180 research outputs found

    Le corpus Sequoia : annotation syntaxique et exploitation pour l'adaptation d'analyseur par pont lexical

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    National audienceWe present the building methodology and the properties of the Sequoia treebank, a freely available French corpus annotated following the French Treebank guidelines (Abeillé et Barrier, 2004). The Sequoia treebank comprises 3204 sentences (69246 tokens), from the French Europarl, the regional newspaper L'Est Républicain, the French Wikipedia and documents from the European Medicines Agency. We then provide a method for parser domain adaptation, that makes use of unsupervised word clusters. The method improves parsing performance on target domains (the domains of the Sequoia corpus), without degrading performance on source domain (the French treenbank test set), contrary to other domain adaptation techniques such as self-training.Nous présentons dans cet article la méthodologie de constitution et les caractéristiques du corpus Sequoia, un corpus en français, syntaxiquement annoté d'après un schéma d'annotation très proche de celui du French Treebank (Abeillé et Barrier, 2004), et librement disponible, en constituants et en dépendances. Le corpus comporte des phrases de quatre origines : Europarl français, le journal l'Est Républicain, Wikipédia Fr et des documents de l'Agence Européenne du Médicament, pour un total de 3204 phrases et 69246 tokens. En outre, nous présentons une application de ce corpus : l'évaluation d'une technique d'adaptation d'analyseurs syntaxiques probabilistes à des domaines et/ou genres autres que ceux du corpus sur lequel ces analyseurs sont entraînés. Cette technique utilise des clusters de mots obtenus d'abord par regroupement morphologique à l'aide d'un lexique, puis par regroupement non supervisé, et permet une nette amélioration de l'analyse des domaines cibles (le corpus Sequoia), tout en préservant le même niveau de performance sur le domaine source (le FTB), ce qui fournit un analyseur multi-domaines, à la différence d'autres techniques d'adaptation comme le self-training

    Parsing word clusters

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    International audienceWe present and discuss experiments in statistical parsing of French, where terminal forms used during training and parsing are replaced by more general symbols, particularly clusters of words obtained through unsupervised linear clustering. We build on the work of Candito and Crabbé (2009) who proposed to use clusters built over slightly coarsened French inflected forms. We investigate the alternative method of building clusters over lemma/part-of-speech pairs, using a raw corpus automatically tagged and lemmatized. We find that both methods lead to comparable improvement over the baseline (we obtain F_1=86.20% and F_1=86.21% respectively, compared to a baseline of F_1=84.10%). Yet, when we replace gold lemma/POS pairs with their corresponding cluster, we obtain an upper bound (F_1=87.80) that suggests room for improvement for this technique, should tagging/lemmatisation performance increase for French. We also analyze the improvement in performance for both techniques with respect to word frequency. We find that replacing word forms with clusters improves attachment performance for words that are originally either unknown or low-frequency, since these words are replaced by cluster symbols that tend to have higher frequencies. Furthermore, clustering also helps significantly for medium to high frequency words, suggesting that training on word clusters leads to better probability estimates for these words

    Semi-Automatic Deep Syntactic Annotations of the French Treebank

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    International audienceWe describe and evaluate the semi-automatic addition of a deep syntactic layer to the French Treebank (Abeillé and Barrier [1]), using an existing scheme (Candito et al. [6]). While some rare or highly ambiguous deep phenomena are handled manually, the remainings are derived using a graph-rewriting system (Ribeyre et al. [22]). Although not manually corrected, we think the resulting Deep Representations can pave the way for the emergence of deep syntactic parsers for French

    From Text to Source: Results in Detecting Large Language Model-Generated Content

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    The widespread use of Large Language Models (LLMs), celebrated for their ability to generate human-like text, has raised concerns about misinformation and ethical implications. Addressing these concerns necessitates the development of robust methods to detect and attribute text generated by LLMs. This paper investigates "Cross-Model Detection," evaluating whether a classifier trained to distinguish between source LLM-generated and human-written text can also detect text from a target LLM without further training. The study comprehensively explores various LLM sizes and families, and assesses the impact of conversational fine-tuning techniques on classifier generalization. The research also delves into Model Attribution, encompassing source model identification, model family classification, and model size classification. Our results reveal several key findings: a clear inverse relationship between classifier effectiveness and model size, with larger LLMs being more challenging to detect, especially when the classifier is trained on data from smaller models. Training on data from similarly sized LLMs can improve detection performance from larger models but may lead to decreased performance when dealing with smaller models. Additionally, model attribution experiments show promising results in identifying source models and model families, highlighting detectable signatures in LLM-generated text. Overall, our study contributes valuable insights into the interplay of model size, family, and training data in LLM detection and attribution

    Unsupervised Learning for Handling Code-Mixed Data: A Case Study on POS Tagging of North-African Arabizi Dialect

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    International audienceLanguage model pretrained representation are now ubiquitous in Natural Language Processing. In this work, we present some first results in adapting those models to Out-of-Domain textual data. Using Part-of-Speech tagging as our case study, we analyze the ability of BERT to model a complex North-African Dialect (Arabizi). What is Arabizi ? BERT and Arabizi We do our experiments on the released base multilingual version of BERT (Delvin et al. 2018) which was trained on a concatenation of Wikipedia of 104 languages. BERT has never seen any Arabizi. It is visible that Arabizi is related to French in BERT's embedding space Summary • Multilingual-BERT can be used to build a decent Part-of-Speech Tagger with a reasonable amount of annotated data • Unsupervised adaptation improves (+1) performance in downstream POS tagging Research questions • Is BERT able to model Out-of-Domain languages such as Arabizi ? • Can we adapt BERT in an unsupervised way to Arabizi ? Definitions • Dialectal Arabic is a variation of Classic Arabic that varies from one region to another that is spoken orally only. Darija is the one spoken in Maghreb (Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco). • Arabizi is the name given to the transliterated language of dialectal Arabic in Latin script mostly found online. Key Property : High Variability • No spelling, morphological or syntactic fixed norms • Strong influence from foreign languages • Code-Switching French / Darija Unsupervised Fine Tuning of BERT on Arabizi We fine-tune BERT (MLM objective) on the 200k Arabizi sentences Results Collecting and filtering raw Arabizi Data We bootstrap a data set for Arabizi starting from 9000 sentences collected by Cotterell et al. (2014). Using keywords scraping, we collect 1 million UGC sentences comprising French, English and Arabizi. We filter 200k Arabizi sentences out of the raw corpus (94% F1 score) using our language identifier (cf. Figure below). Lexical Normalization We train a clustering lexical normalizer using edit and word2vec distances. This degrades downstream performances in POS tagging. A new Treebank The first bottleneck in analyzing such a dialect is the lack of annotated resources. We developed a CoNLL-U Treebank** that includes Part-of-Speech, dependencies, and the translations of 1500 sentences (originally posted in Facebook, Echorouk newspaper…). Model Accuracy Baseline (udpipe) 73.7 Baseline + Normalization (udpipe) 72.4 BERT + POS tuning 77.3 BERT + POS tuning + Normalization (udpipe) 69.9 BERT + Unsupervised Domain fine tuning+ POS tuning 78.3 Final performance. Accuracy reported on the test set averaged over 5 runs Figure 2 : Validation accuracy while fine tuning BERT on Arabizi data (200k sentence) X1000 iteration Accuracy Masked Language Model French Wikipedia Arabizi vive mca w nchalah had l'3am championi Arabizi long live MCA and I hope that this year we will be champions Englis

    C-structures and f-structures for the British national corpus

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    We describe how the British National Corpus (BNC), a one hundred million word balanced corpus of British English, was parsed into Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) c-structures and f-structures, using a treebank-based parsing architecture. The parsing architecture uses a state-of-the-art statistical parser and reranker trained on the Penn Treebank to produce context-free phrase structure trees, and an annotation algorithm to automatically annotate these trees into LFG f-structures. We describe the pre-processing steps which were taken to accommodate the differences between the Penn Treebank and the BNC. Some of the issues encountered in applying the parsing architecture on such a large scale are discussed. The process of annotating a gold standard set of 1,000 parse trees is described. We present evaluation results obtained by evaluating the c-structures produced by the statistical parser against the c-structure gold standard. We also present the results obtained by evaluating the f-structures produced by the annotation algorithm against an automatically constructed f-structure gold standard. The c-structures achieve an f-score of 83.7% and the f-structures an f-score of 91.2%

    Effectively long-distance dependencies in French : annotation and parsing evaluation

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    International audienceWe describe the annotation of cases of extraction in French, whose previous annotations in the available French treebanks were insufficient to recover the correct predicate-argument dependency between the extracted element and its head. These cases are special cases of LDDs, that we call effectively long- distance dependencies (eLDDs), in which the extracted element is indeed separated from its head by one or more intervening heads (instead of zero, one or more for the general case). We found that extraction of a dependent of a finite verb is very rarely an eLDD (one case out of 420 000 tokens), but eLDDs corresponding to extraction out of infinitival phrase is more fre- quent (one third of all occurrences of accusative relative pronoun que), and eLDDs with extraction out of NPs are quite common (2/3 of the occurrences of relative pronoun dont). We also use the annotated data in statistical depen- dency parsing experiments, and compare several parsing architectures able to recover non-local governors for extracted elements

    Contextualized Diachronic Word Representations

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    International audienceDiachronic word embeddings play a key role in capturing interesting patterns about how language evolves over time. Most of the existing work focuses on studying corpora spanning across several decades, which is understandably still not a possibility when working on social media-based user-generated content. In this work, we address the problem of studying semantic changes in a large Twitter corpus collected over five years, a much shorter period than what is usually the norm in di-achronic studies. We devise a novel attentional model, based on Bernoulli word embeddings, that are conditioned on contextual extra-linguistic (social) features such as network, spatial and socioeconomic variables, which are associated with Twitter users, as well as topic-based features. We posit that these social features provide an inductive bias that helps our model to overcome the narrow time-span regime problem. Our extensive experiments reveal that our proposed model is able to capture subtle semantic shifts without being biased towards frequency cues and also works well when certain con-textual features are absent. Our model fits the data better than current state-of-the-art dynamic word embedding models and therefore is a promising tool to study diachronic semantic changes over small time periods

    Can Multilingual Language Models Transfer to an Unseen Dialect? A Case Study on North African Arabizi

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    Building natural language processing systems for non standardized and low resource languages is a difficult challenge. The recent success of large-scale multilingual pretrained language models provides new modeling tools to tackle this. In this work, we study the ability of multilingual language models to process an unseen dialect. We take user generated North-African Arabic as our case study, a resource-poor dialectal variety of Arabic with frequent code-mixing with French and written in Arabizi, a non-standardized transliteration of Arabic to Latin script. Focusing on two tasks, part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing, we show in zero-shot and unsupervised adaptation scenarios that multilingual language models are able to transfer to such an unseen dialect, specifically in two extreme cases: (i) across scripts, using Modern Standard Arabic as a source language, and (ii) from a distantly related language, unseen during pretraining, namely Maltese. Our results constitute the first successful transfer experiments on this dialect, paving thus the way for the development of an NLP ecosystem for resource-scarce, non-standardized and highly variable vernacular languages