16 research outputs found

    Lessons learned in the development of the STOL intelligent tutoring system

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    Lessons learned during the development of the NASA Systems Test and Operations Language (STOL) Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), being developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The purpose of the intelligent tutor is to train STOL users by adapting tutoring based on inferred student strengths and weaknesses. This system has been under development for over one year and numerous lessons learned have emerged. These observations are presented in three sections, as follows. The first section addresses the methodology employed in the development of the STOL ITS and briefly presents the ITS architecture. The second presents lessons learned, in the areas of: intelligent tutor development; documentation and reporting; cost and schedule control; and tools and shells effectiveness. The third section presents recommendations which may be considered by other ITS developers, addressing: access, use and selection of subject matter experts; steps involved in ITS development; use of ITS interface design prototypes as part of knowledge engineering; and tools and shells effectiveness

    Functional description of a command and control language tutor

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    The status of an ongoing project to explore the application of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) technology to NASA command and control languages is described. The primary objective of the current phase of the project is to develop a user interface for an ITS to assist NASA control center personnel in learning Systems Test and Operations Language (STOL). Although this ITS will be developed for Gamma Ray Observatory operators, it will be designed with sufficient flexibility so that its modules may serve as an ITS for other control languages such as the User Interface Language (UIL). The focus of this phase is to develop at least one other form of STOL representation to complement the operational STOL interface. Such an alternative representation would be adaptively employed during the tutoring session to facilitate the learning process. This is a key feature of this ITS which distinguishes it from a simulator that is only capable of representing the operational environment

    Near-Term Nextgen and Class 2 EFBS

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    This study is based on data collected at the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Advanced Software and Authorization Workshop for US operators currently involved in EFB software evaluation or implementation for their own fleets. With most US operators not taking delivery of new, larger aircraft in the next few years, they are considering ways of displaying near-term NextGen data on board existing aircraft through systems such as the EFB. The workshop collected operator near-term needs in the areas of EFB user interface and standardization and EFB advanced software applications. The analysis of the data collected during the workshop provided a prioritized list of operator needs over the next few years with an emphasis on runway safety and related NextGen systems. The study reports on those needs in the context of near-term NextGen systems and Class 2 EFBs

    Analyzing AQP Data to Improve Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Operations and Training

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    Key points include: Initiate data collection and analysis early in the implementation process. Use data to identify procedural and training refinements. Use a de-identified system to analyze longitudinal data. Use longitudinal I/E data to improve their standardization. Identify above average pilots and crews and use their performance to specify best practices. Analyze below average crew performance data to isolate problems with the training, evaluator standardization and pilot proficiency

    Optimizing EFB Use Through Training, Standards, and Best Practices

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    The Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) provides an integrated information management system that promises new capabilities and benefits to pilots, but information access and display differs substantially from traditional paper documents. Pilots must understand what information is available and where it is located, how data is accessed and entered, and how this system interacts with other aircraft systems. Operators must develop standards, best practices and training that will optimize the EFB capabilities and ensure safe and effective crew performance. This paper presents how key training and procedural enhancements as well as the identification of best practices can be identified during the EFB operational evaluation for incorporation into ongoing line operations

    Human Factors Design of Electronic Documents

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    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), working with the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) Industry Group, is developing a new MMEL electronic format. The MMEL refers to a series of documents controlled by the FAA that lists equipment that may be inoperative under certain conditions while still allowing the aircraft to be airworthy. Each aircraft model has an MMEL, and operators must work with that master document to determine the relief items for their specific aircraft. The resulting Minimum Equipment List (MEL) for an operator\u27s aircraft is used by both ground personnel and pilots to determine the procedures for maintaining airworthiness. Currently, the MMEL is available in text format, and the industry needs an electronic format that is more efficient and that will be compatible with key aspects of future data standards. Members of the MMEL Industry Group were surveyed to determine the main user needs and human factors considerations for the development and evaluation of the MMEL electronic format. This study identifies key operator needs that can direct the development of not only the new MMEL format but also the broader category of aviation electronic documents

    Beyond Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Approval: Improving Crew Performance

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    As operators evaluate and implement Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs), the emphasis has been on their operational approval and certification. This research provides data that demonstrate how an operator can aim beyond the limited objectives of the EFB approval process to improving crew performance. This paper reports on evaluation results that show how crews working with an EFB can not only equal, but can exceed the performance of those working with traditional paper documents