82 research outputs found

    Hall conductivity from dyonic black holes

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    A class of strongly interacting 2+1 dimensional conformal field theories in a transverse magnetic field can be studied using the AdS/CFT duality. We compute zero momentum hydrodynamic response functions of maximally supersymmetric 2+1 dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at the conformal fixed point, in the large N limit. With background magnetic field B and electric charge density rho, the Hall conductivity is found to be rho/B. The result, anticipated on kinematic grounds in field theory, is obtained from perturbations of a four dimensional AdS black hole with both electric and magnetic charges.Comment: 1+13 pages. TT correlator corrected. Typos corrected and added ref

    Quantum oscillations and black hole ringing

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    We show that strongly coupled field theories with holographic gravity duals at finite charge density and low temperatures can undergo de Haas - van Alphen quantum oscillations as a function of an external magnetic field. Exhibiting this effect requires computation of the one loop contribution of charged bulk fermions to the free energy. The one loop calculation is performed using a formula expressing determinants in black hole backgrounds as sums over quasinormal modes. At zero temperature, the periodic nonanalyticities in the magnetic susceptibility as a function of the inverse magnetic field depend on the low energy scaling behavior of fermionic operators in the field theory, and are found to be softer than in weakly coupled theories. We also obtain numerical and WKB results for the quasinormal modes of charged bosons in dyonic black hole backgrounds, finding evidence for nontrivial periodic behavior as a function of the magnetic field.Comment: 1+53 pages. 9 figures. v2: important changes to sections 3.4 - 3.6. contribution of branch cut poles include

    Landscape of superconducting membranes

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence may connect the landscape of string vacua and the `atomic landscape' of condensed matter physics. We study the stability of a landscape of IR fixed points of N=2 large N gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions, dual to Sasaki-Einstein compactifications of M theory, towards a superconducting state. By exhibiting instabilities of charged black holes in these compactifications, we show that many of these theories have charged operators that condense when the theory is placed at a finite chemical potential. We compute a statistical distribution of critical superconducting temperatures for a subset of these theories. With a chemical potential of one milliVolt, we find critical temperatures ranging between 0.24 and 165 degrees Kelvin.Comment: 1+34 pages. 3 figures. v2 references added, typos fixe

    Transport near the Ising-nematic quantum critical point of metals in two dimensions

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    We consider two-dimensional metals near a Pomeranchuk instability which breaks 90∘ lattice rotation symmetry. Such metals realize strongly coupled non-Fermi liquids with critical fluctuations of an Ising-nematic order. At low temperatures, impurity scattering provides the dominant source of momentum relaxation and, hence, a nonzero electrical resistivity. We use the memory matrix method to compute the resistivity of this non-Fermi liquid to second order in the impurity potential, without assuming the existence of quasiparticles. Impurity scattering in the d-wave channel acts as a random “field” on the Ising-nematic order. We find contributions to the resistivity with a nearly linear temperature dependence, along with more singular terms; the most singular is the random-field contribution which diverges in the limit of zero temperature.Physic

    GlioPredictor: A deep learning model for identification of high-risk adult IDH-mutant glioma towards adjuvant treatment planning

