21 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Relationship between Skeletal Maturity and the Calcifications Stages of Permanent Canines and Second Premolars

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the calcification stages of permanent maxillary and mandibular canines and second premolars and skeletal maturity in both sexes.Methods: This study included 138 patients (82 females, 56 males) who were treated in the Department of Orthodontics, Altınbaş University. The mean age of the patients was 12.31±1.76 years, ranging from 7.8 years to 15.8 years. Dental maturity stages of canines and second premolars were evaluated according to the Demirjian index on digital panoramic radiograph. The skeletal maturation stage was determined using the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) index. The Pearson correlation analysis was performed to assess the association among CVM stages and calcification stages of canines, second premolars, sex, and chronological ages.Results: A statistically significant correlation was found between CVM and the calcification stages of the canines and second premolars (p<0.05). The calcification stages of the canines and second premolars had the highest distribution of Stage F and Stage G at CVM2 (p<0.01). For the canines and second premolars, Stage H corresponded to CVM3 in female patients and a high percentage of Stage G corresponded to CVM3 in the male group.Conclusion: A significant correlation was found between the calcification stages of maxillary and mandibular canines, second premolars, and skeletal maturity in both sexes. It was observed that calcification stages and cervical maturations were advanced in female subjects compared with male subjects

    Lower Incisor Inclination in Relation to Head Posture, Tongue and Hyoid Positions

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    Objectives: To investigate the relationship between head posture, hyoid bone, tongue position and lower incisor inclination. Materials and Methods: The study sample consisted of 98 subjects (35 males, 63 females), who had a mean age of 17.7 years in the permanent dentition and with a skeletal Class I relationship. Lower incisor inclination, craniovertical, craniocervical and craniohorizontal postural variables, tongue and hyoid position and airway measurements were evaluated on lateral cephalograms taken in natural head position. The study sample was divided into two groups according to lower incisor inclination (48 had IMPA&lt;90 ⁰ with a mean degree of 88.09 and 50 had IMPA&gt;90 ⁰ with a mean degree of 102.84) and a Student-t test was performed to compare and describe head posture, tongue and hyoid bone positions.Results: The subjects with upright incisors had a more posteriorly positioned hyoid bone relative to the mandibular symphysis compared with the subjects with flared incisors (p&lt;0.05). Tongue length was greater in the flared incisor group than in the upright incisor group (p&lt;0.05). In relation to head posture measurements, the upright incisor group had 3-3.5° larger cranio-cervical angles (NSL-OPT, NSL-CVT, NL-OPT, NL-CVT angles, p&lt;0.05) than the flared incisor group. The airway measurements revealed no statistically significant difference between the groups.Conclusions: The position of the hyoid bone, tongue length and craniocervical head posture showed significant differences between upright and flared lower incisors

    Sistemik hastalıkların ortodontik tedaviye etkileri

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    Orthodontic therapy is not only performed on healty patients but also on medically compromised patients. Patients’ siystemic conditions can sometimes indicate compromising factors that should be taken into consideration in the orthodontic treatment plan. With earlier diagnose, a better medical care and noninvasive, spesific orthodontic procedures these patients can proceed a more life quality. Orthodontist should be aware of the oral symptoms of common medical conditions in order to early diagnose and prevent the potential risks and should consult the patient to the medical specialist. This rewiev discusses most common medical problems and focusses on the special considerations to be taken into account when planning orthodontic treatment of patients who have systemic diseases.   ÖZET Ortodontik tedavi yalnızca sağlıklı hastalara değil tıbbi sorunu bulunan hastalara da uygulanmaktadır. Bazen hastaların sistemik durumları ortodontik tedavi planında göz önünde bulundurulması gereken tehlikeli faktörleri gösterebilmektedir. Erken teşhis, iyi bir tıbbi bakım ve invasiv olmayan özel ortodontik yaklaşımlarla bu hastalar daha kaliteli bir hayat sürebilmektedir. Ortodontistler erken teşhis ve potansiyel risklerden korunmak için sık rastlanan sistemik hastalıkların oral semptomlarını bilmeli ve hasta konuda uzman bir hekimle konsülte edilmelidir. Bu derleme en sık rastlanan medikal problemleri ve sistemik rahatsızlığı bulunan bireylerde ortodontik tedavi planı yapılırken göz önünde tutulması gereken özel durumları tartışmaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler: ortodonti, sistemik hastalıklar, diabetes mellitus, infektif endokardit, romatoid artrit

