1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Sex differences in the association of phospholipids with components of the metabolic syndrome in young adults

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    Results for the regression model of the unstratified population with the five MetS. Table S2–S4. Results of the Regression model with Metabolite concentration as outcome and two-level sex variable as predictor. Table S5. Results for the ANOVA for the five MetS Factors. Table S6: Results for the group testing after the Anova. Table S6.1. Results for the testing of hfemales versus nhfemales. Table 6.2. Results for the testing of males versus hfemales. Table S6.3. Results for the testing of males versus nhfemales. Table 7. Median, 25% and 75% quartile for every metabolite (215) of the Raine Study metabolomics dataset stratified by males and non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptive-taking females. Table S7.1. Non-hormonal contraceptive-taking females. Table S7.2. Hormonal contraceptive-taking females. Table S7.3. Male subset. (DOCX 530 kb