection. These treatments downregulated Sema4D and other glial-scar-related genes, and enhanced the animal’s functional recovery. Our study identifies a key regulatory molecule conserved between salamander and mammal, and shows that the expression of miR-125b and Sema4D must be carefully controlled in the right cells at the correct level to promote regeneration. We also show that these molecular components of the salamander’s regeneration-permissive environment can be experimentally harnessed to improve treatment outcomes for mammalian spinal cord injuries

    Temozolomide toxicity operates in a xCT/SLC7a11 dependent manner and is fostered by ferroptosis

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    The glutamate exchanger xCT (SLC7a11) is causally linked with the malignancy grade of brain tumors and represents a key player in glutamate, cystine and glutathione metabolism. Although blocking xCT is not cytotoxic for brain tumors, xCT inhibition disrupts the neurodegenerative and microenvironment-toxifying activity of gliomas. Here, we report on the use of various xCT inhibitors as single modal drugs and in combination with the autophagy-inducing standard chemotherapeutic agent temozolomide (Temodal/Temcad®, TMZ). xCT overexpressing cells (xCTOE) are more resistant to the FDA and EMA approved drug sulfasalazine (Azulfidine/Salazopyrin/Sulazine®, SAS) and RNAi-mediated xCT knock down (xCTKD) in gliomas increases the susceptibility towards SAS in rodent gliomas. In human gliomas, challenged xCT expression had no impact on SAS-induced cytotoxicity. Noteworthy, other xCT inhibitors such as erastin and sorafenib showed enhanced efficacy on xCTKD gliomas. In contrast, cytotoxic action of TMZ operates independently from xCT expression levels on rodent gliomas. Human glioma cells with silenced xCT expression display higher vulnerability towards TMZ alone as well as towards combined TMZ and SAS. Hence, we tested the partial xCT blockers and ferroptosis inducing agents erastin and sorafenib (Nexavar®, FDA and EMA-approved drug for lung cancer). Noteworthy, xCTOE gliomas withstand erastin and sorafenib-induced cell death in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas siRNA-mediated xCT knock down increased susceptibility towards erastin and sorafenib. TMZ efficacy can be potentiated when combined with erastin, however not by sorafenib. Moreover, gliomas with high xCT expression are more vulnerable towards combinatorial treatment with erastin-temozolomide. These results disclose that ferroptosis inducers are valid compounds for potentiating the frontline therapeutic agent temozolomide in a multitoxic approach

    Dexamethasone Alleviates Tumor-Associated Brain Damage and Angiogenesis

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    Children and adults with the most aggressive form of brain cancer, malignant gliomas or glioblastoma, often develop cerebral edema as a life-threatening complication. This complication is routinely treated with dexamethasone (DEXA), a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with pleiotropic action profile. Here we show that dexamethasone reduces murine and rodent glioma tumor growth in a concentration-dependent manner. Low concentrations of DEXA are already capable of inhibiting glioma cell proliferation and at higher levels induce cell death. Further, the expression of the glutamate antiporter xCT (system Xc−; SLC7a11) and VEGFA is up-regulated after DEXA treatment indicating early cellular stress responses. However, in human gliomas DEXA exerts differential cytotoxic effects, with some human glioma cells (U251, T98G) resistant to DEXA, a finding corroborated by clinical data of dexamethasone non-responders. Moreover, DEXA-resistant gliomas did not show any xCT alterations, indicating that these gene expressions are associated with DEXA-induced cellular stress. Hence, siRNA-mediated xCT knockdown in glioma cells increased the susceptibility to DEXA. Interestingly, cell viability of primary human astrocytes and primary rodent neurons is not affected by DEXA. We further tested the pharmacological effects of DEXA on brain tissue and showed that DEXA reduces tumor-induced disturbances of the microenvironment such as neuronal cell death and tumor-induced angiogenesis. In conclusion, we demonstrate that DEXA inhibits glioma cell growth in a concentration and species-dependent manner. Further, DEXA executes neuroprotective effects in brains and reduces tumor-induced angiogenesis. Thus, our investigations reveal that DEXA acts pleiotropically and impacts tumor growth, tumor vasculature and tumor-associated brain damage

    Dexamethasone alleviates tumor-associated brain damage and angiogenesis.

