752 research outputs found

    Development of an analytical model for the extraction of manganese from marine nodules

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    Multivariable analytical models provide a descriptive (albeit approximate) mathematical relationship between a set of independent variables and one or more dependent variables. The current work develops an analytical model that extends a design of experiments for the leaching of manganese from marine nodules, using sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in the presence of iron-containing tailings, which are both by-products of conventional copper extraction. The experiments are configured to address the effect of time, particle size, acid concentration, Fe2O3/MnO2 ratio, stirring speed and temperature, under typical industrial conditions. The recovery of manganese has been modeled using a first order differential equation that accurately fits experimental results, noting that Fe2O3/MnO2 and temperature are the most critical independent variables, while the particle size is the least influential (under typical conditions). This study obtains representative fitting parameters, that can be used to explore the incorporation of Mn recovery from marine nodules, as part of the extended value chain of copper sulfide processing.The authors are grateful for the contribution of the Scientific Equipment Unit- MAINI of the Universidad Católica del Norte for aiding in generating data by automated electronic microscopy QEMSCAN®, and for facilitating the chemical analysis of the solutions. We are also grateful to the Altonorte Mining Company for supporting this research and providing slag for this study, and we thank Marina Vargas Aleuy, María Barraza Bustos and Carolina Ossandón Cortés of the Universidad Católica del Norte for supporting the experimental tests

    Determinación de los factores que inciden en el desarrollo Turístico de la provincia de Sucumbíos en año 2016.

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de encontrar los factores que inciden en el desarrollo turístico de la provincia de Sucumbíos en el año 2016 utilizando análisis estadístico multivariado, se tomó una población de 122 hoteles catalogados por el Ministerio de Turismo y se utilizó 24 variables; se identificó que las variables con una dispersión mayor respecto a su media son “Total de trabajadores”, “Trabajadores fijos”, “Trabajadores eventuales”, “Camas”, mientras que las variables con menor dispersión respecto a su comportamiento promedio son: “Fecha Fundación”, “Fecha adquisición”, y “Fecha de Renovación”. A través del análisis de componentes principales se logró agrupar y reducir en componentes para su interpretación. Es una investigación inédita para la zona norte de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, donde se está buscando salir de un sistema estractivista hacia un modelo de desarrollo sostenible. Se determinaron 4 componentes principales: “Dirección empresarial” explica el 21.85% de la varianza del sistema, definido por las variables: camas, trabajadores fijos, creatividad comunicación, satisfacción. “Infraestructura vigente” explica el 16.80% de la varianza y el 38.66% acumulada por el modelo ajustado se relaciona con las variables: año de fundación, año de adquisición, año de renovación. “Dependencia de Tour Operadores” con el 13.35% de la varianza y el 52.02% acumulada explica las variables: descentralización y tour operadores. Y “Talento Humano” representa el 62.27% de la varianza acumulada e incluye las variables total de trabajadores y trabajadores eventuales. A partir de las componentes explicadas se diseñó un modelo de gestión para el desarrollo turístico de la provincia, buscando la transformación de los recursos turísticos en atractivos turísticos a través de estrategias de capacitación, seguridad y promoción en las cuatro componentes explicada anteriormente. Se recomienda la utilización de estas herramientas de gestión desde las instituciones públicas así como del sector turístico privado para alcanzar las metas propuestas con esta industria en aspectos económicos y de desarrollo social sostenible.This research was carried out with the objective of finding the factors that affect the tourism development of the Province of Sucumbíos in 2016. It is used multivariate statistical analysis, it was taken a population of 122 hotels cataloged by the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador, and they were used 24 variables; It was identified that the variables with a greater dispersion with respect to their average are: "Total workers", "Permanent workers," “Temporary workers ", "Beds", while the variables with less dispersion respect to their average behavior are: “Foundation Date”, "Date of Acquisition", and "Renewal Date". Through the analysis of main components, it was possible to group and reduce in components for its interpretation. They were determined four main components: "Business Management" explains; 21.85% of the variance of the system, defined by the variables: beds, permanent workers, creativity, communication, satisfaction. "Existing infrastructure" explains; 16.80% of the variance, and 38.66% accumulated by the adjusted model is related to the variables: year of foundation, year of acquisition, and year of renewal. "Dependency of Tour Operators" with 13.35% of the variance and 52.02% accumulated, the variables explain: decentralization and tour operators. And "Human Talent" represents 62.27% of the accumulated variance and includes the variables total of workers and temporary workers. From the explained components, a management model was designed for the tourist development of the Province in order to look for the transformation of tourist resources into tourist attractions through strategies. It is concluded that with the research a management tool was set up to the public institutions. It is recommended the use of these management tools from public institutions; as well as, the private tourism sector to achieve the goals proposed with this industry in economic aspects and sustainable social development

