2,683 research outputs found

    Detection of Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets Using the Fourier-Kelvin Stellar Interferometer

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    We evaluate the direct detection of extrasolar giant planets with a two-aperture nulling infrared interferometer, working at angles θ<λ/2B{\theta}<{\lambda}/2B, and using a new `ratio-of-two-wavelengths' technique. Simple arguments suggest that interferometric detection and characterization should be quite possible for planets much closer than the conventional inner working angle, or angular resolution limit. We show that the peak signal from a nulling infrared interferometer of baseline (40\lesssim 40 meters) will often occur `inside the null', and that the signal variations from path-difference fluctuations will cancel to first order in the ratio of two wavelengths. Using a new interferometer simulation code, we evaluate the detectability of all the known extrasolar planets as observed using this two-color method with the proposed {\it Fourier Kelvin Stellar Interferometer (FKSI)}. In its minimum configuration {\it FKSI} uses two 0.5-meter apertures on a 12.5-meter baseline, and a ±20\pm 20^{\circ} field-of-regard. We predict that 7\sim 7 known extrasolar planets are directly detectable using {\it FKSI}, with low-resolution spectroscopy (R20R \sim 20) being possible in the most favorable cases. Spaceborne direct detection of extrasolar giant planets is possible with 12\sim 12 meter baselines, and does not require the much longer baselines provided by formation flying.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Two centuries of trend following

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    We establish the existence of anomalous excess returns based on trend following strategies across four asset classes (commodities, currencies, stock indices, bonds) and over very long time scales. We use for our studies both futures time series, that exist since 1960, and spot time series that allow us to go back to 1800 on commodities and indices. The overall t-stat of the excess returns is 5\approx 5 since 1960 and 10\approx 10 since 1800, after accounting for the overall upward drift of these markets. The effect is very stable, both across time and asset classes. It makes the existence of trends one of the most statistically significant anomalies in financial markets. When analyzing the trend following signal further, we find a clear saturation effect for large signals, suggesting that fundamentalist traders do not attempt to resist "weak trends", but step in when their own signal becomes strong enough. Finally, we study the performance of trend following in the recent period. We find no sign of a statistical degradation of long trends, whereas shorter trends have significantly withered.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 9 table

    Cosmic Microwave Background constraints of decaying dark matter particle properties

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    If a component of cosmological dark matter is made up of massive particles - such as sterile neutrinos - that decay with cosmological lifetime to emit photons, the reionization history of the universe would be affected, and cosmic microwave background anisotropies can be used to constrain such a decaying particle model of dark matter. The optical depth depends rather sensitively on the decaying dark matter particle mass m_{dm}, lifetime tau_{dm}, and the mass fraction of cold dark matter f that they account for in this model. Assuming that there are no other sources of reionization and using the WMAP 7-year data, we find that 250 eV < m_{dm} < 1 MeV, whereas 2.23*10^3 yr < tau_{dm} < 1.23*10^18 yr. The best fit values for m_{dm} and tau_{dm}/f are 17.3 keV and 2.03*10^16 yr respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Exoplanet Atmospheres and Photochemistry

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    Over 150 extrasolar planets are known to orbit sun-like stars. A growing number of them (9 to date) are transiting “hot Jupiters” whose physical characteristics can be measured. Atmospheres of two of these planets have already been detected. We summarize the atmosphere detections and useful upper limits, focusing on the MOST albedo upper limit and II exosphere detection for IID 209458b as the most relevant for photochemical models. We describe our photochemical model for hot Jupiters and present a summary explanation of the main results: a low gas-phase abundance of hydrocarbons; an absence of hydrocarbon hazes; and a large reservoir of II atoms in the upper atmospheres of hot Jupiters. We conclude by relating these model results to the relevant observational data

    Mass-Radius Relationships for Solid Exoplanets

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    We use new interior models of cold planets to investigate the mass-radius relationships of solid exoplanets, considering planets made primarily of iron, silicates, water, and carbon compounds. We find that the mass-radius relationships for cold terrestrial-mass planets of all compositions we considered follow a generic functional form that is not a simple power law: log10Rs=k1+1/3log10(Ms)k2Msk3\log_{10} R_s = k_1 + 1/3 \log_{10}(M_s) - k_2 M_s^{k_3} for up to Mp20MM_p \approx 20 M_{\oplus}, where MsM_s and RsR_s are scaled mass and radius values. This functional form arises because the common building blocks of solid planets all have equations of state that are well approximated by a modified polytrope of the form ρ=ρ0+cPn\rho = \rho_0 + c P^n. We find that highly detailed planet interior models, including temperature structure and phase changes, are not necessary to derive solid exoplanet bulk composition from mass and radius measurements. For solid exoplanets with no substantial atmosphere we have also found that: with 5% fractional uncertainty in planet mass and radius it is possible to distinguish among planets composed predominantly of iron or silicates or water ice but not more detailed compositions; with \sim~5% uncertainty water ice planets with 25\gtrsim 25% water by mass may be identified; the minimum plausible planet size for a given mass is that of a pure iron planet; and carbon planet mass-radius relationships overlap with those of silicate and water planets due to similar zero-pressure densities and equations of state. We propose a definition of "super Earths'' based on the clear distinction in radii between planets with significant gas envelopes and those without.Comment: ApJ, in press, 33 pages including 16 figure

    Close coupled resonant aperture inserts for waveguide filtering applications

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    A two-layer frequency selective surface (FSS) is used as a very compact and lightweight transverse waveguide filter element. A narrow-band transmission response is produced from two layers, which, otherwise, in isolation would exhibit a broadband response. Measured results are compared with theoretical data obtained from a Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) based modeling method. Reduction in the passband bandwidth of a factor of four has been achieved using the proposed structure