554 research outputs found

    In vivo biodistribution and lifetime analysis of cy5.5-conjugated rituximab in mice bearing lymphoid tumor xenograft using time-domain near-infrared optical imaging

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    Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody directed against human CD20 antigen, which is expressed on B-cell lymphocytes and on the majority of B-cell lymphoid malignancies. Herein we report the conjugate of rituximab with the near-infrared (NIR) fluorophore Cy5.5 (RI-Cy5.5) as a tool for in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo NIR time-domain (TD) optical imaging. In vitro, RI-Cy5.5 retained biologic activity and led to elevated cell-associated fluorescence on tumor cells. In vivo, TD optical imaging analysis of RI-Cy5.5 injected into lymphoma-bearing mice revealed a slow tumor uptake and a specific long-lasting persistence of the probe within the tumor. Biodistribution studies after intraperitoneal and endovenous administration were undertaken to evaluate differences in the tumor uptake. RI-Cy5.5 concentration in the organs after intraperitoneal injection was not as high as after endovenous injection. Ex vivo analysis of biologic tissues and organs by both TD optical imaging and immunohistochemistry confirmed the probe distribution, as demonstrated by imaging experiment in vivo, showing that RI-Cy5.5 selectively accumulated in the tumor tissue and major excretion organs. In summary, the study indicates that NIR TD optical imaging is a powerful tool for rituximab-targeting investigation, furthering understanding of its administration outcome in lymphoma treatment

    Identification of key receptor residues discriminating human chorionic gonadotropin (Hcg)-and luteinizing hormone (lh)-specific signaling

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    (1) The human luteinizing hormone (LH)/chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) receptor (LHCGR) discriminates its two hormone ligands and differs from the murine receptor (Lhr) in amino acid residues potentially involved in qualitative discerning of LH and hCG. The latter gon-adotropin is absent in rodents. The aim of the study is to identify LHCGR residues involved in hCG/LH discrimination. (2) Eight LHCGR cDNAs were developed, carrying “murinizing” mutations on aminoacidic residues assumed to interact specifically with LH, hCG, or both. HEK293 cells expressing a mutant or the wild type receptor were treated with LH or hCG and the kinetics of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated ki-nases 1/2 (pERK1/2) activation was analyzed by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). (3) Mutations falling within the receptor leucine reach repeat 9 and 10 (LRR9 and LRR10; K225S +T226I and R247T), of the large extracellular binding domain, are linked to loss of hormone-specific induced cAMP increase, as well as hCG-specific pERK1/2 activation, leading to a Lhr-like modulation of the LHCGR-mediated intracellular signaling pattern. These results support the hypothesis that LHCGR LRR domain is the interaction site of the hormone β-L2 loop, which differs between LH and hCG, and might be fundamental for inducing gonadotropin-specific signals. (4) Taken to-gether, these data identify LHCGR key residues likely evolved in the human to discriminate LH/hCG specific binding
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