8 research outputs found

    Bat behavioral immune responses in social contexts: current knowledge and future directions

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    Animals often mount complex immune responses to infections. Aside from cellular and molecular defense mechanisms, animals can alter their behavior in response to infection by avoiding, resisting, or tolerating negative effects of pathogens. These behaviors are often connected to cellular and molecular immune responses. For instance, sickness behaviors are a set of behavioral changes triggered by the host inflammatory response (e.g., cytokines) and could aid in resisting or tolerating infection, as well as affect transmission dynamics if sick animals socially withdraw or are being avoided by others. To fully understand the group and population level transmission dynamics and consequences of pathogen infections in bats, it is not only important to consider cellular and molecular defense mechanisms, but also behavioral mechanisms, and how both interact. Although there has been increasing interest in bat immune responses due to their ability to successfully cope with viral infections, few studies have explored behavioral anti-pathogen defense mechanisms. My main objective is to explore the interaction of cellular and molecular defense mechanisms, and behavioral alterations that results from infection in bats, and to outline current knowledge and future research avenues in this field

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    Datasets and R.code: "Sickness behaviors in vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus)"

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    Fileset contains datasets as well as R. code supporting "sickness behavior reduces allogrooming in vampire bats". R- code "dyadic_social_grooming_analysis" contains simple model of how sickness induced changes in allogrooming given to other individuals, could affect disease transmission.<div><br></div><div>Detailed description of individual datasets:</div><div><br></div><div>(1) "physiology_data" and R-code "physiology_analysis"</div><div><div>group = Group the individual was housed in (1-7)</div><div>experiment = Week, experiment 1 = week 1, experiment 2 = week 2</div><div>individual = injected individual</div><div>treatment = treatment (LPS or PBS)</div><div>bm.postmpre = bodymass post injection minus bodymass pre-injection (grams)</div><div>WBC.postmpre = white blood cell concentration (cells/ml) post-injection minus pre-injection</div><div>NL.postmpre = NL ratio post-injection minus NL ratio pre-injection</div></div><div><br></div><div>(2) "individual_behaviors_means" and R-code "individual_behavior_analysis"</div><div><div>focal.bat: focal bat of behavior scoring after injection</div><div>treatment: treatment (LPS or PBS)</div><div>activity: mean activity rate of 2 hours observation ((counts hour 1 / onscreen counts) + (counts hour 2 / onscreen counts)) / 2</div><div>sleep.rate: mean sleep rate of 2 hours observation ((counts hour 1 / onscreen counts) + (counts hour 2 / onscreen counts)) / 2</div><div>grooming.rate: mean self-grooming rate of 2 hours observation ((counts hour 1 / onscreen counts) + (counts hour 2 / onscreen counts)) / 2</div><div>ml.rate: mean mouthlicking rate of 2 hours observation ((counts hour 1 / onscreen counts) + (counts hour 2 / onscreen counts)) / 2</div><div>socgroom.rate: mean social grooming rate of 2 hours observation ((counts hour 1 / onscreen counts) + (counts hour 2 / onscreen counts)) / 2</div><div>moving.rate: mean moving rate of 2 hours observation ((counts hour 1 / onscreen counts) + (counts hour 2 / onscreen counts)) / 2</div><div>group: group the focal bat was housed in (from 1-7)</div><div>groupsize: groupsize of the group the focal bat was housed in (2 or 4)</div></div><div><br></div><div>(3) "dyadic_social_grooming_dataset" and R-code "dyadic.social.grooming.analysis"</div><div><div>focal.bat: focal bat of observation</div><div>partner: partner bat the focal bat was interacting with</div><div>pair: description of two interacting bats as a pair</div><div>group: group the focal bat was housed in (groups 1-7)</div><div>groupsize: groupsize of the group the focal bat was housed in (2 or 4)</div><div>day.in.exp: Day on the experimental timeline (see figure S1)</div><div>week: Week in the experiment (week 1 or 2)</div><div>duration.rec: duration in seconds the focal bat received grooming from partner</div><div>duration.act: duration in seconds the focal bat gave grooming to partner</div><div>hours.rec: hours recorded (always 2 h except for nights 5 and 13 due to technical problems)</div><div>dir.dyad: unique description of a pair of two bats. Directional dyad, e.g focal bat is A and partner is B so directional dyad is B->A</div><div>treatment: treatment during the experimental week 1 or 2</div><div>injection: injection = "no" for baseline nights and "yes" for nights when the focal bat was injected with either LPS or PBS</div></div

    Behavioural defences against parasites across host social structures

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    Animals exhibit a variety of behavioural defences against socially transmitted parasites. These defences evolved to increase host fitness by avoiding, resisting or tolerating infection. Because they can occur in both infected individuals and their uninfected social partners, these defences often have important consequences for the social group. Here, we discuss the evolution and ecology of anti-parasite behavioural defences across a taxonomically wide social spectrum, considering colonial groups, stable groups, transitional groups and solitary animals. We discuss avoidance, resistance and tolerance behaviours across these social group structures, identifying how social complexity, group composition and interdependent social relationships may contribute to the expression and evolution of behavioural strategies. Finally, we outline avenues for further investigation such as approaches to quantify group-level responses, and the connection of the physiological and behavioural response to parasites in different social contexts

    Infectious diseases and social distancing in nature

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    Final manuscript draft for review article "Infectious diseases and social distancing in nature" (Science 05 Mar 2021; link to published article: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/371/6533/eabc8881