12,033 research outputs found

    Dynamics of coherences in the interacting double-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer: Exact numerical simulations

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    We study the real time dynamics of electron coherence in a double quantum dot two-terminal Aharonov-Bohm geometry, taking into account repulsion effects between the dots' electrons. The system is simulated by extending a numerically exact path integral method, suitable for treating transport and dissipation in biased impurity models [Phys. Rev. B 82, 205323 (2010)]. Numerical simulations at finite interaction strength are supported by master equation calculations in two other limits: assuming non-interacting electrons, and working in the Coulomb blockade regime. Focusing on the intrinsic coherence dynamics between the double-dot states, we find that its temporal characteristics are preserved under weak-to-intermediate inter-dot Coulomb interaction. In contrast, in the Coulomb blockade limit, a master equation calculation predicts coherence dynamics and a steady-state value which notably deviate from the finite interaction case

    Asymmetric field dependence of magnetoresistance in magnetic films

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    We study an asymmetric in field magnetoresistance that is frequently observed in magnetic films and, in particular, the odd longitudinal voltage peaks that appear during magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic films, with out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy. We argue that the anomalous signals result from small variation of magnetization and Hall resistivity along the sample. Experimental data can be well described by a simple circuit model, the latter being supported by analytic and numerical calculations of current and electric field distribution in films with a gradual variation of the magnetization and Hall resistance.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Liver Adiposity and Metabolic Profile in Individuals with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Purpose. To quantify liver adiposity using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to determine its association with metabolic profile in men with spinal cord injury (SCI). Materials and Methods. MRI analysis of liver adiposity by fat signal fraction (FSF) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) was completed on twenty participants. Intravenous glucose tolerance test was conducted to measure glucose effectiveness (g) and insulin sensitivity (i ). Lipid panel, fasting glucose, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), and inflammatory cytokines were also analyzed. Results. Average hepatic FSF was 3.7% ± 2.1. FSF was positively related to TG, non-HDL-C, fasting glucose, HbA1c, VAT, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-). FSF was negatively related to i and testosterone. FSF was positively related to VAT ( = 0.48, = 0.032) and TNF- ( = 0.51, = 0.016) independent of age, level of injury (LOI), and time since injury (TSI). The associations between FSF and metabolic profile were independent of VAT. Conclusions. MRI noninvasively estimated hepatic adiposity in men with chronic SCI. FSF was associated with dysfunction in metabolic profile, central adiposity, and inflammation. Importantly, liver adiposity influenced metabolic profile independently of VAT. These findings highlight the significance of quantifying liver adiposity after SCI to attenuate the development of metabolic disorders

    Coherent states and the quantization of 1+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory

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    This paper discusses the canonical quantization of 1+1-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on a spacetime cylinder, from the point of view of coherent states, or equivalently, the Segal-Bargmann transform. Before gauge symmetry is imposed, the coherent states are simply ordinary coherent states labeled by points in an infinite-dimensional linear phase space. Gauge symmetry is imposed by projecting the original coherent states onto the gauge-invariant subspace, using a suitable regularization procedure. We obtain in this way a new family of "reduced" coherent states labeled by points in the reduced phase space, which in this case is simply the cotangent bundle of the structure group K. The main result explained here, obtained originally in a joint work of the author with B. Driver, is this: The reduced coherent states are precisely those associated to the generalized Segal-Bargmann transform for K, as introduced by the author from a different point of view. This result agrees with that of K. Wren, who uses a different method of implementing the gauge symmetry. The coherent states also provide a rigorous way of making sense out of the quantum Hamiltonian for the unreduced system. Various related issues are discussed, including the complex structure on the reduced phase space and the question of whether quantization commutes with reduction

    QED in external fields from the spin representation

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    Systematic use of the infinite-dimensional spin representation simplifies and rigorizes several questions in Quantum Field Theory. This representation permutes ``Gaussian'' elements in the fermion Fock space, and is necessarily projective: we compute its cocycle at the group level, and obtain Schwinger terms and anomalies from infinitesimal versions of this cocycle. Quantization, in this framework, depends on the choice of the ``right'' complex structure on the space of solutions of the Dirac equation. We show how the spin representation allows one to compute exactly the S-matrix for fermions in an external field; the cocycle yields a causality condition needed to determine the phase.Comment: 32 pages, Plain TeX, UCR-FM-01-9

    Dutch Book Arguments and Subjective Probability

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    Preferences Over Solutions to the Bargaining Problem

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    There are several solutions to the Nash bargaining problem in the literature. Since various authors have expressed preferences for one solution over another, we find it useful to study preferences over solutions in their own right. We identify a set of appealing axioms on such preferences that lead to unanimity in the choice of solution, which turns out to be the solution of Nash

    Preferences Over Solution to the Bargaining Problem

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    There are several solutions to the Nash bargaining problem in the literature. Since various authors have expressed preferences for one solution over another, we find it useful to study preferences over solutions in their own right. We identify two sets of appealing axioms on such preferences that lead to unanimity in the choice of solution. Thus bargainers may be able to reach agreement on which solution to employ. Under the first set of axioms, the Nash solution is preferred to any other solution, while under the second set, a new solution, which we call the weighted linear solution, is best

    Confinement effects in a guided-wave interferometer with millimeter-scale arm separation

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    Guided-wave atom interferometers measure interference effects using atoms held in a confining potential. In one common implementation, the confinement is primarily two-dimensional, and the atoms move along the nearly free dimension under the influence of an off-resonant standing wave laser beam. In this configuration, residual confinement along the nominally free axis can introduce a phase gradient to the atoms that limits the arm separation of the interferometer. We experimentally investigate this effect in detail, and show that it can be alleviated by having the atoms undergo a more symmetric motion in the guide. This can be achieved by either using additional laser pulses or by allowing the atoms to freely oscillate in the potential. Using these techniques, we demonstrate interferometer measurement times up to 72 ms and arm separations up to 0.42 mm with a well controlled phase, or times of 0.91 s and separations of 1.7 mm with an uncontrolled phase.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure