6,295 research outputs found

    Is change on the horizon for Maori and Pacifica female high school students when it comes to ICT?

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    This paper explores some of the factors that discourage the participation of Māori and Pacific girls in ICT in New Zealand. Despite many ICT job opportunities, there has been a steady decrease in the percentage of girls, especial Māori and Pacific girls entering into ICT study, and pursuing ICT careers. This study used a modified version of the conceptual framework designed by Bernhardt (2014) based on the 'STEMcell' model. The STEMcell framework was used to explores the factors that discourage participation in ICT through such concepts as cultural, social, structural and social IT that contribute to the likelihood of student’s career choice in ICT. An online questionnaire gathered data from year 11 students studying at high schools within Wellington, New Zealand. The findings indicated that Pacific girl’s more than Māori girls reported that their family members were seen as role models, which could impact on their future career choices. The statistical results also show that stereotypes are still alive in both Māori and Pacific year 11 student’s perceptions and that both Pacific and Māori girls from year 11 are unlikely to follow a career in ICT. Currently, the number of Māori and Pacific girls enrolling in ICT subjects at secondary school is still substantially below that for boys and, until changes are made, Māori and Pacific girls going into the industry will be in the minority

    State Casket Sales and Restrictions: A Pointless Undertaking?

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    We utilize a new micro dataset of prices of funeral goods and services at individual funeral homes, plus data from the Census to examine the effects of state regulations that restrict entry into funeral goods market. In particular, some states have regulations that allow only licensed funeral homes to sell caskets, while others allow unlicensed retailers, such as Costco, to compete with funeral homes in the sale of caskets. However, as caskets and funeral services are complements, generally purchased in one-to-one proportions, it is not a priori clear that casket sale restrictions can expand the rent extraction capabilities of licensed funeral homes. Our results suggest that when courts lift funeral goods sales restrictions the prices of funeral goods fall but the prices of funeral services rise by nearly as much. Overall, our results support the "one monopoly rent" hypothesis; we do not find that overall funeral home revenues decline when funeral goods sales are lifted.

    The Strategic Positioning of Store Brands in Retailer - Manufacturer Bargaining

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    We argue in this paper that retailers can strategically position store brands in product space to strengthen their bargaining position when negotiating supply terms with manufacturers of national brands. Using a bargaining framework we model a retailer's decision whether to carry an additional national brand or a store brand, and if the retailer chooses to introduce the latter, where in product space to locate the store brand. Store brands differ from other brands in being both unadvertised and located at a position in product space that is determined by the retailer instead of by a manufacturer. To capture the negotiation effect of store brands empirically, our paper analyses a retailer's choice of whether or not to carry a store brand in a given category. We control for other motivations for carrying a store brand that have been used in the literature. We test our model on a cross-section of categories using supermarket data from multiple retailers. The first contribution of this paper is to show theoretically that the strategic positioning of a store brand in a category changes the bargaining over supply terms between a retailer and national brand manufacturers in that category. The empirical evidence is consistent with the theory. We find that retailers are more likely to carry a store brand in a category if the share of the leading national brand is higher, but that the leading national brand share does not affect the market share of the store brand. This indicates that there may be a bargaining motive for the introduction of the store brand. We propose that this is because the retailer can position the store brand to mimic the leading national brand and present data that shows that store brands frequently imitate national brand packaging on multiple dimensions.

    The Distortionary Effects of Government Procurement: Evidence from Medicaid Prescription Drug Purchasing

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    The federal-state Medicaid program insures 43 million people for virtually all of the prescription drugs approved by the FDA. To determine the price that it will pay for a drug treatment, the government uses the average price in the private sector for that same drug. Assuming that Medicaid recipients are unresponsive to price because of the program's zero co-pay, this rule will increase prices for non-Medicaid consumers. Using drug utilization and expenditure data for the top 200 drugs in 1997 and in 2002, we investigate the relationship between the Medicaid market share (MMS) and the average price of a prescription. Our findings suggest that the Medicaid rules substantially increase equilibrium prices for non-Medicaid consumers. Specifically, a ten percentage-point increase in the MMS is associated with a ten percent increase in the average price of a prescription. This result is robust to the inclusion of controls for a drug's therapeutic class, the existence of generic competition, the number of brand competitors, and the years since the drug entered the market. We also demonstrate that the Medicaid rules increase a firm's incentive to introduce new versions of a drug at higher prices and find empirical evidence in support of this for drugs that do not face generic competition. Taken together, our findings suggest that government procurement can have an important effect on equilibrium prices in the private sector.