    Propuesta de un sistema de procesos productivos y administrativos para elevar el rendimiento de los trabajadores de la Empresa WBM Arquitectura y Bienes Raíces de la ciudad de Riobamba, período 2013-2014

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    La presente investigación buscó generar una propuesta para mejorar los procesos y los rendimientos de la empresa ―WBM Arquitectura y Bienes Raíces‖, se basó en encuestas y observaciones de los actuales procesos que posee la empresa. Que antes de la investigación tenía un sistema de organigrama funcional vertical, lo cual en la actualidad no permite el crecimiento empresarial. Obtener mejores rendimientos y menos desperdicios de tiempo son los objetivos de la investigación. Para ello se ha realizado un Manual de Procesos (describiendo procesos estratégicos, claves y de apoyo). Este manual servirá como punto de partida para poder encontrar las mejores estrategias para mejorar los procesos y por ende sus resultados. Entre las estrategias que se puede recomendar para mejorar los niveles de calidad en la empresa están: JIT, Mantenimiento de las máquinas, las 5 ´S. Para la aplicación de estas estrategias se ha realizado constantes entrevistas con los trabajadores de la empresa para conocer el nivel de compromiso para aplicar las diferentes estrategias. Cuando ya tenemos definidos los procesos, los objetivos, los responsables y las estrategias para mejorar cada uno de los mismos, la empresa tiene ahora en sus manos el encaminarse hacia procesos de calidad. Podemos evidenciar de esta manera la importancia de trabajar en base a una gestión por procesos para poder describirlos, calificarlos y sobre todo mejorarlos.This research generated a proposal to improve processes and yields at "WBM Architecture and Real States". It was based on surveys and observations of the current processes that the company has. Prior this research it had a system of vertical functional organization that currently does not allow the business growth. The research objectives are to obtain better yields and less waste of time. For this it has developed a Manual Process (describing strategic, key and support). This manual will serve as a starting point to find the best strategies, processes and outcomes. Among the strategies that can be recommended to improve quality levels in the company we have: JIT, Machine Maintenance, and 5 'S. For the implementation of these strategies it has been conducted constant interviews with employees of the company to know the level of commitment to implement different strategies. When we have defined processes, objectives, and strategies to improve each of them, that the company has in its management to control the quality processes. Thus we can demonstrate the importance of working based on a process management to describe, qualify them and improve them

    Aplicación jurídica de los principios Unidroit en las decisiones del Arbitraje Internacional sobre el contrato de compraventa internacional de mercaderías

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLas partes de un contrato de compraventa internacional de mercaderías tienen la libertad de elegir la norma aplicable a su contrato o dejar dicha facultad a los tribunales arbitrales. En ambos casos, puede ocurrir que se apliquen los Principios Unidroit y el alcance de su aplicación jurídica dependerá de las condiciones contractuales y de la intención de las partes.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. LA LEX MERCATORIA 2. LOS PRINCIPIOS DE UNIDROIT 3. EL ARBITRAJE COMERCIAL INTERNACIONAL 4. CONTRATO DE COMPRAVENTA INTERNACIONAL DE MERCADERÍAS 5. APLICACIÓN JURÍDICA DE LOS PRINCIPIOS UNIDROIT EN LAS DECISIONES ARBITRALES SOBRE COMPRAVENTA INTERNACIONAL DE MERCADERÍAS 6. ANÁLISIS DE LAUDOS ARBITRALES 7. CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASPregradoAbogad

    Determinación de los factores que inciden en el desarrollo Turístico de la provincia de Sucumbíos en año 2016.

