1,145 research outputs found
Fluid signatures of rotational discontinuities at Earth's magnetopause
Fluid signatures in the MHD approximation at rotational discontinuities (RD) of finite width called rotational shear layers (RSL) are examined for general flow and magnetic geometries. Analytical and geometrical arguments illustrate that the fluid speed can either go up or down across an RSL for a fixed normal mass flux. The speed profile may or may not be monotonic depending on the boundary conditions. The flow velocity may or may not be field aligned or ""jetting'' as a result of traversing the RSL. In general, significant ""convection'' is expected in the layer. The observable signatures of (MHD) RSL's depend on 7 (boundary condition) parameters are (1) the mass density, (2 to 5) the incident normal and transverse components of the magnetic field and fluid velocity, (6) the angle epsilon between the incident tangential flow velocity and tangential magnetic field, and (7) the size of the magnetic angular rotation implemented by the layer delta phi
The collapse of the local, Spitzer-Haerm formulation and a global-local generalization for heat flow in an inhomogeneous, fully ionized plasma
The breakdown of the classical (CBES) field aligned transport relations for electrons in an inhomogeneous, fully ionized plasma as a mathematical issue of radius of convergence is addressed, the finite Knudsen number conditions when CBES results are accurate is presented and a global-local (GL) way to describe the results of Coulomb physics moderated conduction that is more nearly appropriate for astrophysical plasmas are defined. This paper shows the relationship to and points of departure of the present work from the CBES approach. The CBES heat law in current use is shown to be an especially restrictive special case of the new, more general GL result. A preliminary evaluation of the dimensionless heat function, using analytic formulas, shows that the dimensionless heat function profiles versus density of the type necessary for a conduction supported high speed solar wind appear possible
Velocity-space synthesis of ISEE-1 measurements of the three dimensional electron distribution function
A computer package which produces contour plots of the three dimensional electron distribution function measured by an electron spectrometer aboard ISEE-1 is described. Examples of the contour plots and an explanation of how to use the program, including the necessary computer code for running the program on the GSFC 360/91 computer is presented. The method by which the discrete measurements of the distribution function, given by points on the four dimensional surface are synthesized into a smooth surface in a three dimensional space which can be contoured is described. The velocity components are parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, respectively, in the proper frame of the electrons
A theory of local and global processes which affect solar wind electrons. 2: Experimental support
The microscopic characteristics of the Coulomb cross section show that there are three natural subpopulations for plasma electrons: the subthermals with local kinetic energy E kT sub c; the transthermals with kT sub c E 7 kT sub c and the extrathermals E 7 kT sub c. Data from three experimental groups on three different spacecraft in the interplanetary medium over a radial range are presented to support the five interrelations projected between solar wind electron properties and changes in the interplanetary medium: (1) subthermals respond primarily to local changes (compression and rarefactions) in stream dynamics; (2) the extrathermal fraction of the ambient electron density should be anti-correlated with the asymptotic bulk speed; (3) the extrathermal "temperature" should be anti-correlated with the local wind speed at 1 AU; (4) the heat flux carried by electrons should be anti-correlated with the local bulk speed; and (5) the extrathermal differential 'temperature' should be nearly independent of radius within 1 AU
Fast and optimal solution to the Rankine-Hugoniot problem
A new, definitive, reliable and fast iterative method is described for determining the geometrical properties of a shock (i.e., theta sub Bn, yields N, V sub s and M sub A), the conservation constants and the self-consistent asymptotic magnetofluid variables, that uses the three dimensional magnetic field and plasma observations. The method is well conditioned and reliable at all theta sub Bn angles regardless of the shock strength or geometry. Explicit proof of uniqueness of the shock geometry solution by either analytical or graphical methods is given. The method is applied to synthetic and real shocks, including a bow shock event and the results are then compared with those determined by preaveraging methods and other iterative schemes. A complete analysis of the confidence region and error bounds of the solution is also presented