    Aquatic insect responses to predation and temperature: variation in context dependent trophic interactions

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Trophic cascades, the indirect effects of carnivores on primary producers mediated by herbivores, remains a central theme of ecological theory. How climate change will alter the mechanisms controlling such interactions remains largely unexplored, certainly in stream ecosystems. In montane streams, stonefly predators have been documented to indirectly affect algal biomass by influencing the distribution, abundance, behavior, and life histories of invertebrate grazers. Density mediated indirect interactions (DMII) occur when primary producer biomass is primarily influenced by changes in herbivore abundance due to consumption by predators. Trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMII) alter primary producer abundance through non-consumptive interactions such as anti-predatory behaviors. In this research, I conducted mesocosm experiments on stonefly predators and mayfly prey to determine the relative importance of grazers on regulating algal production under three temperature treatments intended to simulate climate warming. Furthermore, I examined the influence of both DMII and TMII on algal production through consumptive and non-consumptive predatory treatments. I found algal biomass to decrease as temperature increased, however found no differences among grazer-alone treatments versus DMII or TMII on algal production

    Potential price variability in the US grain and livestock sector in the 1980s under alternative policy scenarios: an econometric approach

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    This study utilizes an annual structural econometric model of the U.S. grain and livestock sector to simulate market price instability resulting from potential fluctuations in domestic crop yields and demand for U.S. grain exports over 1981-90. The policy alternatives examined are a continuation of post-1977 grains policy and management strategy (PA I); elimination of grain policy programs (PA II); replacement of the existing farmer-owned reserve program (FOR) with an FOR equivalent subsidy to private commercial storage at any price (PA III); and continuation of post-1977 grains policy without authority to implement acreage reduction programs (PA IV);Results from estimation of the econometric model suggest that a l bushel increase in government carryover (FOR and CCC-owned stocks) displaces commercial carryover .242 and .259 bushels for wheat and feed grain, respectively. Impact multiplier analysis indicates that a l MMT (million metric ton) increase in government wheat and feed grain carryover increases current wheat and corn farm prices .16 and .02 per bushel, respectively. Such increases also increase current livestock price .001 and .004 (PL(,1979) = 2.62), respectively. FOR carryover for the 1977-80 period has been quite price elastic (estimated elasticities are 3.63 and 3.77 for wheat and feed grain). These estimates suggest that the reserve program as managed over 1977-80 has added to the elasticity of total demand for both wheat and feed grain, thus, significantly enhancing grain price stability;Mean grain and livestock prices generally follow each other fairly closely over the 1981-90 period for all policy alternatives. Wheat, corn, and livestock prices are 331, 38, and 17 percent more volatile, on average, over 1981-90 in the free market alternative (PA II) compared to the current policy alternative (PA I). These prices are 94, 29, and 13 percent more volatile when the FOR is replaced with a simple subsidy to all commercial storage at any price (PA III). Finally, results suggest that lack of acreage reduction authority (PA IV) requires FOR carryover to be 14 and 8 percent greater, on average, for wheat and feed grain (compared to PA I) to maintain market price volatility comparable to the current policy alternative

    How the Internet Lowers Prices: Evidence from Matched Survey and Auto Transaction Data

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    There is convincing evidence that the Internet has lowered the prices paid by some consumers in established industries, for example, term life insurance and car retailing. However, current research does not reveal much about how using the Internet lowers prices. This paper answers this question for the auto retailing industry. We use direct measures of search behavior and consumer characteristics to investigate how the Internet affects negotiated prices. We show that the Internet lowers prices for two distinct reasons. First, the Internet helps consumers learn the invoice price of dealers. Second, the referral process of online buying services, a novel institution made possible by the Internet, also helps consumers obtain lower prices. The combined information and referral price effects are -1.5%, corresponding to 22% of dealers' average gross profit margin per vehicle. We also find that buyers with a high disutility of bargaining benefit from information on the specific car they eventually purchased while buyers who like the bargaining process do not. The results suggest that the decisions consumers make to use the Internet to gather information and to use the negotiating clout of an online buying service have a real effect on the prices paid by these consumers.

    Nonlinear Analysis of Airfoil Flutter at Transonic Speeds

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    Hopf-bifurcation analysis is used to determine flutter boundaries of a pitch and plunge airfoil (PAPA) at transonic Mach number conditions. The PAPA model is a coupling of the Euler equations and a two-degree-of-freedom structural model composed of linear and torsional springs. The Euler equations are discretized using an upwind total variation diminishing scheme (TVD) of Harten and Yee. Equilibrium solutions of the PAPA model are computed using Newton\u27s method and dynamic solutions are explicitly integrated in time with first-order accuracy. The Hopf-bifurcation point, which models the flutter condition, is computed directly by solving an extended system of equilibrium equations following the approach of Griewank and Reddien. The extended system is solved using a blocked Gauss-Seidel Newton relaxation scheme to improve computational resource requirements

    Consumer Information and Price Discrimination: Does the Internet Affect the Pricing of New Cars to Women and Minorities?

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    Mediating transactions through the Internet removes important cues that salespeople can use to assess a consumer's willingness to pay. We analyze whether dealers' difficulty in identifying consumer characteristics on the Internet and consumers' ease in finding information affects equilibrium prices in car retailing. Using a large dataset of transaction prices for new automobiles, the first part of the paper an- alyzes the relationship between car prices and demographics. We find that offline African-American and Hispanic consumers pay approximately 2% more than other consumers, however, we can explain 65% of this price premium with differences in income, education,a nd search costs; we find no evidence of statistical race discrimination. The second part of the paper turns to the role of the Internet. Online minority buyers who use the Internet Referral Service we study, Autobytel.com, pay nearly the same prices as do whites, irrespective of their income, education, and search costs. Since members of minority groups who use the Internet may not be representative, we control for selection. We conclude that the Internet is disproportionately beneficial to those who have personal characteristics that put them at a disadvantage in negotiating. African-American and Hispanic individuals, who are least likely to use the Internet, are the ones who benefit the most from it.
