95 research outputs found

    Simulating X-ray Reverberation in the UV-Emitting Regions of Active Galactic Nuclei Accretion Disks with 3D Multi-Frequency Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations

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    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) light curves observed with different wavebands show that the variability in longer wavelength bands lags the variability in shorter wavelength bands. Measuring these lags, or reverberation mapping, is used to measure the radial temperature profile and extent of AGN disks, typically with a reprocessing model that assumes X-rays are the main driver of the variability in other wavelength bands. To demonstrate how this reprocessing works with realistic accretion disk structures, we use 3D local shearing box multi-frequency radiation magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to model the UV-emitting region of an AGN disk, which is unstable to the magnetorotational instability (MRI) and convection. At the same time, we inject hard X-rays (>1>1~keV) into the simulation box to study the effects of X-ray irradiation on the local properties of the turbulence and the resulting variability of the emitted UV light curve. We find that disk turbulence is sufficient to drive intrinsic variability in emitted UV light curves and that a damped random walk (DRW) model is a good fit to this UV light curve for timescales >5>5~days. Meanwhile, the injected X-rays have almost no impact on the power spectrum of the emitted UV light curve. In addition, the injected X-ray and emitted UV light curves are only correlated if there is X-ray variability on timescales >1>1~day, in which case we find a correlation coefficient r=0.52r=0.52. These results suggest that hard X-rays with scattering dominated opacity are likely not the main driver of the reverberation signals.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Negative Lags on the Viscous Timescale in Quasar Photometry and Prospects for Detecting More with LSST

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    The variability of quasar light curves can be used to study the structure of quasar accretion disks. For example, continuum reverberation mapping uses delays between variability in short and long wavelength bands ("short" lags) to measure the radial extent and temperature profile of the disk. Recently, a potential reverse lag, where variations in shorter wavelength bands lag the longer wavelength bands at the much longer viscous timescale, was detected for Fairall 9. Inspired by this detection, we derive a timescale for these "long" negative lags from fluctuation propagation models and recent simulations. We use this timescale to forecast our ability to detect long lags using the Vera Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). After exploring several methods, including the interpolated cross-correlation function, a Von-Neumann estimator, javelin, and a maximum-likelihood Fourier method, we find that our two main methods, javelin and the maximum-likelihood method, can together detect long lags of up to several hundred days in mock LSST light curves. Our methods work best on proposed LSST cadences with long season lengths, but can also work for the current baseline LSST cadence, especially if we add observations from other optical telescopes during seasonal gaps. We find that LSST has the potential to detect dozens to hundreds of additional long lags. Detecting these long lags can teach us about the vertical structure of quasar disks and how it scales with different quasar properties.Comment: 40 pages, 36 figures, submitted to Ap

    A Negative Long Lag from the Optical to the UV Continuum in Fairall 9

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    We report the detection of a long-timescale negative lag, where the blue bands lag the red bands, in the nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy Fairall 9. Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) light curves show variability over a wide range of timescales. By measuring time lags between different wavelengths, the otherwise inaccessible structure and kinematics of the accretion disk can be studied. One common approach, reverberation mapping, quantifies the continuum and line lags moving outwards through the disk at the light-travel time, revealing the size and temperature profile of the disk. Inspired by numerical simulations, we expect longer lags to exist in AGN light curves that travel inward on longer timescales, tracing the accretion process itself. By analyzing AGN light curves in both temporal and frequency space, we report the detection of long-timescale lags (70\sim -70 days) in Fairall 9 which propagate in the opposite direction to the reverberation lag. The short continuum lag (<10<10 days) is also detected and is consistent with reverberation lags reported in the literature. When fitting the longer lag as a function of frequency with a model motivated by the thin disk model, we find that the disk scale height likely increases outward in the disk. This detection raises the exciting prospect of mapping accretion disk structures across a wide range of AGN parameters.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Aligning Retrograde Nuclear Cluster Orbits with an Active Galactic Nucleus Accretion Disc

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    Stars and stellar remnants orbiting a supermassive black hole (SMBH) can interact with an active galactic nucleus (AGN) disc. Over time, prograde orbiters (inclination i<90i<90^{\circ}) decrease inclination, as well as semi-major axis (aa) and eccentricity (ee) until orbital alignment with the gas disc ("disc capture"). Captured stellar-origin black holes (sBH) add to the embedded AGN population which drives sBH-sBH mergers detectable in gravitational waves using LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) or sBH-SMBH mergers detectable with LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). Captured stars can be tidally disrupted by sBH or the SMBH or rapidly grow into massive 'immortal' stars. Here, we investigate the behaviour of polar and retrograde orbiters (i90i \geq 90^{\circ}) interacting with the disc. We show that retrograde stars are captured faster than prograde stars, flip to prograde (i<90i<90^{\circ}) during capture and decrease aa dramatically towards the SMBH. For sBH, we find a critical angle iret113i_{\rm ret} \sim 113^{\circ}, below which retrograde sBH decay towards embedded prograde orbits (i0i \rightarrow 0^{\circ}), while for io>ireti_{\rm o}>i_{\rm ret} sBH decay towards embedded retrograde orbits (i180i \rightarrow 180^{\circ}). sBH near polar orbits (i90i \sim 90^{\circ}) and stars on nearly embedded retrograde orbits (i180i \sim 180^{\circ}) show the greatest decreases in aa. Whether a star is captured by the disc within an AGN lifetime depends primarily on disc density, and secondarily on stellar type and initial aa. For sBH, disc capture time is longest for polar orbits, low mass sBH and lower density discs. Larger mass sBH should typically spend more time in AGN discs, with implications for the embedded sBH spin distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; submitted to MNRA

    Ram-pressure stripping of a kicked Hill sphere:Prompt electromagnetic emission from the merger of stellar mass black holes in an AGN accretion disk

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    Accretion disks around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are promising sites for stellar mass black hole (BH) mergers due to mass segregation and merger acceleration by disk gas torques. Here we show that a gravitational-wave (GW) kick at BH merger causes ram-pressure stripping of gas within the BH Hill sphere. If R_H ≥ H, the disk height, an off-center UV flare at a_(BH) ~ 10³ r_g, emerges within t_(UV) ~ O(2 days)(a_(BH)/10³ r_g)(M_(SMBH)/10⁸ M_⊙)(v_(kick)/10² km s⁻¹) postmerger and lasts O(R_H/v_(kick)) ~ O(5t_(UV)). The flare emerges with luminosity O(10⁴² erg s⁻¹(t_(UV)/2 days)⁻¹(M_(Hill)/1M_⊙)(v_(kick)/10² km s⁻¹)². Active galactic nucleus optical/UV photometry is altered and asymmetric broad emission line profiles can develop after weeks. If R_H 50M_⊙