59 research outputs found

    A Practical Approach to Fatigue Management in Colorectal Cancer.

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    Cancer-related fatigue is serious and complex, as well as one of the most common symptoms experienced by patients with colorectal cancer, with the potential to compromise quality of life, activities of daily living, and ultimately survival. There is a lack of consensus about the definition of cancer-related fatigue; however, definitions have been put forward by the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). Numerous cancer- and treatment-related factors can contribute to fatigue, including disease progression, comorbidities, medical complications such as anemia, side effects of other medications, and a number of physical and psychologic factors. This underlines the importance of tackling factors that may contribute to fatigue before reducing the dose of treatment. NCCN guidelines and the EAPC have proposed approaches to managing fatigue in cancer patients; however, relatively few therapeutic agents have been demonstrated to reduce fatigue in randomized controlled trials. It is recognized that physical activity produces many beneficial physiologic modifications to markers of physical performance that can help to counteract various causes of fatigue. In appropriately managed and monitored patients with colorectal cancer, emerging evidence indicates that exercise programs may have a favorable influence on cancer-related fatigue, quality of life, and clinical outcomes, and therefore may help patients tolerate chemotherapy. This review assesses fatigue in patients with colorectal cancer and proposes updates to a treatment algorithm that may help clinicians manage this common problem

    2023 MASCC/ESMO consensus antiemetic guidelines related to integrative and non-pharmacological therapies.

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    Review the literature to propose suggestions or recommendations for controlling nausea and vomiting through integrative and non-pharmacological treatments for the MASCC/ESMO 2023 update of its antiemetic guidelines. The authors identified available systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses for 12 integrative therapies, including acupressure, acupuncture, auricular therapy, electrical stimulation of point PC6, ginger use (i.e., Zingiber officinale), guided imagery, hypnosis, inhalation aromatherapy, music therapy, food-based interventions, progressive muscle relaxation, and reflexology. Reviews were assessed for quality through the AMSTAR2 tool. A consensus committee reviewed recommendations as per MASCC/ESMO established processes. Thirty-nine systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses were used. There were major methodological flaws for many of the trials used as the bases for the reviews. No recommendation for ingested ginger could be made because of conflicting evidence. Recommendations were possible for acupuncture/electroacupuncture treatments, food-based interventions, and progressive muscle relaxation training alone or combined with guided imagery. No recommendations could be reached for a number of food-based approaches, inhalation aromatherapy, hypnosis in adults, music therapy, and reflexology. While a limited number of suggestions are provided, there is a need for significantly higher quality trials in many of the therapeutic approaches assessed, before stronger recommendations and a wider range of approaches are made

    Cryotherapy for docetaxel-induced hand and nail toxicity: randomised control trial

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    Purpose This study investigated the efficacy and safety of cryotherapy, in the form of frozen gel gloves, in relation to docetaxel-induced hand and fingernail toxicities. Patients and methods After piloting with 21 patients, a consecutive series sample of patients (n=53) prescribed docetaxel every three weeks, for a minimum of three cycles, was enrolled in this randomised control trial. Participants acted as their own control, with the frozen gel glove worn on one randomised hand for 15 minutes prior to infusion, for the duration of the infusion, and for 15 minutes of after completion of treatment. Hand and nail toxicities were evaluated by two blinded assessors according to CTCAE.v4 criteria. To assess the potential for cross-infection of multi-use gloves, microbial culture and sensitivity swabs were taken of each glove at every tenth use. Results Of the 53 participants enrolled in the main study, 21 provided evaluable data. There was a 60% withdrawal rate due to patient discomfort with the intervention. The mean incidence and severity of toxicities in all evaluable cycles in control and intervention hands respectively were erythroderma Grade 1 (5%/5%); nail discolouration Grade 1 (81%/67%); nail loss Grade 1 (19%/19%) and nail ridging Grade 1 (57%/57%). No significant differences were determined between hand conditions in terms of time to event, nor in terms of toxicity in gloved and non-gloved hands. Conclusion While cryotherapy in the form of frozen gloves for the cutaneous toxicities associated with docetaxel is safe, its limited efficacy, patient discomfort and some logistical issues preclude its use in our clinical setting

