1 research outputs found

    Changes of physical properties of PLA-based blends during early stage of biodegradation in compost

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    Three biodegradable plastics materials, namely pure poly(L-lactide) (PLA), PLA with plasticizer triacetine (TAC) and the mixture PLA/polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and TAC were investigated concerning changes of physical properties due to biodegradation in compost at 58 °C up to 16 days. With rising time of degradation in compost, both number and weight molecular masses were decreasing progressively, but only marginal change of the polydispersity index was observed which indicates that biodegradation is not random process. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that in spite of the extensive decrease of molecular weight, no substantial change in chemical composition was found. The most significant modification of the spectra consisted in an appearing of the broad band in region 3100–3300 cm−1, which was assigned to a formation of biofilm on the sample surfaces. This effect appeared for all three materials, however, it was much more pronounced for samples containing also triacetine. Measurement of changes in crystalline portion confirmed that amorphous phase degrades substantially faster compared to crystalline part. The plasticizer triacetine is disappearing also rather fast from the sample resulting besides other effect also in a temporary increase of Tg, which at the beginning grows almost to the value typical for PLA without plasticizer but later the Tg is decreasing due to substantial changes in molecular weight. Generally during composting, the samples keep shape for up to 8 days, after that time the material disintegrates to rough powder. © 2018 Elsevier B.V.1/0122/15, SAV, Slovenská Akadémia Vied; APVV 0301-14, APVV, Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja; APVV 0741-15, APVV, Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja; VEGA 2/0108/14, SAV, Slovenská Akadémia ViedSlovak Research and Development [APVV 0301-14, APVV 0741-15]; Slovak Republic Government Education Department; Slovak Academy of Sciences VEGA [2/0108/14, 1/0122/15