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    Identification of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-mutant glioma patients at high risk of early progression is critical for radiotherapy treatment planning. Currently tools to stratify risk of early progression are lacking. We sought to identify a combination of molecular markers that could be used to identify patients who may have a greater need for adjuvant radiation therapy machine learning technology. 507 WHO Grade 2 and 3 glioma cases from The Cancer Genome Atlas, and 1309 cases from AACR GENIE v13.0 datasets were studied for genetic disparities between IDH1-wildtype and IDH1-mutant cohorts, and between different age groups. Genetic features such as mutations and copy number variations (CNVs) correlated with IDH1 mutation status were selected as potential inputs to train artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict IDH1 mutation status. Grade 2 and 3 glioma cases from the Memorial Sloan Kettering dataset (n = 404) and Grade 3 glioma cases with subtotal resection (STR) from Northwestern University (NU) (n = 21) were used to further evaluate the best performing ANN model as independent datasets. IDH1 mutation is associated with decreased CNVs of EGFR (21% vs. 3%), CDKN2A (20% vs. 6%), PTEN (14% vs. 1.7%), and increased percentage of mutations for TP53 (15% vs. 63%), and ATRX (10% vs. 54%), which were all statistically significant (p \u3c 0.001). Age \u3e 40 was unable to identify high-risk IDH1-mutant with early progression. A glioma early progression risk prediction (GlioPredictor) score generated from the best performing ANN model (6/6/6/6/2/1) with 6 inputs, including CNVs of EGFR, PTEN and CDKN2A, mutation status of TP53 and ATRX, patient\u27s age can predict IDH1 mutation status with over 90% accuracy. The GlioPredictor score identified a subgroup of high-risk IDH1-mutant in TCGA and NU datasets with early disease progression (p = 0.0019, 0.0238, respectively). The GlioPredictor that integrates age at diagnosis, CNVs of EGFR, CDKN2A, PTEN and mutation status of TP53, and ATRX can identify a small cohort of IDH-mutant with high risk of early progression. The current version of GlioPredictor mainly incorporated clinically often tested genetic biomarkers. Considering complexity of clinical and genetic features that correlate with glioma progression, future derivatives of GlioPredictor incorporating more inputs can be a potential supplement for adjuvant radiotherapy patient selection of IDH-mutant glioma patients

    Theory of the Nernst effect near quantum phase transitions in condensed matter, and in dyonic black holes

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    We present a general hydrodynamic theory of transport in the vicinity of superfluid-insulator transitions in two spatial dimensions described by "Lorentz"-invariant quantum critical points. We allow for a weak impurity scattering rate, a magnetic field B, and a deviation in the density, \rho, from that of the insulator. We show that the frequency-dependent thermal and electric linear response functions, including the Nernst coefficient, are fully determined by a single transport coefficient (a universal electrical conductivity), the impurity scattering rate, and a few thermodynamic state variables. With reasonable estimates for the parameters, our results predict a magnetic field and temperature dependence of the Nernst signal which resembles measurements in the cuprates, including the overall magnitude. Our theory predicts a "hydrodynamic cyclotron mode" which could be observable in ultrapure samples. We also present exact results for the zero frequency transport co-efficients of a supersymmetric conformal field theory (CFT), which is solvable by the AdS/CFT correspondence. This correspondence maps the \rho and B perturbations of the 2+1 dimensional CFT to electric and magnetic charges of a black hole in the 3+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space. These exact results are found to be in full agreement with the general predictions of our hydrodynamic analysis in the appropriate limiting regime. The mapping of the hydrodynamic and AdS/CFT results under particle-vortex duality is also described.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures; (v3) Added new subsection highlighting negative Hall resistance at hole densities smaller than 1/

    Families of IIB duals for nonrelativistic CFTs

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    We show that the recent string theory embedding of a spacetime with nonrelativistic Schrodinger symmetry can be generalised to a twenty one dimensional family of solutions with that symmetry. Our solutions include IIB backgrounds with no three form flux turned on, and arise as near horizon limits of branewave spacetimes. We show that there is a hypersurface in the space of these theories where an instability appears in the gravitational description, indicating a phase transition in the nonrelativistic field theory dual. We also present simple embeddings of duals for nonrelativistic critical points where the dynamical critical exponent can take many values z \neq 2.Comment: 1+25 pages. References adde

    Deformations of Lifshitz holography

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    The simplest gravity duals for quantum critical theories with z=2 `Lifshitz' scale invariance admit a marginally relevant deformation. Generic black holes in the bulk describe the field theory with a dynamically generated momentum scale Lambda as well as finite temperature T. We describe the thermodynamics of these black holes in the quantum critical regime where T >> Lambda^2. The deformation changes the asymptotics of the spacetime mildly and leads to intricate UV sensitivities of the theory which we control perturbatively in Lambda^2/T.Comment: 1+27 pages, 12 figure

    Black hole determinants and quasinormal modes

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    We derive an expression for functional determinants in thermal spacetimes as a product over the corresponding quasinormal modes. As simple applications we give efficient computations of scalar determinants in thermal AdS, BTZ black hole and de Sitter spacetimes. We emphasize the conceptual utility of our formula for discussing `1/N' corrections to strongly coupled field theories via the holographic correspondence.Comment: 28 pages. v2: slightly improved exposition, references adde