6 research outputs found

    Baseline variables.

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    *<p>p<0.05;</p>**<p>p<0.01;</p>***<p>p<0.001.</p><p>AQT  =  A Quick Test of Cognitive Speed; MCI-AD  =  MCI patients who progress to AD; MCI-Other dementias  =  MCI patients who progress to other dementias than AD; MMSE (O & R)  =  the orientation and delayed word recall parts of the MMSE; SD  =  standard deviation.</p><p>MMSE, MMSE (O&R), Clock drawing, Aβ<sub>42</sub> and Aβ<sub>42</sub>/Tau: A lower value is pathological.</p><p>AQT, Tau and P-tau: A higher value is pathological.</p><p>There were significant differences among the groups for all variables (Kruskal-Wallis).</p

    Comparison of cognitive tests and CSF biomarkers (logistic regression analysis).

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    *<p>p<0.05 compared with AUC for cognitive tests and AUC for CSF. Note that some variable are continuous and others dichotomous, which greatly affects the OR.</p><p>The Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test was >0.05 for all models, indicating a good fit of the model to the data.</p><p>Demographic variables entered in all models: age and sex; CSF variables entered: Tau, Aβ<sub>42</sub> or Aβ<sub>42</sub> dichotomised at <208 and P-tau; Cognitive test variables entered: MMSE (orientation & recall) and clock drawing dichotomised at <4. All were entered with the backward LR method.</p><p>AUC  =  Area under the curve; CI  =  Confidence interval; MMSE (O & R)  =  the orientation and delayed word recall parts of the MMSE; MCI-AD  =  MCI patients who later convert to AD; MCI-other dementias  =  MCI patients who later convert to a dementia other than AD; OR  =  Odds ratio.</p

    Comparison of single variables for predicting follow-up diagnoses (ROC curve analysis).

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    *<p>p<0.05; ** p<0.01; compared with AUC of clock drawing.</p><p>The cut-offs were chosen to yield the highest Youden index.</p><p>Clock drawing was scored according to Shulman {Shulman, 2000 #36}.</p><p>CI =  Confidence interval, MMSE (O & R)  =  The orientation and delayed word recall parts of the MMSE.</p

    AUCs for MCI-AD compared with stable MCI and MCI-other dementias.

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    <p>The AUCs were derived from the logistic regression models (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0038639#pone-0038639-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a>). The AUC from the combined model with both cognitive tests and CSF biomarkers was significantly better than that of the CSF model (p = 0.04) and the cognitive test model (p = 0.01). MMSE (O & R)  =  the orientation and delayed word recall parts of the MMSE.</p

    Additional file 1 of Plasma N-terminal containing tau fragments (NTA-tau): a biomarker of tau deposition in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure 1. Plasma NTA-tau levels across AA criteria for staging AD using PET (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Figure 2. Regional associations between plasma NTA-tau, p-tau181, NfL and GFAP levels with Aβ-PET, tau-PET and cortical thickness (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 1. Characteristics of the subsample with available plasma t-tau (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 2. Plasma NTA-tau levels by diagnosis (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 3. Characteristics of the sample by AT status (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 4. Plasma NTA-tau levels by AT status (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 5. Characteristics of the sample by Braak stages (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 6. Plasma NTA-tau levels by Braak stages (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 7. Plasma NTA-tau levels by AA criteria for staging AD (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 8. Plasma NTA-tau levels by diagnosis (BioFINDER-1). Supplementary Table 9. Comparison between models including/excluding an interaction between plasma NTA-tau and Aβ-status (BioFINDER-2 and -1). Supplementary Table 10. Proportion of variation of plasma biomarker levels explained by amyloid and tau (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 11. Characteristics of the longitudinal tau-PET sample (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 12. Characteristics of the longitudinal MRI sample (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 13. Characteristics of the longitudinal MRI sample (BioFINDER-1). Supplementary Table 14. Characteristics of the longitudinal cognition sample (BioFINDER-2). Supplementary Table 15. Characteristics of the longitudinal cognition sample (BioFINDER-1). Supplementary Table 16. Characteristics of the longitudinal plasma NTA-tau (BioFINDER-1)