33 research outputs found

    Interacting with Masculinities: A Scoping Review

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    Gender is a hot topic in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). Work has run the gamut, from assessing how we embed gender in our computational creations to correcting systemic sexism, online and off. While gender is often framed around women and femininities, we must recognize the genderful nature of humanity, acknowledge the evasiveness of men and masculinities, and avoid burdening women and genderful folk as the central actors and targets of change. Indeed, critical voices have called for a shift in focus to masculinities, not only in terms of privilege, power, and patriarchal harms, but also participation, plurality, and transformation. To this end, I present a 30-year history of masculinities in HCI work through a scoping review of 126 papers published to the ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) conference proceedings. I offer a primer and agenda grounded in the CHI and extant literatures to direct future work.Comment: 12 page

    "I'm" Lost in Translation: Pronoun Missteps in Crowdsourced Data Sets

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    As virtual assistants continue to be taken up globally, there is an ever-greater need for these speech-based systems to communicate naturally in a variety of languages. Crowdsourcing initiatives have focused on multilingual translation of big, open data sets for use in natural language processing (NLP). Yet, language translation is often not one-to-one, and biases can trickle in. In this late-breaking work, we focus on the case of pronouns translated between English and Japanese in the crowdsourced Tatoeba database. We found that masculine pronoun biases were present overall, even though plurality in language was accounted for in other ways. Importantly, we detected biases in the translation process that reflect nuanced reactions to the presence of feminine, neutral, and/or non-binary pronouns. We raise the issue of translation bias for pronouns and offer a practical solution to embed plurality in NLP data sets.Comment: 6 page

    The Systematic Review-lution: A Manifesto to Promote Rigour and Inclusivity in Research Synthesis

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    The field of human-computer interaction (HCI) is maturing. Systematic reviews, a staple of many disciplines, play an important and often essential role in how each field contributes to human knowledge. On this prospect, we argue that our meta-level approach to research within HCI needs a revolution. First, we echo previous calls for greater rigour in primary research reporting with a view towards supporting knowledge synthesis in secondary research. Second, we must decide as a community how to carry out systematic review work in light of the many ways that knowledge is produced within HCI (rigour in secondary research methods and epistemological inclusivity). In short, our manifesto is this: we need to develop and make space for an inclusive but rigorous set of standards that supports systematic review work in HCI, through careful consideration of both primary and secondary research methods, expectations, and infrastructure. We call for any and all fellow systematic review-lutionaries to join us.Comment: 11 page

    The Tiresias Effect: Feedforward using Light versus Temperature in a Tangible User Interface

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    In this paper we discuss how light and temperature information can be designed to affect feedforward in a tangible user interface (TUI). In particular we focus on temperature, which has not been widely considered as a mode of information representation in feedback or feedforward. We describe a prototype that implements both information modes in a TUI. Finally, we outline a user study in which these modes are explored as feedforward coaching devices for a decision-making task. The expected outcomes are an understanding of the role of temperature as information for feedforward in TUIs and a set of design guidelines for designers of tangibles working with these physical characteristics

    Not Only WEIRD but "Uncanny"? A Systematic Review of Diversity in Human-Robot Interaction Research

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    Critical voices within and beyond the scientific community have pointed to a grave matter of concern regarding who is included in research and who is not. Subsequent investigations have revealed an extensive form of sampling bias across a broad range of disciplines that conduct human subjects research called "WEIRD": Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, and Democratic. Recent work has indicated that this pattern exists within human-computer interaction (HCI) research, as well. How then does human-robot interaction (HRI) fare? And could there be other patterns of sampling bias at play, perhaps those especially relevant to this field of study? We conducted a systematic review of the premier ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (2006-2022) to discover whether and how WEIRD HRI research is. Importantly, we expanded our purview to other factors of representation highlighted by critical work on inclusion and intersectionality as potentially underreported, overlooked, and even marginalized factors of human diversity. Findings from 827 studies across 749 papers confirm that participants in HRI research also tend to be drawn from WEIRD populations. Moreover, we find evidence of limited, obscured, and possible misrepresentation in participant sampling and reporting along key axes of diversity: sex and gender, race and ethnicity, age, sexuality and family configuration, disability, body type, ideology, and domain expertise. We discuss methodological and ethical implications for recruitment, analysis, and reporting, as well as the significance for HRI as a base of knowledge.Comment: Published at IJSR/SORO, Int J of Soc Robotics (2023

