43 research outputs found

    Active Inference on the Edge: A Design Study

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    Machine Learning (ML) is a common tool to interpret and predict the behavior of distributed computing systems, e.g., to optimize the task distribution between devices. As more and more data is created by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data processing and ML training are carried out by edge devices in close proximity. To ensure Quality of Service (QoS) throughout these operations, systems are supervised and dynamically adapted with the help of ML. However, as long as ML models are not retrained, they fail to capture gradual shifts in the variable distribution, leading to an inaccurate view of the system state. Moreover, as the prediction accuracy decreases, the reporting device should actively resolve uncertainties to improve the model's precision. Such a level of self-determination could be provided by Active Inference (ACI) -- a concept from neuroscience that describes how the brain constantly predicts and evaluates sensory information to decrease long-term surprise. We encompassed these concepts in a single action-perception cycle, which we implemented for distributed agents in a smart manufacturing use case. As a result, we showed how our ACI agent was able to quickly and traceably solve an optimization problem while fulfilling QoS requirements

    Designing Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems with Markov Blankets

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    Compute Continuum (CC) systems comprise a vast number of devices distributed over computational tiers. Evaluating business requirements, i.e., Service Level Objectives (SLOs), requires collecting data from all those devices; if SLOs are violated, devices must be reconfigured to ensure correct operation. If done centrally, this dramatically increases the number of devices and variables that must be considered, while creating an enormous communication overhead. To address this, we (1) introduce a causality filter based on Markov blankets (MB) that limits the number of variables that each device must track, (2) evaluate SLOs decentralized on a device basis, and (3) infer optimal device configuration for fulfilling SLOs. We evaluated our methodology by analyzing video stream transformations and providing device configurations that ensure the Quality of Service (QoS). The devices thus perceived their environment and acted accordingly -- a form of decentralized intelligence

    Equilibrium in the Computing Continuum through Active Inference

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    Computing Continuum (CC) systems are challenged to ensure the intricate requirements of each computational tier. Given the system's scale, the Service Level Objectives (SLOs) which are expressed as these requirements, must be broken down into smaller parts that can be decentralized. We present our framework for collaborative edge intelligence enabling individual edge devices to (1) develop a causal understanding of how to enforce their SLOs, and (2) transfer knowledge to speed up the onboarding of heterogeneous devices. Through collaboration, they (3) increase the scope of SLO fulfillment. We implemented the framework and evaluated a use case in which a CC system is responsible for ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) during video streaming. Our results showed that edge devices required only ten training rounds to ensure four SLOs; furthermore, the underlying causal structures were also rationally explainable. The addition of new types of devices can be done a posteriori, the framework allowed them to reuse existing models, even though the device type had been unknown. Finally, rebalancing the load within a device cluster allowed individual edge devices to recover their SLO compliance after a network failure from 22% to 89%

    Design and R&D for the DEMO Toroidal Field Coils Based on Nb3Sn React and Wind Method

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    In 2013, the Swiss Plasma Center proposed a Toroidal Field (TF) layout for the DEMO-EUROfusion tokamak, based on a graded winding made of layers of Nb3Sn (react&wind) and NbTi conductors. The R&D effort led in 2015 to a full size prototype conductor tested up to 82.4 kA at 12.35 T. The test continued in 2016 and new results are presented. In summer 2015 a new reference baseline was issued for the DEMO-EUROfusion tokamak, leading to an update of the TF requirements. The design update is presented in this paper, with the winding pack consisting of 12 single layers of Nb3Sn with "invisible" (no protrusion) inter-layer joints. The high grade Nb3Sn react&wind conductor operates at 63.3 kA, 12.23 T with T-cs > 6.5 K. A new prototype conductor is being manufactured. The main advantages of the graded approach, applied to both the superconductor and the stainless s teel conduit, are a substantial space and cost saving compared to the wind&react approach with pancake winding


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    The use of multi-criteria decision-making methods can contribute to finding the most rational solution more easily and efficiently. The purpose of the research is to investigate the applicability of the PROMETHEE and TOPSIS methods at the level of family farms and their comparative analysis in the case of the purchase of agricultural mechanization. Both methods start from a set of criteria established based on the subjective expectations of 48 farmers (decision makers) who were asked to choose the decision criteria. Then, mathematical models are used to determine the most suitable choice for the farm. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that applying both methods in parallel leads to similar outcomes. Although decision support systems can be instrumental in making the right decisions, their usage is still not widely adopted in family farms due to the challenges of introducing new solutions in a production setting

    High current superconductors for DEMO

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    In the assumption that DEMO will be an inductively driven tokamak, the number of load cycles will be in the range of several hundred thousands. The requirements for a new generation of Nb3Sn based high current conductors for DEMO are drafted starting from the output of system code PROCESS. The key objectives include the stability of the DC performance over the lifetime of the machine and the effective use of the Nb3Sn strand properties, for cost and reliability reasons. A preliminary layout of the winding pack and conductors for the toroidal field magnets is presented. To suppress the mechanism of reversible and irreversible degradation, i.e. to preserve in the cabled conductor the high critical current density of the strand, the thermal strain must be insignificant and no space for micro-bending under transverse load must be left in the strand bundle. The "react-and-wind" method is preferred here, with a graded, layer wound magnet, containing both Nb3Sn and NbTi layers. The implications of the conductor choice on the coil design and technology are highlighted. A roadmap is sketched for the development of a full size prototype conductor sample and demonstration of the key technologies. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    SULTAN test facility: Summary of recent results