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de encontrar los factores que inciden en el desarrollo turístico de la provincia de Sucumbíos en el año 2016 utilizando análisis estadístico multivariado, se tomó una población de 122 hoteles catalogados por el Ministerio de Turismo y se utilizó 24 variables; se identificó que las variables con una dispersión mayor respecto a su media son “Total de trabajadores”, “Trabajadores fijos”, “Trabajadores eventuales”, “Camas”, mientras que las variables con menor dispersión respecto a su comportamiento promedio son: “Fecha Fundación”, “Fecha adquisición”, y “Fecha de Renovación”. A través del análisis de componentes principales se logró agrupar y reducir en componentes para su interpretación. Es una investigación inédita para la zona norte de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, donde se está buscando salir de un sistema estractivista hacia un modelo de desarrollo sostenible. Se determinaron 4 componentes principales: “Dirección empresarial” explica el 21.85% de la varianza del sistema, definido por las variables: camas, trabajadores fijos, creatividad comunicación, satisfacción. “Infraestructura vigente” explica el 16.80% de la varianza y el 38.66% acumulada por el modelo ajustado se relaciona con las variables: año de fundación, año de adquisición, año de renovación. “Dependencia de Tour Operadores” con el 13.35% de la varianza y el 52.02% acumulada explica las variables: descentralización y tour operadores. Y “Talento Humano” representa el 62.27% de la varianza acumulada e incluye las variables total de trabajadores y trabajadores eventuales. A partir de las componentes explicadas se diseñó un modelo de gestión para el desarrollo turístico de la provincia, buscando la transformación de los recursos turísticos en atractivos turísticos a través de estrategias de capacitación, seguridad y promoción en las cuatro componentes explicada anteriormente. Se recomienda la utilización de estas herramientas de gestión desde las instituciones públicas así como del sector turístico privado para alcanzar las metas propuestas con esta industria en aspectos económicos y de desarrollo social sostenible.This research was carried out with the objective of finding the factors that affect the tourism development of the Province of Sucumbíos in 2016. It is used multivariate statistical analysis, it was taken a population of 122 hotels cataloged by the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador, and they were used 24 variables; It was identified that the variables with a greater dispersion with respect to their average are: "Total workers", "Permanent workers," “Temporary workers ", "Beds", while the variables with less dispersion respect to their average behavior are: “Foundation Date”, "Date of Acquisition", and "Renewal Date". Through the analysis of main components, it was possible to group and reduce in components for its interpretation. They were determined four main components: "Business Management" explains; 21.85% of the variance of the system, defined by the variables: beds, permanent workers, creativity, communication, satisfaction. "Existing infrastructure" explains; 16.80% of the variance, and 38.66% accumulated by the adjusted model is related to the variables: year of foundation, year of acquisition, and year of renewal. "Dependency of Tour Operators" with 13.35% of the variance and 52.02% accumulated, the variables explain: decentralization and tour operators. And "Human Talent" represents 62.27% of the accumulated variance and includes the variables total of workers and temporary workers. From the explained components, a management model was designed for the tourist development of the Province in order to look for the transformation of tourist resources into tourist attractions through strategies. It is concluded that with the research a management tool was set up to the public institutions. It is recommended the use of these management tools from public institutions; as well as, the private tourism sector to achieve the goals proposed with this industry in economic aspects and sustainable social development

    Depression in the elderly: A study in three cities of Colombia

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    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Times} Objective: To explore the demographic, health and functional factors associated with depression in the elderly in three cities from Colombia: Medellin, Barranquilla and Pasto.Materials and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study. The study population corresponded to a probabilistic sample of 1514 adult whose age is 60 years or over. A sample was selected by a probabilistic sampling, in two-stage, and conglomerate, according to the geographical and administrative distribution of each city.Results: The results support that the city of Pasto presents the highest number of elderly people with depression; conditions such as low educational level (PR = 4.11), hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism (PR = 3.43), and dependence on activities of daily living such as using the telephone (PR = 3.80) increase the prevalence of the disease.Conclusion: Depression is present in an important part of the population of older adults and is associated with conditions not only of health but also demographic and functional capacity. It is necessary to address these components from the public health that promotes the prevention of this condition if you want to contribute to the goals of active, satisfactory and healthy aging in Colombia and a better quality of life for this populatio

    Optimization of parameters for the dissolution of Mn from manganese nodules with the use of tailings in an acid medium

