1 research outputs found

    Ameliorative Influence of Dietary Fenugreek (<i>Trigonella foenum-graecum</i>) Seeds and Onion (<i>Allium cepa</i>) on Eye Lens Abnormalities via Modulation of Crystallin Proteins and Polyol Pathway in Experimental Diabetes

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    <p><i>Purpose and Methods</i>: Hyperglycemia-induced osmotic and oxidative stress is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes-related secondary complications including cataract. In continuation of our previous observation of the ameliorative influence of these spices on hyperglycemia, attendant metabolic abnormalities, and oxidative stress in tissues of diabetic rats, the beneficial influence of dietary (10%) fenugreek seeds, (3%) onion, or their combination was investigated on diabetes-induced alteration in the eye lens of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.</p> <p><i>Results</i>: Animals maintained on these spices showed significantly countered oxidative stress markers (reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyl), advanced glycation end products, and expression of their receptor in the eye lens. Increased activity of polyol pathway enzymes, their protein, and mRNA expression was significantly countered in the cataractogenic lens as a result of these dietary interventions. Altered crystallin (αA and αB) distribution profile, their expression, activity of carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes, and antioxidant status were significantly annulled by these dietary treatments. Physical and visual observation of the photomicrographs of the lenses of treated rats indicated that these dietary interventions delayed cataractogenesis in diabetic rats.</p> <p><i>Conclusions</i>: Overall, the present investigation evidenced a beneficial modulation of the progression of cataractogenesis by dietary fenugreek seeds and onion, implicating their potential in ameliorating cataract in diabetics.</p