131 research outputs found

    Raman investigations of the radiation-induced modifications in iPP-VGCNF nanocomposites: The nanofillers’ tale

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    Nanocomposites of isotactic polypropylene loaded by various amounts of vapor-grown carbon nanotubes ranging from 0 to 20% wt. were obtained by extrusion. Raman investigations on these nanocomposites are reported. The nanocomposites were irradiated using a 60Co, with an integral dose of 1 kGy/h up to integral doses of 9 kGy, 18 kGy, and 27 kGy, in air, at room temperature. Raman measurements were performed by using a Bruker Senterra confocal Raman spectrometer operating at 785 nm. The research is focused on the information contained within the D and G Raman lines of these nanocomposites as a function of nanotube loading for various integral doses. The experimental data revealed the graduate silencing of the molecular motions assigned to the polymeric matrix due to the nanofiller and ionizing radiation. Based on experimental data, it is concluded that the positions of the D and G lines exhibit faint shifts due to the irradiation and that (on average) these shifts are consistent with the changes of the positions of D and G lines upon the increase of the loading with vapor-grown carbon nanofibers. Raman data suggest that the irradiation relaxes the pressure exerted on the nanofiller by the polymeric matrix, indicating a path to improve the physical features of polymer-carbon nanostructure nanocomposites. The research demonstrates the capability of Raman spectroscopy to sense the modifications of molecular vibrations in polymer-based nanocomposites, for both the polymeric matrix and the nanofiller

    Infecția COVID-19 în sarcină

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    Background. Due to the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the increased incidence of COVID-19, certain categories of people, such as pregnant women, become vulnerable to infection. The risks of exposing pregnant women to this new type of infection are not entirely known. Objective of the study. Assessment of the method of termination of pregnancy and the impact of COVID-19 on newborns. Material and methods. The study included 80 COVID-positive pregnant women hospitalized in the intensive care unit of Mother and Child Institute, during 2021 year, with severe and moderate form of the disease. The investigation of the patients included the anamnesis and the history of the disease, the clinical manifestations, the results of the paraclinical examinations, the way of completing the pregnancy, the condition of the newborns. Results. The term of pregnancy varied between less than 27 weeks of gestation- 26 cases (32.5%), 28-32 weeks of gestation - 24 cases (30%), 33-36 weeks of gestation - 19 cases (23.7%) and more than 36 weeks of gestation - 10 cases (12.5%). The pregnancy was completed per vias naturalis in 7 cases (8.7%), of which 2 births with antenatal death of the fetus and 39 cases (48.7%) were completed by cesarean section, of which 34 – emergency CS and 5 – planned CS. Cesarean section in 27 cases (69%) was undertaken on maternal indications, and in 9 cases (23%) because of fetal indications. A total of 47 children were born. In the early neonatal period, 8 newborns died. Another 39 children were later discharged at home in a satisfactory condition. Conclusion. COVID-19 infection was more commonly found at term of pregnancy up to 27 weeks of gestation. In pregnant women with severe forms of infection, the pregnancy was completed by urgent cesarean section, at maternal indications. Complications associated with prematurity led to the death of 8 newborns.Introducere. Având în vedere rapiditatea răspândirii virusului SARS-CoV-2 și incidența crescută a COVID-19, anumite categorii de persoane precum gravidele devin vulnerabile în fața infecției iar riscurile expunerii gravidelor la acest nou tip de infecție nu sunt în totalitate cunoscute. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea metodei de finalizare a sarcinii și impactul COVID-19 asupra nou născuților. Materiale și metode: În studiu au fost incluse 80 gravide COVID-pozitive internate in secția reanimare, a IMSP IMșiC, pe parcursul anului 2021, cu forma gravă și medie a bolii. Anchetarea pacientelor a cuprins anamneza și istoricul bolii, manifestările clinice, rezultatele examenelor paraclinice, modul de finalizare a sarcinii, starea noi născuților. Rezultate: Termenul sarcinii a variat între: mai mic de 27 săptămâni amenoree26 cazuri (32,5%), 28-32 săptămâni amenoree – 24 cazuri (30%), 33-36 săptămâni amenoree – 19 cazuri (23,7%) și mai mare de 36 săptămâni amenoree – 10 cazuri (12,5%). Sarcina a fost finalizată per vias naturalis în 7 cazuri (8,7%), din ele 2 nașteri cu moarte antenatală a fătului iar prin operație cezariană au fost finalizate 39 cazuri (48,7%), dintre care 34 – urgente și 5 – planificate. Operația cezariană în 27 cazuri (69%) a fost efectuată la indicații materne, iar în 9 cazuri (23%) - fetale. În total s-au născut 47 de copii. În perioada neonatală precoce au decedat 8 noi născuți. Au fost externați ulterior la domiciliu în stare satisfăcătoare 39 copii. Concluzie: Mai frecvent infecția COVID-19 s-a constatat la termenul de sarcină de până la 27 săptămâni amenoree. La gravidele cu forme grave ale infecției sarcina a fost finalizată prin operație cezariană urgentă, la indicații materne. Complicațiile asociate prematurității au dus la decesul a 8 noi-născuți


