88 research outputs found

    Reduction of Classical Measurement Noise via Quantum-Dense Metrology

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    Quantum-dense metrology (QDM) constitutes a special case of quantum metrology in which two orthogonal phase space projections of a signal are simultaneously sensed beyond the shot noise limit. Previously it was shown that the additional sensing channel that is provided by QDM contains information that can be used to identify and to discard corrupted segments from the measurement data. Here, we demonstrate a proof-of-principle experiment in which this information is used for improving the sensitivity without discarding any measurement segments. Our measurement reached sub-shot-noise performance although initially strong classical noise polluted the data

    Optical Absorption Measurements on Crystalline Silicon at 1550nm

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    Crystalline silicon is currently being discussed as test-mass material for future generations of gravitational wave detectors that will operate at cryogenic temperatures. We present optical absorption measurements on a large-dimension sample of crystalline silicon at a wavelength of 1550nm at room temperature. The absorption was measured in a monolithic cavity setup using the photo-thermal self-phase modulation technique. The result for the absorption coefficient of this float-zone sample with a specific resistivity of 11kOhm cm was measured to be \alpha_A=(264 +/- 39)ppm/cm.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Strong Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with unconditional entangled states

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    In 1935 Schr\"odinger introduced the terms entanglement and steering in the context of the famous gedanken experiment discussed by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR). Here, we report on a sixfold increase of the observed EPR-steering effect as quantified by the Reid-criterion. We achieved an unprecedented low conditional variance product of about 0.04 < 1, where 1 is the upper bound below which steering is present. The steering effect was observed on an unconditional two-mode-squeezed entangled state that contained a total vacuum state contribution of less than 8%, including detection imperfections. Together with the achieved high interference contrast between the entangled state and a bright coherent laser field, our state is compatible with efficient applications in high-power laser interferometers and fiber-based networks for entanglement distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Mapping the optical absorption of a substrate-transferred crystalline AlGaAs coating at 1.5 µm

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    The sensitivity of 2nd and 3rd generations of interferometric gravitational wave detectors will be limited by thermal noise of the test-mass mirrors and highly reflective coatings. Recently developed crystalline coatings show a promising thermal noise reduction compared to presently used amorphous coatings. However, stringent requirements apply to the optical properties of the coatings as well. We have mapped the optical absorption of a crystalline AlGaAs coating which is optimized for high reflectivity for a wavelength of 1064nm. The absorption was measured at 1550nm where the coating stack transmits approximately 70% of the laser light. The measured absorption was lower than (30.2 +/- 11.1)ppm which is equivalent to (3.6 +/- 1.3)ppm for a coating stack that is highly reflective at 1530nm. While this is a very promising low absorption result for alternative low--loss coating materials, further work will be necessary to reach the requirements of &lt;1ppm for future gravitational wave detectors. Jessica Steinlechner, Iain W Martin, Angus Bell, Garrett Cole, Jim Hough, Steven Penn, Sheila Rowan, Sebastian Steinlechne

    Quantum metrology with squeezed and entangled light for the detection of gravitational waves

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    Mitigating quantum decoherence in force sensors by internal squeezing

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    The most efficient approach to laser interferometric force sensing to date uses monochromatic carrier light with its signal sideband spectrum in a squeezed vacuum state. Quantum decoherence, i.e. mixing with an ordinary vacuum state due to optical losses, is the main sensitivity limit. In this work, we present both theoretical and experimental evidence that quantum decoherence in high-precision laser interferometric force sensors enhanced with optical cavities and squeezed light injection can be mitigated by a quantum squeeze operation inside the sensor's cavity. Our experiment shows an enhanced measurement sensitivity that is independent of the optical readout loss in a wide range. Our results pave the way for quantum improvements in scenarios where high decoherence previously precluded the use of squeezed light. Our results hold significant potential for advancing the field of quantum sensors and enabling new experimental approaches in high-precision measurement technology

    Demonstration of interferometer enhancement through EPR entanglement

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    The sensitivity of laser interferometers used for the detection of gravitational waves (GWs) is limited by quantum noise of light. An improvement is given by light with squeezed quantum uncertainties, as employed in the GW detector GEO600 since 2010. To achieve simultaneous noise reduction at all signal frequencies, however, the spectrum of squeezed states needs to be processed by 100m-scale low-loss optical filter cavities in vacuum. Here, we report on the proof-of-principle of an interferometer setup that achieves the required processed squeezed spectrum by employing Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) entangled states. Applied to GW detectors, the cost-intensive cavities would become obsolete, while the price to pay is a 3dB quantum penalty

    Fundamental sensitivity limit of lossy cavity-enhanced interferometers with external and internal squeezing

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    Quantum optical sensors are ubiquitous in various fields of research, from biological or medical sensors to large-scale experiments searching for dark matter or gravitational waves. Gravitational-wave detectors have been very successful in implementing cavities and quantum squeezed light for enhancing sensitivity to signals from black hole or neutron star mergers. However, the sensitivity to weak forces is limited by available energy and optical decoherence in the system. Here, we derive the fundamental sensitivity limit of cavity and squeezed-light enhanced interferometers with optical loss.This limit is attained by the optimal use of an additional internal squeeze operation, which allows to mitigate readout loss. We demonstrate the application of internal squeezing to various scenarios and confirm that it indeed allows to reach the best sensitivity in cavity and squeezed-light enhanced linear force sensors. Our work establishes the groundwork for the future development of optimal sensors in real-world scenarios where, up until now, the application of squeezed light was curtailed by various sources of decoherence