3 research outputs found
Mımo Ağlarında Uzamsal Kipleme ve Anten Seçimi Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması
An emerging concept in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless communicationsis spatial modulation (SM), where only a single transmit antenna among many transmitantennas is utilized for transmission. Compared to full MIMO where all transmitantennas are active concurrently, SM enjoys reduced signal processing complexity atthe receiver, requires no synchronization among the transmit antennas, requires onlya single radio frequency circuit chain at the transmitter, and only a single power amplifierat the transmitter, which consume majority of the transmit power, and are powerinefficient due to linearity constraints. Another approach which enjoys these benefits isantenna selection (AS), where the transmit antenna is chosen based on the forwardchannel state. AS does not have the multiplexing gain of SM since the antenna indexdoes not convey any information, whereas it has been observed that SM cannot exploitthe transmit diversity.Uzamsal kipleme, MIMO kablosuz haberleşmede gelişmekte olan bir kavramdır. Buradabirçok verici anten arasından sadece bir verici anten gönderme için belirlenir. Bütünverici antenlerin eşzamanlı olarak etkin olduğu tam MIMO ile karşılaştırıldığında;uzamsal kipleme alıcıda indirgenmiş sinyal işleme karmaşıklığından faydalanır, vericiantenler arasında eşzamanlamaya gerek duymaz, vericide tek bir radyo frekansı devrezinciri gerektirir ve vericide doğrusallık kısıtlamalarından dolayı güç verimsiz olan güçyükselteçlerinden, verici gücünün büyük çoğunluğunu harcayan tek bir tanesini kullanmayıgerektirir. Bu avantajlardan faydalanan bir diğer yaklaşım ise ileri yönde kanaldurumuna dayanarak tek bir verici anteninin seçildiği anten seçimi yöntemidir. Antenseçimi, anten indeksi herhangi bir bilgi taşımadığından uzamsal kiplemenin çoklama kazancına sahip değildir; uzamsal kiplemenin de verici çeşitliliğinden faydalanamadığı gözlenmiştir
Energy efficient transmit-receive hybrid spatial modulation for large-scale MIMO systems
© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We consider a point to point large-scale multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) system operating in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band and an outdoor scenario. Novel transmit and receive spatial modulation (SM) schemes are proposed for uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) data transmission phases based on a novel energy efficient hybrid user terminal architecture. The analog circuitry of the proposed hybrid architecture is divided into two stages: phase shifters and analog switches. The phase shifting stage assures high gain and overcomes the severe path-loss caused by outdoor mmWave propagation. The analog switching stage smartly allocates the antennas to be used at the phase shifting stage and combats the spatial correlation. We provide the analysis of the spectral efficiency (SE) of the UL and DL systems. Next, we propose a reduced complexity algorithm that jointly optimizes the analog beamformer and combiner design of the UL and DL circuitry to maximize the energy efficiency (EE). Finally, we compare and evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of the SE and EE assuming both stochastic and realistic channel models.The research leading to these results has been funded by the EuropeanUnion’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the MarieSklodowzka-Curie grant agreement No. 641985, the project 5G&B RUNNER-UPC (TEC2016-77148-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)) and the Catalan Govern-ment (2017 SGR 578 - AGAUR).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Coming in handy: CeTI-Age — A comprehensive database of kinematic hand movements across the lifespan
Abstract The Tactile Internet aims to advance human-human and human-machine interactions that also utilize hand movements in real, digitized, and remote environments. Attention to elderly generations is necessary to make the Tactile Internet age inclusive. We present the first age-representative kinematic database consisting of various hand gesturing and grasping movements at individualized paces, thus capturing naturalistic movements. We make this comprehensive database of kinematic hand movements across the adult lifespan (CeTI-Age-Kinematic-Hand) publicly available to facilitate a deeper understanding of intra-individual–focusing especially on age-related differences–and inter-individual variability in hand kinematics. The core of the database contains participants’ hand kinematics recorded with wearable resistive bend sensors, individual static 3D hand models, and all instructional videos used during the data acquisition. Sixty-three participants ranging from age 20 to 80 years performed six repetitions of 40 different naturalistic hand movements at individual paces. This unique database with data recorded from an adult lifespan sample can be used to advance machine-learning approaches in hand kinematic modeling and movement prediction for age-inclusive applications