8 research outputs found

    Influence of Rate Policy, Advertising, and Service Process Toward the Loyalty Postpaid Customer Telkom Flexi (a Study in Plasa Telkom Regional Office Bandung Telecommunications)

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    Until 2006 Telkom customer growth has steadily increased. However, customer of Flexi Classy—a post-pay Telkom product, has decreased as to compare with other product of the firm such as XL, Satelindo, and Telkomsel. The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of tariff policy, advertisement, and service process on Flexi Classy customer loyalty. Data were gathered from 80 respondents, who were randomly selected, using a tested questionnaire (i.e., validity and reliability). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to analyze the data. It was found that tariff policy, advertisement, and service process were well appreciated by respondents. In addition, it was also found that these variables significantly affect customer loyalty

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Tarif, Iklan, dan Proses Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Telkom Flexi Pasca Bayar (suatu Studi pada Plasa Telkom Kantor Daerah Telekomunikasi Bandung)

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    Sampai dengan tahun 2006 jumlah pelanggan TELKOM pertumbuhannya terus meningkat, namun khusus pada produk Telkom Flexi Classy (pasca bayar) memiliki pangsa pasar yang relatif masih rendah dibandingkan jasa telekomunikasi lainnya, seperti XL, Satelindo, dan Telkomsel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh kebijakan tarif, iklan, dan proses pelayanan pada Telkom Flexi pasca bayar terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Telkom Flexi Classy. Sampel diambil sebanyak 80 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan tarif, iklan, dan proses pelayanan ditanggapi positif oleh pelanggan Telkom Flexi Pascabayar. Kebijakan tarif, iklan, dan proses berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Telkom Flexi Pascabayar

    Aplikasi 6 Sigma Dalam Menurunkan Malfunction Defect Di Pengetesan Elektrikal (Ac Transient Test) Pada Tahapan Pengembangan Produk Blu-ray Disc Player (Studi Kasus Di Perusahaan Manufaktur Elektronik)

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    . The research helds inelectrical product manufacturing company, focus of theproduct is Blu-ray Disc Player. The dominant problem caused by electrical test at the productdevelopment process is Malfunction at AC Transient test where contribution is 83% fromtotal electrical problem. Main objectives of this research are to determine the vital factors andprovide optimal solution to reduce/elimate these problem at development stage. The problemsolving methodology using Six Sigma DMAIC and DOE .The analysis indicated that linefilter value and spark gap distance in the PCB SMPS are vital factors that influence themalfunction defective as AC Transient test result. The design of experiment (DOE) techniqueuse to define the optimum values of vital factor‟s needed to reduce/eliminate the defect. As aresult, a reduction of malfunction defective at AC Transient test was achieved, from 125000ppm to 0 ppm and thus improve its Sigma level from 2.65 to 6

    Strategi Pemasaran Produk VSAT Kuband pada Layanan Internet dengan Pendekatan Analisa Five Porters dan Fuzzy SWOT

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    Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisa posisi produk Kuband VSATpada pasar internet di Indonesia dengan menggunakan analisa FivePorters dan untuk menentukan pilihan strategi pengembanganpemasaran produk VSAT Kuband dengan menggunakan analisa FuzzySWOT. Obyek penelitian dilakukan pada PT. X di Indonesia denganmenggunakan data kuesioner dari tujuh responden yang memilikikompetensi di bidang VSAT Kuband. Hasil analisa menggunakan FivePorters menerangkan bahwa peluang produk VSAT Kuband cukupkompetitif dengan nilai Middle. Untuk hambatan faktor eksternalterbesar adalah ancaman dari pesaing (83%) dan ancaman produksubstitusi (57%). Hasil analisia Fuzzy SWOT menempatkan koordinatmatriks SWOT dalam posisi Threats Weakness (-0,64, -1,05) untukkondisi Pesimis, dalam posisi Strength Opportunity (1,74, 1,73) untukkondisi Kemungkinan dan dalam posisi Strength Opportunity (2,97,3,08) untuk kondisi optimis. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa produkVSAT Kuband berada dalam kuadran Strength Opportunity (SO). Olehkarena itu strategi pemasaran yang agresif dengan menggunakanKekuatan untuk memanfaatkan Peluang yang ada dapat diterapkan

    The Effect of Quality Product, Brand Image, and Price Towards A Purchase Decision of J.Co Donuts & Coffee in Tangerang

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    The development of the business world today is very Fast, making business people have to compete with each other to attract consumers. One promising business is a business in the food sector such as donuts. Donuts are a type of food that is popular in Indonesian society. At present there are many donut outlets that stand in the center of the crowd. One of them is J.CO Donuts & Coffee in Tangerang which is the donut and coffee shop with the most consumers. With friendly prices and the brand image owned by J.CO Donuts & Coffee, consumers do not hesitate to buy their products.This study aims to determine the quality of the product, brand image and price of J.CO Donuts & Coffee purchasing decisions. The data used are primary data derived from questionnaires distributed online. Sampling using accidental sampling method with a sample size of 100 people. With the analysis technique used to analyze the influence of the variables in this study is to use the validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using SPSS version 20. The result of this study is that there is a partial influence between variables of product quality, brand image and price on purchasing decisions. And the variables of product quality, brand image and price simultaneously influence purchasing decisions

    The Influence of Physical Evidence, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy to the Consumer Satisfaction of the Kfc Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi

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    The growing number of Fast-food restaurants, which allow businesses to compete with one another to meet their business goals and to provide good quality services so that they can provide individual satisfaction for their consumers. The study was intended to identify the effects of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy to the consumer satisfaction of the KFC Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi.The analysis tools used in this study are validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollity test, linear regression test, t-test (partial trials), f-test (simultaneous tests) and coefficiencies tests using version SPSS22. The data used is primary data collected through the questionnaires' method of disseminating the 100 consumer KFC Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi.Research suggests that partial evidence, reliability responsiveness can significantly affect consumer satisfaction while partial assurance and empathy do not significantly affect consumer satisfaction. And simultaneously physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy affect significantly the consumer satisfaction of the KFC Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi