6,757 research outputs found

    UV Surface Environment of Earth-like Planets Orbiting FGKM Stars Through Geological Evolution

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    The UV environment of a host star affects the photochemistry in the atmosphere, and ultimately the surface UV environment for terrestrial planets and therefore the conditions for the origin and evolution of life. We model the surface UV radiation environment for Earth-sized planets orbiting FGKM stars at the 1AU equivalent distance for Earth through its geological evolution. We explore four different types of atmospheres corresponding to an early Earth atmosphere at 3.9 Gyr ago and three atmospheres covering the rise of oxygen to present day levels at 2.0 Gyr ago, 0.8 Gyr ago and modern Earth (Following Kaltenegger et al. 2007). In addition to calculating the UV flux on the surface of the planet, we model the biologically effective irradiance, using DNA damage as a proxy for biological damage. We find that a pre-biotic Earth (3.9 Gyr ago) orbiting an F0V star receives 6 times the biologically effective radiation as around the early Sun and 3520 times the modern Earth-Sun levels. A pre-biotic Earth orbiting GJ 581 (M3.5V) receives 300 times less biologically effective radiation, about 2 times modern Earth-Sun levels. The UV fluxes calculated here provide a grid of model UV environments during the evolution of an Earth-like planet orbiting a range of stars. These models can be used as inputs into photo-biological experiments and for pre-biotic chemistry and early life evolution experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of UV Radiation on the Spectral Fingerprints of Earth-like Planets Orbiting M dwarfs

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    We model the atmospheres and spectra of Earth-like planets orbiting the entire grid of M dwarfs for active and inactive stellar models with TeffT_{eff} = 2300K to TeffT_{eff} = 3800K and for six observed MUSCLES M dwarfs with UV radiation data. We set the Earth-like planets at the 1AU equivalent distance and show spectra from the VIS to IR (0.4μ\mum - 20μ\mum) to compare detectability of features in different wavelength ranges with JWST and other future ground- and spaced-based missions to characterize exo-Earths. We focus on the effect of UV activity levels on detectable atmospheric features that indicate habitability on Earth, namely: H2_2O, O3_3, CH4_4, N2_2O and CH3_3Cl. To observe signatures of life - O2_2/O3_3 in combination with reducing species like CH4_4, we find that early and active M dwarfs are the best targets of the M star grid for future telescopes. The O2_2 spectral feature at 0.76μ\mum is increasingly difficult to detect in reflected light of later M dwarfs due to low stellar flux in that wavelength region. N2_2O, another biosignature detectable in the IR, builds up to observable concentrations in our planetary models around M dwarfs with low UV flux. CH3_3Cl could become detectable, depending on the depth of the overlapping N2_2O feature. We present a spectral database of Earth-like planets around cool stars for directly imaged planets as a framework for interpreting future lightcurves, direct imaging, and secondary eclipse measurements of the atmospheres of terrestrial planets in the HZ to design and assess future telescope capabilities.Comment: in press, ApJ (submitted August 18, 2014), 16 pages, 12 figure

    High-pressure study of substrate material ScAlMgO4

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    We report on the structural properties of ScAlMgO4 studied under quasi-hydrostatic pressure using synchrotron high-pressure x-ray diffraction up to 40 GPa. We also report on single-crystal studies of ScAlMgO4 performed at 300 K and 100 K. We found that the low-pressure phase remains stable up to 24 GPa. At 28 GPa, we detected a reversible phase transformation. The high-pressure phase is assigned to a monoclinic distortion of the low-pressure phase. No additional phase transition is observed up to 40 GPa. In addition, the equation of state, compressibility tensor, and thermal expansion coefficients of ScAlMgO4 are determined. The bulk modulus of ScAlMgO4 is found to be 143(8) GPa, with a strong compressibility anisotropy. For the trigonal low-pressure phase, the compressibility along the c-axis is twice than perpendicular one. A perfect lattice match with ZnO is retained under pressure in the pressure range of stability of wurtzite ZnO.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, 24 reference

    FUSE Observations of Nebular O VI Emission from NGC 6543

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    NGC 6543 is one of the few planetary nebulae (PNe) whose X-ray emission has been shown to be extended and originate from hot interior gas. Using FUSE observations we have now detected nebular O VI emission from NGC 6543. Its central star, with an effective temperature of ~50,000 K, is too cool to photoionize O V, so the O VI ions must have been produced by thermal collisions at the interface between the hot interior gas and the cool nebular shell. We modeled the O VI emission incorporating thermal conduction, but find that simplistic assumptions for the AGB and fast wind mass loss rates overproduce X-ray emission and O VI emission. We have therefore adopted the pressure of the interior hot gas for the interface layer and find that expected O VI emission to be comparable to the observations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, using emulateapj.cls style. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
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