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    The test campaigns of the ITER conductors in the SULTAN test facility re-started in December 2011 after three months break. The main focus of the activities is about the qualification tests of the Central Solenoid (CS) conductors, with three different samples for a total six variations of strand suppliers and cable layouts. In 2012, five Toroidal Field (TF) conductor samples have also been tested as part of the supplier and process qualification phase of the European, Korean, Chinese and Russian Federation Agencies. A summary of the test results for all the ITER samples tested in the last period is presented, including an updated statistics of the broad transition, the performance degradation and the impact of layout variations. The role of SULTAN test facility during the ITER construction is reviewed, and the load of work for the next three years is anticipated. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Inter-Layer Joint of Nb3Sn React&Wind Cables for Fusion Magnets

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    The Swiss Plasma Center (SPC) has developed a layout of Toroidal Field (TF) coil for EUROfusion DEMO tokamak, based on the reference tokamak baseline of 2015. Each TF coil winding pack is wound with graded Nb3Sn conductors and consists of 12 single layers, connected in series by means of inter-layer graded joints. The design of inter-layer joints takes into account the react-and-wind(R&W) manufacturing technique for fabrication of TF coil winding pack, i.e., the inter-layer joint is prepared with use of two already heat treated Nb3Sn conductors. The development, preparation and test of inter-layer joint at SPC is performed in frame of R&D program for TF coil of EUROfusion DEMO tokamak. The high-grade Nb3Sn TF conductor, operating at 63.3 kA and 12.2 T (T-cs > 6.5 K) was tested at SPC, and afterwards was used for fabrication of inter-layer joint. The developed TF inter-layer joint is an "overlap-type" joint, which can be fit within the dimensions of TF winding pack. Each end of two conductors is copper cladded by a thermal-spraying technique and then bonded together along the surfaces of cladded copper with use of a high-frequency inductor. This paper describes the design of inter-layer joint, process of joint fabrication and test results obtained at SPC at the SULTAN test facility

    AC Loss Measurement of the DEMO TF React&Wind Conductor Prototype No. 2

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    The EUROfusion DEMO is being designed as the fusion machine to be built after ITER. During the preconceptual phase, several design options are investigated by theoretical analyses as well as tests on newly developed conductor prototypes. One design option for the toroidal field magnet (TF) and central solenoid (CS) is based on flat Nb3Sn forced-flow conductors made with react & wind technique. The usage of these conductors simplifies some steps in the conductor and coil manufacturing, and together with graded layer-winding allows approx. 50 & x0025; reduction of the required amount of Nb3Sn compared to ITER-like design based on wind-react-insulate pancake-winding. Two full-size prototype cables for DEMO TF coil were manufactured, jacketed and tested in several test campaigns in SULTAN test facility. The DC results for the second prototype, RW2, rated for 63 kA at 12.3 T, were presented and published in 2018. The AC loss data were collected over several test campaigns performed on various assemblies of RW2 at AC field parallel and perpendicular to the broad cable side. The measurements done at 4.5 K and 20 K allow us to decompose the AC loss contributions originating from the bundle of superconducting strands (hysteresis and coupling loss) and copper-matrix stabilizer located around the cable. The AC loss for sinusoidal and trapezoidal field variations are presented and discussed. The low AC loss of the flat cable makes the cable an attractive choice for the central solenoid operating in a pulse mode

    Statistics of Test Results for the ITER Nb3Sn and NbTi Conductors in the SULTAN Facility

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    The series production of Nb3Sn and NbTi cable-inconduit conductors (CICC) for the winding of various coils in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) magnet system is being completed in 2015. The tests of the ITER conductor samples are running in the SULTAN test facility in Villigen, Switzerland, in the scope of a framework contract, flanked by six bilateral agreements between IO and the Domestic Agencies (DAs) of China, EU, Korea, Japan, Russian Federation, and USA. The key acceptance parameter of the tests for the conductor samples made from the series production ITER CICCs is the current sharing temperature Tcs at the nominal operating field and current after applied electromagnetic cyclic loadings at the nominal field and sinusoidal swing of conductor current from zero to nominal one. The Tcs is defined as the maximum temperature at which the conductors operate (nominal current and field) before developing an electric field of 10 ÎĽV/m. This paper gathers the latest test results of the ITER series production CICC. The qualified conductor units will be used in the winding of the toroidal field and poloidal field coils, as well as the central solenoid. The test results for the series production conductors are compared with the results of the conductors tested at the early stages of their development. The performance variation among the suppliers and the performance evolution since the start of the conductor production are discussed as well