    Eudaimonic flourishment through healthcare system participation in annotating electronic health records

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    We have suggested elsewhere that technology, systems, and services designed for human use in pursuing the “good life” should consider states of eudaimonic flourishing as well as hedonic pleasure as design goals, along with traditional ergonomic factors. Here we consider how eudaimonic systemic design principles can be applied to the design challenge of creating a personal health record (PHR) system that can be owned and managed by the person the record is about. We develop an idea of a record that links the person's self‐reported experience of eudaimonic flourishing to electronic medical records of a system's perspective on that person's health. The idea is to create a record for guiding salutogenesis despite a complex chronic care condition that is episodically disabling like incurable chronic pain. Using the concept of nourishment as an analogy, we advance the concept of flourishment. We define a systemic design framework for a PHR domain that can host a personal record of eudaimonic flourishment and engaged resilience (a PREFER domain). That domain needs to track personally experienced consequences of the outputs of specific healthcare system services in terms of their impact in driving a virtuous cycle of flourishment. We take the position that eudaimonic flourishing is essentially a sense‐making process, and discuss the overlap between the concepts of well‐being and of eudaimonic flourishing. (217)

    Exoskeleton for the Mind: Exploring Strategies Against Misinformation with a Metacognitive Agent

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    Misinformation is a global problem in modern social media platforms with few solutions known to be effective. Social media platforms have offered tools to raise awareness of information, but these are closed systems that have not been empirically evaluated. Others have developed novel tools and strategies, but most have been studied out of context using static stimuli, researcher prompts, or low fidelity prototypes. We offer a new anti-misinformation agent grounded in theories of metacognition that was evaluated within Twitter. We report on a pilot study (n=17) and multi-part experimental study (n=57, n=49) where participants experienced three versions of the agent, each deploying a different strategy. We found that no single strategy was superior over the control. We also confirmed the necessity of transparency and clarity about the agent's underlying logic, as well as concerns about repeated exposure to misinformation and lack of user engagement.Comment: Pages 209-22

    Wizundry: A Cooperative Wizard of Oz Platform for Simulating Future Speech-based Interfaces with Multiple Wizards

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    Wizard of Oz (WoZ) as a prototyping method has been used to simulate intelligent user interfaces, particularly for speech-based systems. However, as our societies' expectations on artificial intelligence (AI) grows, the question remains whether a single Wizard is sufficient for it to simulate smarter systems and more complex interactions. Optimistic visions of 'what artificial intelligence (AI) can do' places demands on WoZ platforms to simulate smarter systems and more complex interactions. This raises the question of whether the typical approach of employing a single Wizard is sufficient. Moreover, while existing work has employed multiple Wizards in WoZ studies, a multi-Wizard approach has not been systematically studied in terms of feasibility, effectiveness, and challenges. We offer Wizundry, a real-time, web-based WoZ platform that allows multiple Wizards to collaboratively operate a speech-to-text based system remotely. We outline the design and technical specifications of our open-source platform, which we iterated over two design phases. We report on two studies in which participant-Wizards were tasked with negotiating how to cooperatively simulate an interface that can handle natural speech for dictation and text editing as well as other intelligent text processing tasks. We offer qualitative findings on the Multi-Wizard experience for Dyads and Triads of Wizards. Our findings reveal the promises and challenges of the multi-Wizard approach and open up new research questions.Comment: 34 page