23 research outputs found

    Variation of the clusterisation for each index depending of the considered year.

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    <p>This clusterisation is the Anselin representation of the clusterisation of local Moran index. HH represents High-High clusters which is a cluster with a high index surrounded with clusters with high index; LL Low-Low, LH Low-High, and HL High-Low.</p

    Definition of the productivity indexes.

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    <p>Definition of the productivity indexes.</p

    Correlation between the meteorological analyses and the seasonal and random trends of the temporal analyses.

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    <p>The stationary (Dickey Fuller test of null hypothesis of temporal non stationary) and the autocorrelation (Ljung-Box test) were tested for each index. p0 represents the rain precipitations during the decades the measures have been done, p1 during the previous decade, and p2 during the decade before. Tmin, Tmoy and Tmax represent respectively the weekly minimum, average and maximum temperatures.</p

    Map representing the 4 different zones choose for the meteorological analysis, and the representations of the average precipitation per zone over a year and the minimum, average and maximum temperature.

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    <p>Map representing the 4 different zones choose for the meteorological analysis, and the representations of the average precipitation per zone over a year and the minimum, average and maximum temperature.</p

    Correlations between the meteorological analyses and 3 indexes.

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    <p>The analyses were carried out on a dataset of 957 data in the North (Saint-Denis), 457 in the South (Saint-Pierre), 329 in the West (Saint-Paul) and 501 in the East (Saint-Benoît). CI represent Container Index, HI House Index, IRI Infested Receptacle Index. p0 represents the rain precipitations during the decades the measures have been done, p1 during the previous decade, and p2 during the decade before. Tmin, Tmoy and Tmax represent respectively the weekly minimum, average and maximum temperatures. Bold numbers represents significant correlations. Grey cells represent cases with non adjusted model.</p

    Productivity of breeding site of <i>Aedes albopictus</i> (N = 1949 observations).

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    <p>Natural breeding sites (0), Flower plates (1), Small recipients (2), Big recipients (3), Tires (4), Basin and reservoir (5) and vegetal breeding sites (6). Different letters mean that the mean values of productivity (average of larvae and pupae in a breeding site) are statistically different (Tukey's t test; P<0.05).</p

    Map representing the 4 Mosquito Control Services (MCS) districts in La Reunion, the 24 towns and the 990 operational zones.

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    <p>Map representing the 4 Mosquito Control Services (MCS) districts in La Reunion, the 24 towns and the 990 operational zones.</p

    Spatial analysis of the 4 indexes, based on a dataset of 6548 zones.

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    <p>A global Moran index tested the spatial autocorrelation choice distance at 500, 800 and 1000 m. The P-value was calculated after a normalisation of the local Moran indices (in bold, P<0.05).</p

    The effect of parameters (X latitude and Y longitude: GPS localization of the sampling place; IRS: Indoor Residual Spraying which represent the number of insecticide interventions the population should underwent (Max: 1 per year) on KD50, KD90 and 24 hours survival rate of <i>Xenopsylla cheopis</i>.

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    <p>The effect of parameters (X latitude and Y longitude: GPS localization of the sampling place; IRS: Indoor Residual Spraying which represent the number of insecticide interventions the population should underwent (Max: 1 per year) on KD50, KD90 and 24 hours survival rate of <i>Xenopsylla cheopis</i>.</p

    Mortality values of Xenopsylla cheopis populations to Deltamethrin in Madagascar.

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    <p>Mortality values of Xenopsylla cheopis populations to Deltamethrin in Madagascar.</p