6 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and treatment in cystic neoplasms of the pancreas: Analysis of 12 cases and review of the literature

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    Objectives: Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas (CNP)accounts for only 1-5% of all pancreatic neoplasms but inrecent years approximately 30% of all pancreatic resectionsare performed for CNP. In this study we aimed toargue diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of the patientswhom operated in our clinic for CNP.Materials and methods: The demographic characteristics,preoperative findings, surgical procedures, histopathologicaldiagnosis, postoperative complications andlong term follow-up outcomes of the CNP patients operatedin our clinic between 2009 -Jan and 2012-Feb wereevaluated.Results: One patient was male,11 patients were femaleand mean age was 51,5 years (19-73 years).Localizationsof the lesions were in the head of pancreas for 4 patients,in the body for 2 patients and in tail for 6 patients.Mean size of the cysts was 5.1 cm (3-10 cm).Pylorus-reservedpancreaticoduodenectomy for 4 patients, subtotal/distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy for 7 patients andspleen reserved distal pancreatectomy was performedfor 1 patient. Histopathological diagnosis was reportedas serous cystadenoma in 6, mucinous cystadenoma in3, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma in 2 and pseudocystin 1 patient respectively. Postoperative complication ratewas 33%. Mean follow-up time was 18.4 months (2-38months).Conclusions: Management should be based upon oncarefully weighting the malignant potential of a pancreaticcystic lesions and the risk of surgery.Key words: Pancreas, cystic neoplasm, resectio

    Unusual Presentations of Actinomycosis; Anterior Abdominal Wall and Appendix: Report of Three Cases

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    Background: Primary actinomycosis of the anterior abdominal wall and appendix are very rare clinical entities. An accurate diagnosis is generally obtained by histological examination, and treatment often requires surgical resection. Case Report: In this study we presented two cases of primary actinomycosis involving the anterior abdominal wall and a third one located in the appendix. Conclusion: Actinomyces Israelii can involve all anatomic structures of the abdomen. Although preoperative diagnosis is difficult, the combination of surgery and antibiotic treatment results in complete treatment in the majority of cases

    Comparison of intracorporeal knotting and endoloop for stump closure in laparoscopic appendectomy

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    BACKGROUND: Several appendiceal stump closure tecniques such as intracorporoeal-knotting, endoloop, stapler and clips are used during laparoscopic appendectomy. This study aimed to compare intracorporoeal-knotting and endoloop tecniques used to close appendiceal stump in laparoscopic appendectomy.METHODS: This study included patients who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy with preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis in General Surgery Department of Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital between June 2009 and July 2013. The demographics, appendiceal stump closure tecniques, operation time, complications, and length of hospital stays of the patients were compared.RESULTS: A total of one hundred and twenty-six patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy (Female: 81, Male: 45). Intracorporeal-knotting (Group 1) was performed in sixty-five patients; whereas, endoloop (Group 2) was performed in sixty-one patients in order to close appendiceal stump. The operation time was longer in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (62.0±10.67 min., 56.80±11.94 min., p=0.01). The length of hospital stays were nonsignificant between the groups. Four patients were complicated by superficial surgical site infection in both groups.CONCLUSION: In the present study, the operation time was found to be longer for intracorporeal knotting tecnique compared to endoloop tecnique; however, there was no significant difference regarding the length of hospital stay and complications. Performing intracorporeal-knotting technique is suggested since it is cheaper than endoloops and it may also improve hand manipulations of the surgeons who intend to advanced laparoscopyBACKGROUND: Several appendiceal stump closure tecniques such as intracorporoeal-knotting, endoloop, stapler and clips are used during laparoscopic appendectomy. This study aimed to compare intracorporoeal-knotting and endoloop tecniques used to close appendiceal stump in laparoscopic appendectomy.METHODS: This study included patients who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy with preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis in General Surgery Department of Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital between June 2009 and July 2013. The demographics, appendiceal stump closure tecniques, operation time, complications, and length of hospital stays of the patients were compared.RESULTS: A total of one hundred and twenty-six patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy (Female: 81, Male: 45). Intracorporeal-knotting (Group 1) was performed in sixty-five patients; whereas, endoloop (Group 2) was performed in sixty-one patients in order to close appendiceal stump. The operation time was longer in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (62.0±10.67 min., 56.80±11.94 min., p=0.01). The length of hospital stays were nonsignificant between the groups. Four patients were complicated by superficial surgical site infection in both groups.CONCLUSION: In the present study, the operation time was found to be longer for intracorporeal knotting tecnique compared to endoloop tecnique; however, there was no significant difference regarding the length of hospital stay and complications. Performing intracorporeal-knotting technique is suggested since it is cheaper than endoloops and it may also improve hand manipulations of the surgeons who intend to advanced laparoscop

    A New Preoperative Categorization and Potential Preoperative Indicator for Cysto-Biliary Fistula in Hydatid Hepatic Disease