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    Manganese nodules are an attractive source of base metals and critical and rare elements and are required to meet a high demand of today’s industry. In previous studies, it has been shown that high concentrations of reducing agent (Fe) in the system are beneficial for the rapid extraction of manganese. However, it is necessary to optimize the operational parameters in order to maximize Mn recovery. In this study, a statistical analysis was carried out using factorial experimental design for the main parameters, including time, MnO2/Fe2O3 ratio, and H2SO4 concentration. After this, Mn recovery tests were carried out over time at di_erent ratios of MnO2/Fe2O3 and H2SO4 concentrations, where the potential and pH of the system were measured. Finally, it is concluded that high concentrations of FeSO4 in the system allow operating in potential and pH ranges (0.2 to 1.2 V and 1.8 to 0.1) that favor the formation of Fe2+ and Fe3+, which enable high extractions of Mn (73%) in short periods of time (5 to 20 min) operating with an optimum MnO2/Fe2O3 ratio of 1:3 and a concentration of 0.1 mol/L of H2SO4.The authors are grateful for the contribution of the Scientific Equipment Unit- MAINI of the Universidad Católica del Norte for aiding in generating data by automated electronic microscopy QEMSCAN®, and for facilitating the chemical analysis of the solutions. We are also grateful to the Altonorte Mining Company for supporting this research and providing slag for this study, and we thank Marina Vargas Aleuy, María Barraza Bustos and Carolina Ossandón Cortés of the Universidad Católica del Norte for supporting the experimental tests

    The Case for a Misaligned Relativistic Jet from SN 2001em

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    SN 2001em, identified as a Type Ic supernova, has recently been detected in the radio and X-rays, \gtrsim 2 yr after the explosion. The high luminosities at such late times might arise from a relativistic jet viewed substantially off-axis that becomes visible only when it turns mildly relativistic and its emission is no longer strongly beamed away from us. Alternatively, the emission might originate from the interaction of the SN shell with the circumstellar medium. We find that the latter scenario is hard to reconcile with the observed rapid rise in the radio flux and optically thin spectrum, Fνν0.36±0.16t1.9±0.4F_\nu\propto\nu^{-0.36\pm 0.16}t^{1.9\pm 0.4}, while these features arise naturally from a misaligned relativistic jet. The high X-ray luminosity provides an independent and more robust constraint -- it requires 1051\sim 10^{51} erg in mildly relativistic ejecta. The source should therefore currently have a large angular size (\sim 2 mas) which could be resolved in the radio with VLBA. It is also expected to be bipolar and is thus likely to exhibit a large degree of linear polarization (10\sim 10%-20%). The presence of a relativistic outflow in SN 2001em would have interesting implications. It would suggest that several percent of SNe Ib/c produce mildly relativistic jets, with an initial Lorentz factor Γ02\Gamma_0\gtrsim 2, while the fraction that produce GRB jets (with Γ0100\Gamma_0\gtrsim 100) is 100\sim 100 times smaller. This could considerably increase the expected number of transients similar to orphan GRB afterglows in the radio, and to a lesser extent in the optical and X-rays, if there is a continuous distribution in Γ0\Gamma_0. Furthermore, this may give further credence to the idea that core collapse SNe, and in particular SNe Type Ib/c, are triggered by bipolar jets.Comment: recent X-ray detection of SN 2001em by Chandra strengthens our conclusion

    The Influence of Family Upbringing on the Facial Inference Process

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    This study examined personality trait inferences on the basis of facial expressions by showing participants multiple photographs of either one young female face or one young male face, exhibiting three distinct facial expressions. Participants from two parent homes were asked to indicate which parent was more nurturing, and which parent enacted more disciplinary measures. Results demonstrated that responses to these two questions influenced participant trait responses to the angry and sad facial expressions. Results were discussed in terms of overall environmental influence on the inference causal attribution process

    Matemáticas verdes: geometría analítica y sustentabilidad

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    El aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) involucra a los alumnos en problemas reales a los cuales deben de darles una solución, desarrollando, aplicando y fortaleciendo habilidades y conocimientos. El presente trabajo es un ejemplo de aplicación del ABP, el cual tuvo un enfoque social, con el objetivo de fortalecer la conciencia ambiental y aplicando conceptos de geometría analítica. Se le formuló al alumnado las siguientes preguntas ¿Qué relación encuentras entre la crisis alimentaria y el cambio climático? ¿Qué relación encuentras entre la agricultura urbana y las matemáticas? Se realizaron investigaciones y se desarrollaron cultivos hidropónicos que fueron diseñados en el software de GEOGEBRA, tomando como un factor crítico la inclinación con la cuál debían de construirse los cultivos. Se germinaron diversas semillas, se recolectaron y analizaron datos, se ajustaron los cálculos de construcción, y para hacer mayor énfasis en la importancia de las pendientes se realizaron tornillos de Arquímedes para recircular el agua. Los resultados fueron sorprendentes, ya que los alumnos no sólo vivieron las matemáticas y las aplicaron para resolver el problema de cultivos urbanos, si no que se incrementó en un 60% el aprendizaje significativo de los temas abordados en geometría analítica al aplicar el ABP