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Având în vedere rapiditatea răspândirii virusului SARS-CoV-2 și incidența crescută a COVID-19, anumite categorii de persoane precum gravidele devin vulnerabile în fața infecției iar riscurile expunerii gravidelor la acest nou tip de infecție nu sunt în totalitate cunoscute. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea metodei de finalizare a sarcinii și impactul COVID-19 asupra nou născuților. Materiale și metode: În studiu au fost incluse 80 gravide COVID-pozitive internate in secția reanimare, a IMSP IMșiC, pe parcursul anului 2021, cu forma gravă și medie a bolii. Anchetarea pacientelor a cuprins anamneza și istoricul bolii, manifestările clinice, rezultatele examenelor paraclinice, modul de finalizare a sarcinii, starea noi născuților. Rezultate: Termenul sarcinii a variat între: mai mic de 27 săptămâni amenoree26 cazuri (32,5%), 28-32 săptămâni amenoree – 24 cazuri (30%), 33-36 săptămâni amenoree – 19 cazuri (23,7%) și mai mare de 36 săptămâni amenoree – 10 cazuri (12,5%). Sarcina a fost finalizată per vias naturalis în 7 cazuri (8,7%), din ele 2 nașteri cu moarte antenatală a fătului iar prin operație cezariană au fost finalizate 39 cazuri (48,7%), dintre care 34 – urgente și 5 – planificate. Operația cezariană în 27 cazuri (69%) a fost efectuată la indicații materne, iar în 9 cazuri (23%) - fetale. În total s-au născut 47 de copii. În perioada neonatală precoce au decedat 8 noi născuți. Au fost externați ulterior la domiciliu în stare satisfăcătoare 39 copii. Concluzie: Mai frecvent infecția COVID-19 s-a constatat la termenul de sarcină de până la 27 săptămâni amenoree. La gravidele cu forme grave ale infecției sarcina a fost finalizată prin operație cezariană urgentă, la indicații materne. Complicațiile asociate prematurității au dus la decesul a 8 noi-născuți.Background. Due to the rapid spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the increased incidence of COVID-19, certain categories of people, such as pregnant women, become vulnerable to infection. The risks of exposing pregnant women to this new type of infection are not entirely known. Objective of the study. Assessment of the method of termination of pregnancy and the impact of COVID-19 on newborns. Material and methods. The study included 80 COVID-positive pregnant women hospitalized in the intensive care unit of Mother and Child Institute, during 2021 year, with severe and moderate form of the disease. The investigation of the patients included the anamnesis and the history of the disease, the clinical manifestations, the results of the paraclinical examinations, the way of completing the pregnancy, the condition of the newborns. Results. The term of pregnancy varied between less than 27 weeks of gestation- 26 cases (32.5%), 28-32 weeks of gestation - 24 cases (30%), 33-36 weeks of gestation - 19 cases (23.7%) and more than 36 weeks of gestation - 10 cases (12.5%). The pregnancy was completed per vias naturalis in 7 cases (8.7%), of which 2 births with antenatal death of the fetus and 39 cases (48.7%) were completed by cesarean section, of which 34 – emergency CS and 5 – planned CS. Cesarean section in 27 cases (69%) was undertaken on maternal indications, and in 9 cases (23%) because of fetal indications. A total of 47 children were born. In the early neonatal period, 8 newborns died. Another 39 children were later discharged at home in a satisfactory condition. Conclusion. COVID-19 infection was more commonly found at term of pregnancy up to 27 weeks of gestation. In pregnant women with severe forms of infection, the pregnancy was completed by urgent cesarean section, at maternal indications. Complications associated with prematurity led to the death of 8 newborns