    Treating Patients With Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck Unsuitable to Receive Cisplatin-Based Therapy

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    Concurrent chemoradiotherapy with high-dose cisplatin (100 mg/m2 every 3 weeks) is the preferred regimen with curative intent for patients with unresected locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (LA SCCHN). This treatment is associated with acute and late toxicities, including myelosuppression, severe nausea/vomiting, irreversible renal failure, hearing loss, and neurotoxicity. Because of cisplatin's safety profile, treatment adherence to high-dose cisplatin can be suboptimal. Patients commonly receive less than the total cumulative target dose of 300 mg/m2 or the minimum recommended dose of 200 mg/m2, which can have a negative impact on locoregional control and survival. Alternatively, cetuximab plus radiotherapy may be most suitable for patients at high risk of non-adherence to high-dose cisplatin. We discuss the baseline characteristics dictating the unsuitability/borderline unsuitability of cisplatin and the available alternative evidence-based treatment regimens for patients with LA SCCHN. We non-systematically reviewed published phase II and III trials and retrospective analyses of high-dose cisplatin-based chemoradiation in LA SCCHN conducted between 1987 and 2018, focusing on recent key phase III studies. We defined the baseline characteristics and associated prescreening tests to determine unsuitability and borderline unsuitability for high-dose cisplatin in combination with radiotherapy in patients with LA SCCHN. Patients with any pre-existing comorbidities that may be exacerbated by high-dose cisplatin treatment can be redirected to a non-cisplatin-based option to minimize the risk of treatment non-adherence. High-dose cisplatin plus radiotherapy remains the preferred treatment for fit patients with unresected LA SCCHN; patients who are unsuitable or borderline unsuitable for high-dose cisplatin could be identified using available tests for potential comorbidities and should be offered alternative treatments, such as cetuximab plus radiotherapy

    Effects of food-based interventions in the management of chemoradiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a systematic review.

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    Cancer treatment-related nausea and vomiting continue to be common and distressing symptoms for patients, despite improvements in antiemetics. Dietary modifications could potentially improve this symptom experience. Clinicians frequently provide dietary advice to patients, although the evidence base of such suggestions or recommendations is not clear. This systematic review aimed to examine the current literature on food interventions associated with improvements in cancer treatment-related nausea and vomiting. Eight electronic databases were searched with a specific search term strategy covering trials without time or language limitations. Eligible studies focused on a food substance, defined as any nutritious substance that people eat or drink to maintain life and well-being. Trials in children and adults during chemotherapy or radiotherapy were included. Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess trial quality and GRADE was used to assess the certainty in the effect of each outcome. Seventeen trials were included, 3 focusing on children and 14 on adults. Two trials included patients receiving radiation. Ten out of 17 trials (59%) had a high risk of bias. Strongest evidence with highest certainty was found for dietary counseling to meet macronutrient requirements in reducing incidence of radiotherapy-related nausea and vomiting in adults (n=2 studies; n=124 participants; GRADE level: moderate). There was also moderate certainty in the beneficial effect of protein supplementation on nausea and vomiting incidence in adults during radiotherapy (n=2 studies; n=124 participants; GRADE level: moderate). A significant positive effect on CINV incidence and/or severity in adults was also found for dietary counseling to meet macronutrient requirements during chemotherapy, a peppermint drink, scaly wood mushroom, chamomile, protein with ginger, and a colorless odorless diet (GRADE level: low to very low). The review identified food-based approaches that could improve the nausea and vomiting experience in patients with cancer and provide guidance to clinicians. However, confidence in these findings was low and studies were heterogeneous and mostly of low quality, requiring further investigation before stronger recommendations can be made. Future research is needed to confirm efficacy and safety. PROSPERO CRD42022341154