14 research outputs found


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    <p>Breteau Index represents number of positive containers per 100 houses inspected. Stars indicate surveys with nil detection.</p

    Additional file 1: of Mosquito communities and disease risk influenced by land use change and seasonality in the Australian tropics

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    Table S1. Abundance. Table S2. Dry Season 1. Table S3. Dry Season 2. Table S4. Wet Season 1. Table S5. Wet Season 2 (XLS 83.5 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Assessment of synthetic floral-based attractants and sugar baits to capture male and female Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Summary of data collected in the male attraction assay. The information provided includes treatment type, replicate number, tent site (position in the flight cage), number of dead mosquitoes, number of dead mosquitoes with blue abdomens, and the date of data collection. Table S2. The same information was provided as in Additional file 1: Table S1 for the data collected in the nulliparous female attraction assay. Table S3. The same information was provided as in Additional file 1: Table S1 for the data collected in the gravid female attraction assay. Table S4. Summary of data collected in the male (12 ml) choice test, including the number of males collected in the guava-mango and control GATs. Table S5. Summary of data collected in the nulliparous female choice test, including the number of nulliparous females collected in the guava-mango and control GATs. Table S6. Summary of data collected in the gravid female choice test, including the number of gravid females collected in the guava-mango and control GATs. Table S7. Summary of data collected in the male (120 ml) choice test, including the number of males collected in the guava-mango and control GATs. (XLSX 46 kb

    Additional file 11: Figure S7.1. of Predicting Wolbachia invasion dynamics in Aedes aegypti populations using models of density-dependent demographic traits

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    Gelman–Rubin plots of the posterior fitted values. Plots show the shrink factor for three chains each starting at different initial values: A, B. β U and β W ; C, D. α U and α W ; E, F. γ U and γ W ; G, H. v U and v W ; I, J. η U and η W ; K, L. ψ U and ψ W . (PDF 199 kb

    Additional file 4: Figure S1.2. of Predicting Wolbachia invasion dynamics in Aedes aegypti populations using models of density-dependent demographic traits

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    The observed cumulative number of pupae (red lines) and hatched larvae (black lines) compared and the posterior fitted values. The predicted cumulative numbers of pupae (blue lines) and hatched larvae (green lines) are given by the maximum posterior probability iteration. Blue and green shaded areas show the 95 % credible interval for the cumulative numbers of pupae and hatched larvae respectively. Results for Populations A and B are shown on the left and right side of the vertical dotted line. (PDF 65 kb