    The role of apicle products in ointments formulation

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    Department of Drug Technology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Introduction. Now Propolis-containing preparations are widely used in medical practice, due to their bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative, antioxidant properties. Propolis is a natural preparation, the most powerful anti-infectious drug known, which destroy 21 bacteria, 9 species of parasitic fungi, 30 types of viruses (including their varieties). The development of new pharmaceutical forms containing propolis for the treatment of dermatological diseases is an important research direction in the health branch for Republic of Moldova. According to data estimated by WHO, the prevalence of skin diseases remains a current problem due to the rather high statistical index. Aim of the study. The formulation and efficacy of the preparations with propolis extract in the treatment of skin diseases for adults and children. Completing the information level questionnaires of the population on the efficacy of bee products in medicine. Materials and methods. Synthesis and study of the data of the specialized scientific literature, the results of the population interview, as well as the documentation with magistral prescriptions of the University Pharmaceutical Center (CFU) “Vasile Procopisin”. Results. Propolis is called a "cocktail" of healing substances, gathered from the buds and from the bark of poplars, of birch trees, chestnuts, willows, ash trees, blueberries and some species of fruit trees. In CFU "Vasile Procopisin" ointments were made with propolis extract based on different excipients: Vaseline, lanolin, polyethylene glycols. The pharmaceutical factors that influence the kinetics of the release of the active substance from excipients were analyzed. Population questioning (30 questionnaires) demonstrated the use and efficiency of propolis extract preparations in the treatment of skin diseases and other diseases, as well as a high degree of knowledge of different preparations. Currently, dermatologists from the Health Institutions of the Republic of Moldova prescribe for the treatment of skin diseases soft medicinal preparations with propolis extract, both in the form of industrial preparations and compounded medications. Conclusions. The use of semi-solid preparations with propolis extract gives effective results in the therapy of skin diseases for adults and among children. This offers a higher hope of using natural preparations as compared to those of synthetic origin. The treatment of skin diseases is a complicated complex, which includes an environment of preparations for internal and topical use

