2,264 research outputs found

    Optimal battery charge/discharge strategies for prosumers and suppliers

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    We discuss the application of classical variational methods to optimal charging/discharging strategies for a prosumer or storage supplier, where the price of electrical power is known in advance. We outline how a classical calculus of variations approach can be applied to two related problems: (i) how can a prosumer minimise the cost of charging/discharging a battery, when the price of electrical power is known throughout the charging/discharging period? and (ii) how can an electricity supplier incentivise desired prosumer/storage supplier behaviour by adjusting the price

    No evidence of a significant role for CTLA-4 in multiple sclerosis

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    Variation in the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) gene plays a significant role in determining susceptibility to autoimmune thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes. Its role in multiple sclerosis is more controversial. In order to explore this logical candidate more thoroughly, we genotyped 771 multiple sclerosis trio families from the United Kingdom for the 3? untranslated region variable number tandem repeat, the CT60 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and five haplotype-tagging SNPs. No individual marker or common haplotype showed evidence of association with disease. These data suggest that any effect of CTLA-4 on multiple sclerosis susceptibility is likely to be very small

    Quantized Vortex States of Strongly Interacting Bosons in a Rotating Optical Lattice

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    Bose gases in rotating optical lattices combine two important topics in quantum physics: superfluid rotation and strong correlations. In this paper, we examine square two-dimensional systems at zero temperature comprised of strongly repulsive bosons with filling factors of less than one atom per lattice site. The entry of vortices into the system is characterized by jumps of 2 pi in the phase winding of the condensate wavefunction. A lattice of size L X L can have at most L-1 quantized vortices in the lowest Bloch band. In contrast to homogeneous systems, angular momentum is not a good quantum number since the continuous rotational symmetry is broken by the lattice. Instead, a quasi-angular momentum captures the discrete rotational symmetry of the system. Energy level crossings indicative of quantum phase transitions are observed when the quasi-angular momentum of the ground-state changes.Comment: 12 Pages, 13 Figures, Version

    Atomtronics: ultracold atom analogs of electronic devices

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    Atomtronics focuses on atom analogs of electronic materials, devices and circuits. A strongly interacting ultracold Bose gas in a lattice potential is analogous to electrons in solid-state crystalline media. As a consequence of the band structure, cold atoms in a lattice can exhibit insulator or conductor properties. P-type and N-type material analogs can be created by introducing impurity sites into the lattice. Current through an atomtronic wire is generated by connecting the wire to an atomtronic battery which maintains the two contacts at different chemical potentials. The design of an atomtronic diode with a strongly asymmetric current-voltage curve exploits the existence of superfluid and insulating regimes in the phase diagram. The atomtronic analog of a bipolar junction transistor exhibits large negative gain. Our results provide the building blocks for more advanced atomtronic devices and circuits such as amplifiers, oscillators and fundamental logic gates

    A first-principles study of superconductivity on RbH by doping without applied pressure

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    The structural, electronic, lattice dynamics, electron-phonon coupling, and superconducting properties of the alkali-metal hydride RbH, metalized through electron-doping by the construction of the solid-solution Rb1−x_{1-x}Srx_xH, are systematically analyzed as a function of Sr-content within the framework of density functional perturbation and Migdal-Eliashberg theories, taking into account the effect of zero-point energy contribution by the quasi-harmonic approximation. For the entire studied range of Sr-content, steady increments of the electron-phonon coupling constant and the superconducting critical temperature are found with progressive alkaline-earth metal content through electron-doping, reaching the values of λ=1.92\lambda=1.92 and Tc=51.3(66.1)T_c=51.3(66.1)~K with μ∗\mu^*=0.1(0). The steady rise of such quantities as a function of Sr-content is consequence of the metallization of the hydride as an increase of density of states at the Fermi level is observed, as well as the softening of the phonon spectrum, mainly coming from H-optical modes. Our results indicate that electron-doping on metal-hydrides is an encouraging alternative to look for superconductivity without applied pressure.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    A Bayesian multivariate factor analysis model for evaluating an intervention by using observational time series data on multiple outcomes

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    A problem that is frequently encountered in many areas of scientific research is that of estimating the effect of a non-randomized binary intervention on an outcome of interest by using time series data on units that received the intervention (‘treated’) and units that did not (‘controls’). One popular estimation method in this setting is based on the factor analysis (FA) model. The FA model is fitted to the preintervention outcome data on treated units and all the outcome data on control units, and the counterfactual treatment-free post-intervention outcomes of the former are predicted from the fitted model. Intervention effects are estimated as the observed outcomes minus these predicted counterfactual outcomes. We propose a model that extends the FA model for estimating intervention effects by jointly modelling the multiple outcomes to exploit shared variability, and assuming an auto-regressive structure on factors to account for temporal correlations in the outcome. Using simulation studies, we show that the method proposed can improve the precision of the intervention effect estimates and achieve better control of the type I error rate (compared with the FA model), especially when either the number of preintervention measurements or the number of control units is small. We apply our method to estimate the effect of stricter alcohol licensing policies on alcohol-related harms

    Nonlinear Band Structure in Bose Einstein Condensates: The Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation with a Kronig-Penney Potential

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    All Bloch states of the mean field of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of a one dimensional lattice of impurities are presented in closed analytic form. The band structure is investigated by analyzing the stationary states of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger, or Gross-Pitaevskii, equation for both repulsive and attractive condensates. The appearance of swallowtails in the bands is examined and interpreted in terms of the condensates superfluid properties. The nonlinear stability properties of the Bloch states are described and the stable regions of the bands and swallowtails are mapped out. We find that the Kronig-Penney potential has the same properties as a sinusoidal potential; Bose-Einstein condensates are trapped in sinusoidal optical lattices. The Kronig-Penney potential has the advantage of being analytically tractable, unlike the sinusoidal potential, and, therefore, serves as a good model for experimental phenomena.Comment: Version 2. Fixed typos, added referenc

    Validation of the Static Load Test for Event Detection During Hands-Free Conversation

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    Objective. To see if visual event reaction times (RTs) during handsfree conversation conditions in the Enhanced Static Load Test (ESLT) can predict RTs in similar conditions in on-road driving. Methods. Brake reaction times to random center and side light events were measured while watching a driving video, attempting to keep a marker in the center of the lane with a steering wheel, answering the phone by pressing a button, and carrying on neutral or angry handsfree conversations in covert (silent) or overt mode on a hands-free phone device. Open-road tests were conducted in traffic for subjects with similar side and front light events, with foot reaction times measured while engaged in the same secondary tasks and conditions. Results. Mean RTs for the task segments in the lab were predictive of the mean RTs for the corresponding task segments in the on-road test (r = 0.90, df = 16, p \u3c 0.000001). Conclusion. This study validates the Enhanced Static Load Test as predictive of visual event RTs during open-road driving for the range of experimental conditions and tasks considered
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