The radial gradients and collisional properties of solar wind electrons
The plasma instrument on Mariner 10 carried out measurements of electron density and temperature in the interplanetary medium between heliocentric distances of 0.85 and 0.45 AU. Due to the stable coronal configuration and low solar activity during the period of observation, the radial variations of these quantities could be obtained. The power-law exponent of the core temperature was measured to be -0.3 + or - 0.04, and the halo temperature was found to be almost independent of heliocentric distance. The exponent of the power law for the density variation was 2.5 + or - 0.2 and the extrapolated value at 1 AU was consistent with measured values during the same period. Calculations of the core electron self-collision time, and the core-halo equipartition time were made as a function of radial distance. These measurements indicate a macroscale picture of a Coulomb-collisional core and a collisionless isothermal halo. Extrapolating back to the sun, core and halo temperatures become equal at a radial distance of approx. 2-15 radii
First results from the six-axis electron spectrometer on ISEE-1
A survey, using results from the first 25 orbits of ISEE-1, was made of some aspects of electrons in the dawn magnetosheath. There are indications that the flow of plasma is not uniformly turbulent over this region. The electron heat flux is observed to be directed away from the shock and to have an average value of about twice the interplanetary heat flux. Many magnetopause crossings were observed and usually resemble abrupt transitions from one well-defined plasma state to another. The ejection of plasma from flux tubes convected up against the magnetopause is observed for about half the time, and its thickness and dependance on the solar wind Mach number agrees with theoretical predictions. A full traversal of the whole forward hemisphere of the magnetosheath is required to fully confirm these deductions
Polar rain: Solar coronal electrons in the Earth's magnetosphere
Low energy electron measurements collected by ISEE 1 reveal the frequent presence of field-aligned fluxes of few hundred eV electrons in he geomagnetic tail lobes. In the northern tail lobe these electrons are most prominent when the interplanetary magnetic field is directed away from the Sun. This characteristic helps identify the electrons as polar rain electrons. By mapping the tail lobe velocity distribution function into the solar wind, previous suggestions that the polar rain is indeed of solar wind origin and is due to the access of electrons to the magnetotail lobe were confirmed. It was demonstrated that the moe energetic component of the polar rain is composed of electrons from the solar wind strahl - a field-aligned component of the solar wind which is difficult to measure but which is thought to be caused by the collisionless transit of hundred eV electrons from the inner solar corona to 1 AU
Detection of bump-on-tail reduced electron velocity distributions at the electron foreshock boundary
Reduced velocity distributions are derived from three-dimensional measurements of the velocity distribution of electrons in the 7 to 500 eV range in the electron foreshock. Bump-on-tail reduced distributions are presented for the first time at the foreshock boundary consistent with Filbert and Kellogg's proposed time-of-flight mechanism for generating the electron beams. In a significant number of boundary crossings, bump-on-tail reduced distributions were found in consecutive 3 sec measurements made 9 sec apart. It is concluded that, although the beams are linearly unstable to plasma waves according to the Penrose criterion, they persist on a time scale of 3 to 15 sec
An empirical polytrope law for solar wind thermal electrons between 0.45 and 4.76 AU: Voyager 2 and Mariner 10
Empirical evidence is presented that solar wind thermal electrons obey a polytrope law with polytrope index gamma = 1.175 plus or minus 0.03. The Voyager 2 and Mariner 10 data used as evidence are compared and discussed. The theoretical predictions that solar wind thermal electrons in the asymptotic solar wind should obey a polytrope law with polytrope index gamma = 1.16 plus or minus. The widespread impressions in the literature that solar wind electrons behave more like an isothermal than adiabatic gas, and the arguments that Coulomb collisions are the dominant stochastic process shaping observed electron distribution functions in the solar wind are reexamined, reviewed and evaluated. The assignment of the interplanetary potential as equal to approximately seven times the temperature of the thermal electrons is discussed
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