    Comparación de los efectos de la dexmedetomidina administrada en 2 momentos diferentes para lesión de isquemia-reperfusión renal en ratones

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    ResumenJustificación y objetivosinvestigar los efectos de la dexmedetomidina sobre la insuficiencia renal isquémica en ratones.Métodosen el presente estudio, 26 ratones machos adultos, albinos Wistar, con un peso de 230-300g fueron divididos aleatoriamente en 4 grupos: seudooperado (n=5), isquemia-reperfusión (grupo IR, n=7), IR/tratamiento de reperfusión con dexmedetomidina (grupo Dex-R, n=7) e IR/tratamiento preisquemia con dexmedetomidina (grupo Dex-I, n=7). En el primer grupo, se realizó una seudooperación y no se aplicaron pinzamientos renales. En el grupo IR, la isquemia renal fue inducida por oclusión de las arterias y venas renales bilaterales durante 60min seguida por reperfusión durante 24h. En los grupos Dex-R y Dex-I, se llevó a cabo el mismo procedimiento quirúrgico destinado al grupo IR, y la dexmedetomidina (100μg /kg intraperitoneal) fue administrada 5min después de la reperfusión y antes de la isquemia. Al final de la reperfusión, fueron recogidas muestras de sangre, los ratones fueron sacrificados y el riñón izquierdo procesado para histología.Resultadoslos niveles de nitrógeno ureico en la sangre (BUN) de los grupos Dex-R y Dex-I eran significativamente más bajos que los del grupo IR (p=0,015; p=0,043), aunque el flujo urinario era significativamente mayor en el grupo Dex-R (p=0,003). La puntuación histopatológica renal del grupo IR fue significativamente mayor que la de los otros grupos. No hubo diferencia significativa entre los grupos Dex-R y Dex-I.Conclusioneslos resultados demostraron que la administración de dexmedetomidina redujo histomorfológicamente la lesión de IR renal. La administración de dexmedetomidina durante el período de reperfusión fue considerada más eficaz debido al aumento de producción de orina y a la disminución de los niveles de nitrógeno ureico en la sangre

    Occlusal Characteristics Of Deaf-Mute Individuals In The Turkish Population

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    Objectives: To classify and determine the occlusal characteristics of deaf-mute individuals and its gender distribution in the Turkish population. Methods: For this study, 213 deaf-mute individuals (155 boys and 58 girls) were evaluated. The age range was between 10–24 years, and the mean age was 16.37±2.53 years. Measurements were divided into four groups: dental, intraarch, interarch, and, extra data. Results: Of the participants, 75.0% had a Class I molar relationship, whereas 13.0% and 8.0% had Class II and Class III malocclusions, respectively. 23.9% of individuals had a normal overbite, 38.4% had a deepbite, and 23.4% had an openbite. One or more congenitally missing teeth were found in 6.0% of individuals; 81.0% expressed satisfaction with their esthetics, and 19.0% expressed the contrary. Conclusions: Different characteristics and malocclusions are present in deaf-mute individuals.PubMe