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    Children and adults with the most aggressive form of brain cancer, malignant gliomas or glioblastoma, often develop cerebral edema as a life-threatening complication. This complication is routinely treated with dexamethasone (DEXA), a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with pleiotropic action profile. Here we show that dexamethasone reduces murine and rodent glioma tumor growth in a concentration-dependent manner. Low concentrations of DEXA are already capable of inhibiting glioma cell proliferation and at higher levels induce cell death. Further, the expression of the glutamate antiporter xCT (system Xc-; SLC7a11) and VEGFA is up-regulated after DEXA treatment indicating early cellular stress responses. However, in human gliomas DEXA exerts differential cytotoxic effects, with some human glioma cells (U251, T98G) resistant to DEXA, a finding corroborated by clinical data of dexamethasone non-responders. Moreover, DEXA-resistant gliomas did not show any xCT alterations, indicating that these gene expressions are associated with DEXA-induced cellular stress. Hence, siRNA-mediated xCT knockdown in glioma cells increased the susceptibility to DEXA. Interestingly, cell viability of primary human astrocytes and primary rodent neurons is not affected by DEXA. We further tested the pharmacological effects of DEXA on brain tissue and showed that DEXA reduces tumor-induced disturbances of the microenvironment such as neuronal cell death and tumor-induced angiogenesis. In conclusion, we demonstrate that DEXA inhibits glioma cell growth in a concentration and species-dependent manner. Further, DEXA executes neuroprotective effects in brains and reduces tumor-induced angiogenesis. Thus, our investigations reveal that DEXA acts pleiotropically and impacts tumor growth, tumor vasculature and tumor-associated brain damage

    Chemotherapeutic xCT inhibitors sorafenib and erastin unraveled with the synaptic optogenetic function analysis tool

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    In the search for new potential chemotherapeutics, the compounds’ toxicity to healthy cells is an important factor. The brain with its functional units, the neurons, is especially endangered during the radio- and chemotherapeutic treatment of brain tumors. The effect of the potential compounds not only on neuronal survival but also neuronal function needs to be taken into account. Therefore, in this study we aimed to comprehend the biological effects of chemotherapeutic xCT inhibition on healthy neuronal cells with our synaptic optogenetic function analysis tool (SOFA). We combined common approaches, such as investigation of morphological markers, neuronal function and cell metabolism. The glutamate-cystine exchanger xCT (SLC7A11, system Xc−) is the main glutamate exporter in malignant brain tumors and as such a relevant drug target for treating deadly glioblastomas (WHO grades III and IV). Recently, two small molecules termed sorafenib (Nexavar) and erastin have been found to efficiently block xCT function. We investigated neuronal morphology, metabolic secretome profiles, synaptic function and cell metabolism of primary hippocampal cultures (containing neurons and glial cells) treated with sorafenib and erastin in clinically relevant concentrations. We found that sorafenib severely damaged neurons already after 24 h of treatment. Noteworthy, also at a lower concentration, where no morphological damage or metabolic disturbance was monitored, sorafenib still interfered with synaptic and metabolic homeostasis. In contrast, erastin-treated neurons displayed mostly inconspicuous morphology and metabolic rates. Key parameters of proper neuronal function, such as synaptic vesicle pool sizes, were however disrupted following erastin application. In conclusion, our data revealed that while sorafenib and erastin effectively inhibited xCT function they also interfered with essential neuronal (synaptic) function. These findings highlight the particular importance of investigating the effects of potential neurooncological and general cancer chemotherapeutics also on healthy neuronal cells and their function as revealed by the SOFA tool

    Cabazitaxel operates anti-metastatic and cytotoxic via apoptosis induction and stalls brain tumor angiogenesis

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    Taxanes target microtubules and are clinically established chemotherapeutic agents with proven efficacy in human cancers. Cabazitaxel (XRP-6258, Jevtana®) is a second generation semisynthetic taxane with high chemotherapeutic potential in prostate cancer. There, cabazitaxel can overcome docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer. Here, we tested the effects of cabazitaxel on glioma cells, and non-transformed cells such as neurons and astrocytes. Cabazitaxel operates highly toxic in various human glioma cells at nanomolar concentrations. In contrast, primary astrocytes and neurons are not affected by this agent. Cabazitaxel disrupts cytoskeletal F-actin fibers and induces apoptotic cell death in gliomas. Moreover, cabazitaxel displayed highest efficacy in inhibiting glioma cell migration and invasion. Here we demonstrate that cabazitaxel inhibited tumor migration already at 1 nM. We also tested cabazitaxel in the ex vivo VOGiM assay. Cabazitaxel stalled glioma growth and at the same time inhibited tumor-induced angiogenesis. In summary, we found that cabazitaxel operates as an apoptosis-inducing gliomatoxic agent with strongest effects on migration and invasive growth. Thus, our report uncovered cabazitaxel actions on gliomas and on the brain tumor microenvironment. These data reveal novel aspects for adjuvant approaches when applied to brain tumor patients

    Sunitinib impedes brain tumor progression and reduces tumor-induced neurodegeneration in the microenvironment