    Проблемы диагностики митохондриальных нарушений: описание клинических случаев

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    Introducere. Maladiile mitocondriale sunt cele mai frecvente tulburări neurometabolice moștenite, ce pot apărea la orice vârstă și sunt provocate de mutații ale genelor din ADN-ul mitocondrial (ADNmt), dar și ADN-ul nuclear (ADNn) care codifică proteinele mitocondriale structurale sau cele implicate în funcția mitocondrială. Rapoarte de caz. Primul caz este cel al unui băiat, născut la termenul de 40 sa, prin operație cezariană urgentă din cauza insuficienței secundare a forțelor de contracție cu greutatea de 2900 g, scor Apgar 6/7, în cuplu non-consangvin. Având în vedere prezența acidozei metabolice profunde, hiperalaninemie, tablou clinic manifestat prin convulsii, decompensare metabolică, hepatomegalie, deteriorarea bruscă și progresivă a stării de sănătate s-a suspectat o eroare înnăscută de metabolism, cu predilecție o patologie mitocondrială. Pe parcursul internării starea pacientului s-a complicat iar în pofida măsurilor de resuscitare, s-a constatat moarte clinică a nou-născutului. Post-mortem a fost efectuată secvențierea Sanger completă a genomului mitocondrial, însă nu s-a denotat nici o mutație patologică la nivelul ADNmt. Pacientul 2, se prezintă primar la vârsta de 15 ani, copil I, din cuplu non-consangvin, născut la termen cu acuze la pierdere bruscă a vederii la ochiul drept de la vârsta de 14 ani, iar peste 2-3 săptâmâni și la ochiul stâng, dureri oculare la privier, nistagm, toleranță scăzută la efort fizic, fatigabilitate, scotom centra relative la ochiul stâng și scotom central absolut la ochiul drept. În rezultatul secvențierii Sanger a fost identificată mutația m.11778G>A, sugestivă pentru Neuropatia optică ereditară Leber (LHON). Discuții. În cele două cazuri ilustrate mai sus, am dorit să evidențiem că diagnosticarea patologiei mitocondriale primare este dificilă și chiar și atunci când tabloul clinic și investigațiile biochimice sugerează prezența certă a unei boli mitocondriale, diagnosticul molecular genetic este cel care face diferența. Concluzii. Având în vedere că maladiile mitocondriale sunt asociate cu diverse manifestări și simptome clinice eterogene, subliniem importanța unei abordări integrative multidisciplinare la nivel clinic, biochimic, imagistic și genetic pentru diagnosticul, managementul și tratamentul pacienților cu simptomatologie sugestivă maladiilor mitocondriale.Введение: Митохондриальные заболевания являются наиболее распространенными наследственными нейрометаболическими нарушениями, которые могут появиться в любом возрасте и вызваны мутациями в генах митохондриальной ДНК (мтДНК), а также ядерной ДНК (яДНК), которые кодируют структурные митохондриальные белки или белки, участвующие в митохондриальной функции. Описание клинических случаев: Первый случай – мальчик, рожденный в срок 40 недель путем экстренного кесарева сечения по поводу вторичной недостаточности сократительной способности матки, массой 2900 г, оценка по шкале Апгар 6/7, у некровнородственной пары. Учитывая наличие глубокого метаболического ацидоза, гипераланинемии, клинической картины, проявляющейся судорогами, метаболической декомпенсацией, гепатомегалией, внезапным и прогрессирующим ухудшением самочувствия, заподозрили врожденное нарушение метаболизма, преимущественно митохондриальную патологию. При госпитализации состояние больного осложнилось и, несмотря на проведенные реанимационные мероприятия, констатирована клиническая смерть новорожденного. Было проведено посмертное полное секвенирование митохондриального генома по Сэнгеру, но патологических мутаций мтДНК обнаружено не было. Пациент 2, впервые обратился в возрасте 15 лет, первый ребенок от некровнородственной пары, родился в срок, с обвинениями в внезапной потере зрения на правый глаз с 14 лет, через 2-3 нед. также в левом глазу, боль в глазу при взгляде, нистагм, низкая переносимость физической нагрузки, повышенная утомляемость, относительная центральная скотома левого глаза и абсолютная центральная скотома правого глаза. В результате секвенирования по Сэнгеру была идентифицирована мутация m.11778G>A, что свидетельствует о наследственной атрофииb зрительных нервов Лебера (LHON). Обсуждения: В двух приведенных выше случаях мы хотели подчеркнуть, что диагностика первичной митохондриальной патологии затруднена, и даже когда клиническая картина и биохимические исследования указывают на определенное присутствие митохондриального заболевания, решающую роль играет молекулярно-генетический диагноз. Заключение: Учитывая, что митохондриальные заболевания связаны с различными гетерогенными клиническими проявлениями и симптомами, мы подчеркиваем важность междисциплинарного интегративного подхода на клиническом, биохимическом, инструментальном и генетическом уровне для диагностики, ведения и лечения пациентов с симптоматикой, указывающей на митохондриальные заболевания

