172 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal in vivo tracking of polyclonal human regulatory T cells (Tregs) reveals a role for innate immune cells in Treg transplant recruitment

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    Supplemental information is available online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2329050120302515#appsec2 .Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are emerging as a new cell-based therapy in solid organ transplantation. Adoptive transfer of Tregs has been shown preclinically to protect from graft rejection, and the safety of Treg therapy has been demonstrated in clinical trials. Despite these successes, the in vivo distribution and persistence of adoptively transferred Tregs remained elusive, which hampers clinical translation. Here we isolated human Tregs using a GMP-compatible protocol and lentivirally transduced them with the human sodium iodide symporter to render them traceable in vivo by radionuclide imaging. Engineered human Tregs were characterized for phenotype, survival, suppressive capacity, and reporter function. To study their trafficking behavior, they were subsequently administered to humanized mice with human skin transplants. Traceable Tregs were quantified in skin grafts by non-invasive nano-single-photon emission computed tomography (nanoSPECT)/computed tomography (CT) for up to 40 days, and the results were validated ex vivo. Using this approach, we demonstrated that Treg trafficking to skin grafts was regulated by the presence of recipient Gr-1+ innate immune cells. We demonstrated the utility of radionuclide reporter gene-afforded quantitative Treg in vivo tracking, addressing a fundamental need in Treg therapy development and offering a clinically compatible methodology for future Treg therapy imaging in humans.This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation (RG/13/12/30395), the MRC Centre for Transplantation at King's College London (MR/J006742/1), Cancer Research UK (C48390/A21153), and the Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Medical Engineering (WT203148/Z/16/Z). This research was funded/supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London and/or the NIHR Clinical Research Facility

    Sistema soporte de decisiones para empresas industriales: diseño de la base de modelos

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    En este trabajo presentamos el diseño conceptual de la. estructura de la Base de Modelos de un Sistema Soporte de Decisiones para empresas industriales dedicadas a la elaboración de varios productos. La Base de Modelos se representa mediante una estructura modular especificando la función de cada módulo en el proceso de soporte de decisiónEje: AplicacionesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Spatiotemporal in vivo tracking of polyclonal human regulatory T cells reveals a role for innate immune cells in Treg transplant recruitment

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are emerging as a new cell-based therapy in solid organ transplantation. Adoptive transfer of Tregs was shown preclinically to protect from graft rejection, and the safety of Treg therapy has been demonstrated in clinical trials. Despite these successes, the in vivo distribution and persistence of adoptively transferred Tregs remained elusive which hampers clinical translation. Here, we isolated human Tregs using a GMP-compatible protocol and lentivirally transduced them with the human sodium iodide symporter to render them traceable in vivo by radionuclide imaging. Engineered human Tregs were characterized for phenotype, survival, suppressive capacity, and reporter function. To study their trafficking behaviour, they were subsequently administered to humanized mice with human skin transplants. Traceable Tregs were quantified in skin grafts by non-invasive nanoSPECT/CT for up to 40 days and results validated ex vivo. Using this approach, we demonstrated that Treg trafficking to skin grafts was regulated by the presence of recipient Gr-1⁺ innate immune cells. We demonstrated the utility of radionuclide reporter gene afforded quantitative Treg in vivo tracking thereby addressing a fundamental need in Treg therapy development and offering clinically compatible methodology for future Treg therapy imaging in humans

    Sistema soporte de decisiones para empresas industriales: diseño de la base de modelos

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    En este trabajo presentamos el diseño conceptual de la. estructura de la Base de Modelos de un Sistema Soporte de Decisiones para empresas industriales dedicadas a la elaboración de varios productos. La Base de Modelos se representa mediante una estructura modular especificando la función de cada módulo en el proceso de soporte de decisiónEje: AplicacionesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Sistema soporte de decisiones para empresas industriales: diseño de la base de modelos

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    En este trabajo presentamos el diseño conceptual de la. estructura de la Base de Modelos de un Sistema Soporte de Decisiones para empresas industriales dedicadas a la elaboración de varios productos. La Base de Modelos se representa mediante una estructura modular especificando la función de cada módulo en el proceso de soporte de decisiónEje: AplicacionesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    TA treatment of depression: a hermeneutic single-case efficacy design study- 'Penelope'

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    This study is the second of a series of three, and represents an Italian replication of a previous UK -based case series (Widdowson 2012a, 2012b, 2012c, 2013) that investigated the effectiveness of a recently manualised transactional analysis treatment for depression with British clients, using Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design (HSCED). The various stages of HSCED as a systematic case study research method are described, as a quasi-judicial method to sift case evidence in which researchers construct opposing arguments around multiple sources of quantitative and qualitative evidence and judges evaluate these to conclude whether the client changed substantially over the course of therapy, and whether the outcome was attributable to the therapy. The therapist in this case was a white Italian man in the third year of training to become a psychotherapist, and the client, Penelope, was a 45- year old white Italian woman with mild depression and anxiety. The conclusion of the judges was that this was a mixed-outcome case: the client improved some aspects of her problems, without obtaining a complete and stable remission. Interestingly, this case presents a minimal correlation between empirical and proxy-rated indexes of depression and anxiety and answers to self reported questionnaires, raising the question of validity of self report measures with specific typology of client