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    The objective of this study was to determine the risk for cysto-biliary fistula (CBF) and preoperative predictive factors in patients with hepatic hydatid disease (HHD) with high levels of hepatobiliary enzymes (HLE) alone. The risk of CBF and predictive factors in patients with HHD whose only sign of fistula was HLE is unknown. A total of 116 patients without clinical and radiologic signs who were operated for HHD were categorized into 2 groups: patients with and without HLE. The patients with HLE were defined as usual suspicious.'' The potential preoperatively predictive factors for CBF were retrospectively analyzed in this group. Our data included 18.1% of patients (n = 21) with CBF and 69.2% of patients (n = 81) with HLE. The usual suspicious group contained 24.7% of patients (n = 20) with CBF. The risk of CBF was 11-fold higher in the usual suspicious group (95% confidence interval, 1.4-86.7). The red cell distribution width (RDW) was higher in patients with CBF than in patients without CBF in the usual suspicious group (P = 0.006). The performance of the RDW, with a cutoff value of 13.75%, was found to be suboptimal for predicting CBF for patients in the usual suspicious group (area under the curve, 0.661; 95% confidence interval, 0.525-0.798). We defined a new preoperatively high-risk group with HLE alone; this definition can help to identify patients at risk for preoperatively undetectable CBF. The RDW was not found to be sufficient for the discrimination of usual suspicious group with CBF

    Laparoskopik appendektomide intrakorporal düğüm ve endoloop ile güdük kapama yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması]

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    BACKGROUND: Several appendiceal stump closure tecniques such as intracorporoeal-knotting, endoloop, stapler and clips are used during laparoscopic appendectomy. This study aimed to compare intracorporoeal-knotting and endoloop tecniques used to close appendiceal stump in laparoscopic appendectomy. METHODS: This study included patients who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy with preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis in General Surgery Department of Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital between June 2009 and July 2013. The demographics, appendiceal stump closure tecniques, operation time, complications, and length of hospital stays of the patients were compared. RESULTS: A total of one hundred and twenty-six patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy (Female: 81, Male: 45). Intracorporeal-knotting (Group 1) was performed in sixty-five patients; whereas, endoloop (Group 2) was performed in sixty-one patients in order to close appendiceal stump. The operation time was longer in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (62.0 +/- 10.67 min., 56.80 +/- 11.94 min., p=0.01). The length of hospital stays were nonsignificant between the groups. Four patients were complicated by superficial surgical site infection in both groups. CONCLUSION: In the present study, the operation time was found to be longer for intracorporeal knotting tecnique compared to endoloop tecnique; however, there was no significant difference regarding the length of hospital stay and complications. Performing intracorporeal-knotting technique is suggested since it is cheaper than endoloops and it may also improve hand manipulations of the surgeons who intend to advanced laparoscopy

    Toplum kökenli karıniçi sepsisli yoğun bakım hastalarında eritrosit dağılım genişliği değerlerinin mortalite tahminindeki öngörü değer

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    AMAÇ: Eritrosit dağılım genişliği (EDG) değeri tam kan sayımının bir parçası olup dolaşımdaki kırmızı kan hücrelerinin dağılımının değişkenliğinin kantitatif bir ölçümüdür. EDG düzeyinin yüksek olması birçok hastalıkta mortalite ile ilişkili olduğu gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışmada yoğun bakımda toplum kökenli intrabdominal sepsis nedeni ile takip ve tedavi edilen hastaların EDG değerleri ile hastane mortalitesi arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: 2010 Ocak-2013 Mart tarihleri arasında toplum kökenli karıniçi sepsis nedeni ile yoğun bakıma yatan hastaların demografik özellikleri, ek hastalıkları, laboratuvar verileri ve APACHE-II skorları geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Çalışmaya 55'i erkek, 48'i kadın olmak üzere toplam 103 hasta alındı. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 64.4±14 (SS), mortalite oranı ise %50.5 idi. Mortalite olan hastaların yoğun bakıma yatış anındaki ortalama EDG (EDG1) değeri ve APACHE-II skorları mortalite olmayan hastalardan daha yüksek idi. Lojistik regresyon analizinde sadece APACHE-II skoru ve EDG1 değerlerinin istatistiksel olarak mortaliteyi etkilediği saptandı. ROC analizinde eğri altında kalan alan EDG1 için 0.867 (Güven aralığı: 0.791-0.942) olarak, APACHE-II için ise 0.943 (Güven aralığı: %95, 0.902-0.984) olarak saptandı. TARTIŞMA: Bu çalışmada artmış EDG değerlerinin toplum kökenli karıniçi sepsisli yoğun bakım hastalarında mortalite ile ilişkili olduğu saptanmıştır.BACKGROUND: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a part of the complete blood count (CBC) panel reflecting quantitative measure of variability in the size of circulating red blood cells. It has been known that higher RDW is associated with increased mortality in several diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between RDW and hospital mortality in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with community-acquired intra-abdominal sepsis (C-IAS).METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the patients with C-IAS was performed between January 1, 2010 and March 31, 2013. Patients' demographics, co-morbidities, laboratory measures including RDW on admission to the ICU, and Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score were analyzed.RESULTS: A total of one hundred and three patients with C-IAS were included into the study with a mean age of 64±14 years. Overall mortality was 50.5%. RDW day 1 (RDW1) values and APACHE II scores were significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. In multivariate analysis, only RDW1 and APACHE II predicted mortality. The area under the receiver operating curves (AUC) of RDW1 and APACHE II were 0.867 (95% CI, 0.791-0.942) and 0.943 (95% CI, 0.902-0.984), respectively.CONCLUSION: This study suggests that increased RDW is associated with mortality in ICU patients with C-IA