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    Malignant gliomas can be counted to the most devastating tumors in humans. Novel therapies do not achieve significant prolonged survival rates. The cancer cells have an impact on the surrounding vital tissue and form tumor zones, which make up the tumor microenvironment. We investigated the effects of sunitinib, a small molecule multitargeted receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on constituents of the tumor microenvironment such as gliomas, astrocytes, endothelial cells, and neurons. Sunitinib has a known anti-angiogenic effect. We found that sunitinib normalizes the aberrant tumor-derived vasculature and reduces tumor vessel pathologies (i.e. auto-loops). Sunitinib has only minor effects on the normal, physiological, non-proliferating vasculature. We found that neurons and astrocytes are protected by sunitinib against glutamate-induced cell death, whereas sunitinib acts as a toxin towards proliferating endothelial cells and tumor vessels. Moreover, sunitinib is effective in inducing glioma cell death. We determined the underlying pathways by which sunitinib operates as a toxin on gliomas and found vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2, KDR/Flk1) as the main target to execute gliomatoxicity. The apoptosis-inducing effect of sunitinib can be mimicked by inhibition of VEGFR2. Knockdown of VEGFR2 can, in part, foster the resistance of glioma cells to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Furthermore, sunitinib alleviates tumor-induced neurodegeneration. Hence, we tested whether temozolomide treatment could be potentiated by sunitinib application. Here we show that sunitinib can amplify the effects of temozolomide in glioma cells. Thus, our data indicate that combined treatment with temozolomide does not abrogate the effects of sunitinib. In conclusion, we found that sunitinib acts as a gliomatoxic agent and at the same time carries out neuroprotective effects, reducing tumor-induced neurodegeneration. Thus, this report uncovered sunitinib's actions on the brain tumor microenvironment, revealing novel aspects for adjuvant approaches and new clinical assessment criteria when applied to brain tumor patients

    The impact of dietary isoflavonoids on malignant brain tumors

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    Poor prognosis and limited therapeutic options render malignant brain tumors one of the most devastating diseases in clinical medicine. Current treatment strategies attempt to expand the therapeutic repertoire through the use of multimodal treatment regimens. It is here that dietary fibers have been recently recognized as a supportive natural therapy in augmenting the body's response to tumor growth. Here, we investigated the impact of isoflavonoids on primary brain tumor cells. First, we treated glioma cell lines and primary astrocytes with various isoflavonoids and phytoestrogens. Cell viability in a dose-dependent manner was measured for biochanin A (BCA), genistein (GST), and secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG). Dose–response action for the different isoflavonoids showed that BCA is highly effective on glioma cells and nontoxic for normal differentiated brain tissues. We further investigated BCA in ex vivo and in vivo experimentations. Organotypic brain slice cultures were performed and treated with BCA. For in vivo experiments, BCA was intraperitoneal injected in tumor-implanted Fisher rats. Tumor size and edema were measured and quantified by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. In vascular organotypic glioma brain slice cultures (VOGIM) we found that BCA operates antiangiogenic and neuroprotective. In vivo MRI scans demonstrated that administered BCA as a monotherapy was effective in reducing significantly tumor-induced brain edema and showed a trend for prolonged survival. Our results revealed that dietary isoflavonoids, in particular BCA, execute toxicity toward glioma cells, antiangiogenic, and coevally neuroprotective properties, and therefore augment the range of state-of-the-art multimodal treatment approach

    Dexamethasone induces tumor cell death in organotypic brain tissue.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Dexamethasone (DEXA) treatment induces tumor cell death in glioma cell implanted brain slices and reduces tumor-induced cell death. Top, F98 glioma cells were implanted in brain slices and after 8 days cell death was evaluated (propidium iodide positive cells are depicted in red). Bottom, Cell death quantification in untreated tumor-implanted brain tissue (control) reveals increased peritumoral cell death (peritumoral zone), whereas the tumor zone is spared of cell death. DEXA treatment reduces brain damage as revealed by reduced cell death in control cortical areas apart from the tumor, and in the peritumoral zones, while DEXA induces massive tumor cell death within the tumor core zone. Cell death intensity was quantified with NIH-<i>Image J</i> and for statistical analysis the t-test was applied. Means ± S.D. are given. *P<0.05, Student's <i>t</i>-test (two sided) (n = 12). The dashed circle marks the tumor core zone. Scale bar represents 1 mm. (<b>B</b>), DEXA treatment in native brain slices. Cell death quantification in untreated brain slices (control), and native brain slices with DEXA treatment at a concentration of 10 μg/ml, 100 μg/ml and 200 μg/ml. Scale bar represents 1 mm. (<b>C</b>), Assessment of cell death in native brain slices treated with DEXA. Cell death intensity was quantified with NIH-<i>Image J</i> and for statistical analysis the two tailed t-test was applied. Means ± S.D. are given. *P<0.05, Student's <i>t</i>-test (n≥3). (<b>D</b>); Glioma cells induced neuronal cell death. Tumor-implanted brain slices were stained for the neuronal markers NeuN (top, given in green) and NeuroTrace (bottom, depicted in blue) and cell death assessed by PI staining (red). Arrows showing that the dead cells (PI+) are mostly NeuN+ (green) or NeuroTrace+ (blue) neurons. Scale bar, 50 μm.</p

    Dexamethasone does not affect cell viability of primary neurons.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>), Dexamethasone (DEXA) was applied to rodent hippocampal neurons for 48 hs and cell death was determined by PI staining (PI, propidium iodide, left column, Scale bar represents 200 μm). Right, white light microscopy indicates morphological integrity of neurons following DEXA treatment. Scale bar 100 μm (<b>B</b>), Neurons were cultured at various concentrations of DEXA for two days and cell viability was determined by measuring the PI signal intensity.</p