    Use of metformin in preeclampsia prevention: a systematic study

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Preeclampsia este o tulburare hipertensivă caracterizată prin tensiune arterială ridicată și leziuni ale organelor în timpul sarcinii, prezintă riscuri semnificative atât pentru mama, cât și pentru făt. Patogeneza preeclampsiei implică disfuncție endotelială, stres oxidativ și dezvoltare placentară afectată. Scopul lucrării. Acest studiu și-a propus să evalueze potențialul metforminei, un medicament antidiabetic, drept agent de prevenire a preeclampsiei. Materiale și metode. S-a realizat un review sistemic cuprinzător a literaturii pentru a identifica studii relevante care explorează utilizarea metforminei în prevenirea preeclampsiei. Au fost utilizate baze de date electronice, inclusiv PubMed, Embase și Cochrane Library. Studiile eligibile au fost evaluate în ceea ce privește calitatea metodologică, iar datele au fost extrase pentru analiză. Rezultate. Un total de 10 studii au îndeplinit criteriile de includere, incluzând atât studii controlate randomizate, cât și studii observaționale. Studiile au investigat efectele metforminei asupra diferitelor rezultate legate de preeclampsie, inclusiv tensiune arterială, proteinurie, disfuncție placentară și creștere fetală. În ansamblu, rezultatele sugerează că administrarea metforminei în timpul sarcinii poate reduce semnificativ incidența preeclampsiei și a complicațiilor asociate. Metformina a demonstrat beneficii potențiale în îmbunătățirea controlului tensiunii arteriale la mame, reducerea proteinuriei și promovarea dezvoltării placentare optime. Concluzie. Acest studiu sistematic furnizează dovezi care susțin rolul potențial al metforminei în prevenirea preeclampsiei. Utilizarea metforminei ca intervenție preventivă în sarcinile cu risc ridicat prezintă promisiuni și ar putea reduce povara preeclampsiei și îmbunătăți rezultatele materne și fetale.Background. Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder characterized by high blood pressure and organ damage during pregnancy, posing significant risks to both the mother and the fetus. The pathogenesis of preeclampsia involves endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and impaired placental development. Objective of the study. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of metformin, an established anti-diabetic medication, as a preventive strategy for preeclampsia. Material and methods. A comprehensive systematic review of the literature was conducted to identify relevant studies exploring the use of metformin in preeclampsia prevention. Electronic databases were searched, including PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library. Eligible studies were assessed for methodological quality, and data were extracted for analysis. Results. A total of 10 studies met the inclusion criteria, comprising both randomized controlled trials and observational studies. The studies investigated the effects of metformin on various outcomes related to preeclampsia, including blood pressure, proteinuria, placental dysfunction, and fetal growth. Overall, the findings suggested that metformin administration during pregnancy may significantly reduce the incidence of preeclampsia and its associated complications. Metformin demonstrated potential benefits in improving maternal blood pressure control, reducing proteinuria, and promoting optimal placental development. Conclusion. This systematic study provides evidence supporting the potential role of metformin in the prevention of preeclampsia. The use of metformin as a preventive intervention in high-risk pregnancies shows promise, potentially reducing the burden of preeclampsia and improving maternal and fetal outcomes

