437 research outputs found
Heat Conduction and Entropy Production in a One-Dimensional Hard-Particle Gas
We present large scale simulations for a one-dimensional chain of hard-point
particles with alternating masses. We correct several claims in the recent
literature based on much smaller simulations. Both for boundary conditions with
two heat baths at different temperatures at both ends and from heat current
autocorrelations in equilibrium we find heat conductivities kappa to diverge
with the number N of particles. These depended very strongly on the mass
ratios, and extrapolation to N -> infty resp. t -> infty is difficult due to
very large finite-size and finite-time corrections. Nevertheless, our data seem
compatible with a universal power law kappa ~ N^alpha with alpha approx 0.33.
This suggests a relation to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model. We finally show that
the hard-point gas with periodic boundary conditions is not chaotic in the
usual sense and discuss why the system, when kept out of equilibrium, leads
nevertheless to energy dissipation and entropy production.Comment: 4 pages (incl. 5 figures), RevTe
The wave-vector power spectrum of the local tunnelling density of states: ripples in a d-wave sea
A weak scattering potential imposed on a layer of a cuprate
superconductor modulates the local density of states . In recently
reported experimental studies scanning-tunneling maps of have
been Fourier transformed to obtain a wave-vector power spectrum. Here, for the
case of a weak scattering potential, we discuss the structure of this power
spectrum and its relationship to the quasi-particle spectrum and the structure
factor of the scattering potential. Examples of quasi-particle interferences in
normal metals and - and d-wave superconductors are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures; enlarged discussion of the d-wave response, to
be published in Physical Review
A Search for Instantons at HERA
A search for QCD instanton (I) induced events in deep-inelastic scattering
(DIS) at HERA is presented in the kinematic range of low x and low Q^2. After
cutting into three characteristic variables for I-induced events yielding a
maximum suppression of standard DIS background to the 0.1% level while still
preserving 10% of the I-induced events, 549 data events are found while
363^{+22}_{-26} (CDM) and 435^{+36}_{-22} (MEPS) standard DIS events are
expected. More events than expected by the standard DIS Monte Carlo models are
found in the data. However, the systematic uncertainty between the two
different models is of the order of the expected signal, so that a discovery of
instantons can not be claimed. An outlook is given on the prospect to search
for QCD instanton events using a discriminant based on range searching in the
kinematical region Q^2\gtrsim100\GeV^2 where the I-theory makes safer
predictions and the QCD Monte Carlos are expected to better describe the
inclusive data.Comment: Invited talk given at the Ringberg Workshop on HERA Physics on June
19th, 2001 on behalf of the H1 collaboratio
Phase Transition in the Aldous-Shields Model of Growing Trees
We study analytically the late time statistics of the number of particles in
a growing tree model introduced by Aldous and Shields. In this model, a cluster
grows in continuous time on a binary Cayley tree, starting from the root, by
absorbing new particles at the empty perimeter sites at a rate proportional to
c^{-l} where c is a positive parameter and l is the distance of the perimeter
site from the root. For c=1, this model corresponds to random binary search
trees and for c=2 it corresponds to digital search trees in computer science.
By introducing a backward Fokker-Planck approach, we calculate the mean and the
variance of the number of particles at large times and show that the variance
undergoes a `phase transition' at a critical value c=sqrt{2}. While for
c>sqrt{2} the variance is proportional to the mean and the distribution is
normal, for c<sqrt{2} the variance is anomalously large and the distribution is
non-Gaussian due to the appearance of extreme fluctuations. The model is
generalized to one where growth occurs on a tree with branches and, in this
more general case, we show that the critical point occurs at c=sqrt{m}.Comment: Latex 17 pages, 6 figure
Phase transition for cutting-plane approach to vertex-cover problem
We study the vertex-cover problem which is an NP-hard optimization problem
and a prototypical model exhibiting phase transitions on random graphs, e.g.,
Erdoes-Renyi (ER) random graphs. These phase transitions coincide with changes
of the solution space structure, e.g, for the ER ensemble at connectivity
c=e=2.7183 from replica symmetric to replica-symmetry broken. For the
vertex-cover problem, also the typical complexity of exact branch-and-bound
algorithms, which proceed by exploring the landscape of feasible
configurations, change close to this phase transition from "easy" to "hard". In
this work, we consider an algorithm which has a completely different strategy:
The problem is mapped onto a linear programming problem augmented by a
cutting-plane approach, hence the algorithm operates in a space OUTSIDE the
space of feasible configurations until the final step, where a solution is
found. Here we show that this type of algorithm also exhibits an "easy-hard"
transition around c=e, which strongly indicates that the typical hardness of a
problem is fundamental to the problem and not due to a specific representation
of the problem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Efficient Monte Carlo algorithm and high-precision results for percolation
We present a new Monte Carlo algorithm for studying site or bond percolation
on any lattice. The algorithm allows us to calculate quantities such as the
cluster size distribution or spanning probability over the entire range of site
or bond occupation probabilities from zero to one in a single run which takes
an amount of time scaling linearly with the number of sites on the lattice. We
use our algorithm to determine that the percolation transition occurs at
occupation probability 0.59274621(13) for site percolation on the square
lattice and to provide clear numerical confirmation of the conjectured
4/3-power stretched-exponential tails in the spanning probability functions.Comment: 8 pages, including 3 postscript figures, minor corrections in this
version, plus updated figures for the position of the percolation transitio
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