    Sistemik hastalıkların ortodontik tedaviye etkileri

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    &lt;p&gt;Orthodontic therapy is not only performed on healty patients but also on medically compromised patients. Patients’ siystemic conditions can sometimes indicate compromising factors that should be taken into consideration in the orthodontic treatment plan. With earlier diagnose, a better medical care and noninvasive, spesific orthodontic procedures these patients can proceed a more life quality. Orthodontist should be aware of the oral symptoms of common medical conditions in order to early diagnose and prevent the potential risks and should consult the patient to the medical specialist. This rewiev discusses most common medical problems and focusses on the special considerations to be taken into account when planning orthodontic treatment of patients who have systemic diseases.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;ÖZET&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Ortodontik tedavi yalnızca sağlıklı hastalara değil tıbbi sorunu bulunan hastalara da uygulanmaktadır. Bazen hastaların sistemik durumları ortodontik tedavi planında göz önünde bulundurulması gereken tehlikeli faktörleri gösterebilmektedir. Erken teşhis, iyi bir tıbbi bakım ve invasiv olmayan özel ortodontik yaklaşımlarla bu hastalar daha kaliteli bir hayat sürebilmektedir. Ortodontistler erken teşhis ve potansiyel risklerden korunmak için sık rastlanan sistemik hastalıkların oral semptomlarını bilmeli ve hasta konuda uzman bir hekimle konsülte edilmelidir. Bu derleme en sık rastlanan medikal problemleri ve sistemik rahatsızlığı bulunan bireylerde ortodontik tedavi planı yapılırken göz önünde tutulması gereken özel durumları tartışmaktadır.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Anahtar kelimeler:&lt;/strong&gt; ortodonti, sistemik hastalıklar, diabetes mellitus, infektif endokardit, romatoid artrit.&lt;/p&gt

    Effects of malocclusions on facial attractiveness and their correlations with the divine proportion

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    WOS: 000408383500007PubMed ID: 28451737The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of malocclusions on facial attractiveness and to determine if it was correlated with the divine proportion. Standard frontal facial photos were taken from 335 subjects in natural head position. Facial attractiveness of the subjects was evaluated by 10 dental students using a 10-point visual analog scale (VAS). All of the evaluations were arranged in order, and 30 attractive subjects with the highest score and 30 nonattractive subjects having the lowest score were chosen. On the frontal photos of these subjects, 13 landmarks were determined and 12 ratios were measured. Two way ANOVA was used to determine the effects of malocclusions on facial attractiveness, Student's t test was used to compare the facial proportions of the attractive and nonattractive subjects, and one sample t test was used to define the relationships between the divine proportion and facial ratios. No statistically significant difference was found between malocclusion groups in terms of facial attractiveness. Of the 12 facial ratios, significant differences were found between attractive and nonattractive subjects regarding trichion-menton/nasion-menton, subnasale-menton/stomion-menton, nasion-subnasale/stomion-menton, nasion-subnasale/nasal width, and trichion-menton/right-left frontotemporale ratios. All of the ratios except nasion-subnasale/stomion-menton in the attractive group and subnasale-menton/stomion-menton and nasion-menton/nasion-trichion in the nonattractive group were found to be different from the divine proportion. Sagittal skeletal malocclusions evaluated by ANB angle are not effective on facial attractiveness. Facial ratios used in this study have little effect on attractiveness, and are different from the divine proportion

    Effects Of Hawley Retainers On Consonants And Formant Frequencies Of Vowels

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    Objective: To assess (1) whether Hawley retainers cause speech disturbance and (2) the duration of speech adaptation to Hawley retainers with objective and subjective tests. Materials and Methods: Twelve adolescents, aged 11.11 to 18.03 years, were included in this study. The assessment of speech sounds were done subjectively using an articulation test and objectively using acoustic analysis before and after Hawley retainer application. Results: After wearing Hawley retainers, patients showed statistically significant speech disturbances on consonants M and [z]. Regarding the vowels, statistically significant changes were recorded with [i], while F1 increased and F2 and F3 decreased. Conclusions: The tongue changes its target position with the application of a foreign body within the mouth; however, in time it adapts to that new situation. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:14-21.)Wo