    Ultradian biorhythm’s influence in cell population. Applicative aspects

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    Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young DoctorsIntroduction: Ultradian biorhythms represent biological rhythms which last between 20 and 90 minutes. They were discovered in 50s of the last century and approved by using several techniques of quantitative and qualitative analyzes which demonstrated than that ultradian biorhythms were characteristic only for some segregated cells, and later there was discovered their influence in regulation and synchronization of adjacent cell population, also their importance in entire organism homeostasis maintaining. This research aims to evaluate and categorize the most important aspects of this approaches. Materials and methods: In order to find answers to the proposed questions, a bioinformatic study is needed, by using PubMed and Link Springer data base which will be analyzed and structured in the following way. Discussions and results: it was discovered that u. biorhythms have more than 20 impacts over cell functions and properties, such as ATP synthesis, nucleic acids synthesis, synthesis of proteins, cell activity, protein secretion, cell respiration, the amount of cAMP, and also sometimes u. biorhythms may influence even the weigh and the size of the cell. Ultradian biorhhythms were identified not only at human, but also at the rest of mammals, crustaceans, molluscs, protozoa, bacteria and other single-celled organisms. During the study it was determined that this biorhythms are not anything else than the result of auto-organization of cell population’s oscillations. Actually, exists the idea that this biorhythms are synchronized by the gangliosides, this was confirmed by several experiments in vitro, where in the intercellular space of some cell populations was introduced gangliosides, and in this way was discovered that they were responsible for different processes, the most obvious one was the oscillations during proteins’ synthesis. More recent and more complex studies show us a more adaptable model regarding the synchronization of different cell populations, in this way the biorhythms control occurs as fallow: endogenously ( interstitial fluid ) which involves the following reactions: gangliosides, attach to specific receptors and release Ca2 + depots, calcium activates protein kinase, so the phosphorylation of specific proteins occurs and thus sets the stage of biorhythms of synthesis; Exogenously ( blood) in the same way, the only difference is that protein kinase activated by cAMP which is activated by the adenylate cyclase, the last one (adenylate cyclase) is activated by adrenaline, serotonin, melatonin, etc. In this context, it was possible to insight and later to confirm by experimental studies that cell proliferation depends not only on circadian rhythms but also on those ultradian ones, in this way they having an applicable aspect in regenerations, ontogenesis and oncological diseases. Other practical aspects which may be named: heart work, the efficiency of catecholamine receptors and their secretion, the entire system of organs, intercellular communications, cellular function. Another aspect, also very important, is that the process of aging may be Associated with a imbalance of intercellular synchronization, therefore, imbalance at the level of different ultradian rhythms. Researched phenomenon has important application in several clinical aspects: 1 ) In this way it adjusts the functions of the entire body; 2) The mechanism affects the ability of the body to work well with a determined frequency; 3) The quantitative difference of some substances at different periods of time, is important in the effectiveness of drugs introduced in different phases of ultradian cycles; 4 ) The perspective to compensate aging effects by introducing certain substances in the intercellular space.5) Better understanding of different organ systems functionality and the possibility of diagnosis according to the case. Conclusions: Ultradian biorhytms are not just a trend, and due to high-technologies developement, they may be used during diagnosis and during the treatement and planification of therapeutic maneuvers as well. It rests to elucidate, argumentate optimal, corect, economical and affordable methods of personalized determination of these rhythms

    Circumarterial femoral vein bifurcation. Case study

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Human Anatomy DepartmentWith the development of the diagnostic methods, appears the necessity of knowing not only the human standardized morphology, but as well the multiple variants which can be found in different people, otherwise appears a great probability of misinterpretation of the diagnostic results, prognostic, and even inadequate treatment

    Variants of the arterial vascularization of the hip

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    Catedra de anatomie a omului, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract Background: The variability of the arterial vessels of the thigh has a primordial importance in different surgical interventions such as angioplasty or other various catheterizations Material and methods: Varied anatomic studies from different periods of time and from different countries was analyzed and stored in order to create some schemes of variants of thigh vascularization by using bioinformatics studies. Results: Femoral artery, deep femoral artery, medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries have a large range of differentiation starting with different directions and origins which vary from person to person. Besides this their framework differ from one limb to another, for example the medial circumflex femoral artery has 3 more popular anatomic variants of origin, there are from femoral artery, from deep femoral artery or it has a common trunk with deep femoral artery, other data about are exposed in context. Conclusions: Surgical interventions involving hip should be done being in consideration the anatomical variants of the blood vessels supply. Even more nowadays new methods of catheterization through different vessels are available