9,820 research outputs found

    Emil Zuckerkandl, M.D. (1849-1910): Bridging Anatomic Study and the Operating Room Table.

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    In the mid-19th century, the Vienna School of Anatomy was at the epicenter of the rapidly growing field of anatomy. One of the school’s most distinguished professors, Hungarian-born anatomist Emil Zuckerkandl was instrumental in transforming anatomy from a descriptive science to one of practical and clinical value. A prolific researcher interested in nearly all areas of morphology and most famously, the chromaffin system, Zuckerkandl’s discoveries from more than a century ago still provide a foundation for surgeons to this day

    James Mann, M.D. (1759-1832): Military Surgeon for the Second War of Independence .

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    The War of 1812 is remembered for the Burning of Washington, and Francis Scott Key’s “The Star Spangled Banner,” but little else. It was a poorly funded war of relatively short duration and nebulous resolution. Under such circumstances, it is understandable that the “Second War of Independence” failed to produce many notable military or medical advancements. However, one surgeon took it upon himself to recount his experiences in the field. For his dedication to the art and science of medicine, James Mann deserves recognition

    Alton Ochsner, MD (1896-1981): surgical pioneer and legacy linking smoking and disease.

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    Edward William Alton Ochsner kept a plain, metal card file in which he recorded close to 50 years worth of medical experiences, research, and insights. The most populated topics were filed as Cancer, Lung and Cancer, Bronchogenic. These reflected his areas of greatest interest, for which he would go on to produce groundbreaking work. Of his many lifetime accomplishments, he is perhaps best known for being the first to report a link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. This was just one of the many ways in which Ochsner worked to effect social change. The establishment of the Ochsner Health System in New Orleans was born from this similar passion. Ochsner went on to become one of the giants of his generation as a result of this tireless work as a leader, educator, and mentor

    Analysis of Clostridium difficile patterns at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

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    AIMS: To analyze CDI patterns to TJUH, particularly in Opportunity Units To visually examine the relationship between CDI cases within units Provide data analysis to the CDI working grouphttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1072/thumbnail.jp

    Mary H. Gibbon: teamwork of the heart.

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    Mary Maly Hopkinson Gibbon was born on September 25, 1903, to an affluent New England family who encouraged her to embrace her intelligence and to follow that by which she was intrigued. In doing this, Maly pursued work in scientific research, where she ultimately met her first husband, Dr. John ‘‘Jack’’ H. Gibbon. Jack and Maly were partners in every sense of the word. Their collaboration, both within and beyond the walls of the research laboratory, made it possible for the Gibbon dream of the heart–lung machine to be realized

    Robert Edward Gross (1905-1988): ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus and the birth of a specialty.

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    The early 20th century saw an explosion in surgical expertise. Specialties dedicated to delicate organs such as the heart and vulnerable populations, like children, were in their infancy. Dr. William E. Ladd, the father of pediatric surgery, founded the first dedicated department of pediatric surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital in 1910. At the time, attempts at cardiac surgery almost universally ended in death of the patient. The first successful surgical treatment of the cardiac valves would not occur for another 15 years, and the great vessels would remain out of reach for decades more. Dr. Robert E. Gross, the shy and humble heir to the greats of this epoch, would push these embryonic fields into the modern era and train a generation of surgeons to face countless new challenges (Fig. 1)

    John Y. Templeton III: Pioneer of modern cardiothoracic surgery.

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    John Young Templeton III was born in 1917 in Portsmouth, Virginia, and graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1941. He completed his residency training under Dr. John H. Gibbon, Jr., and was the first resident who worked on Gibbon\u27s heart-lung machine. After his training, he remained at Jefferson as an American Cancer Society fellow and Damon Runyon fellow and went on to become the fourth Samuel D. Gross Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery in 1967. Dr. Templeton was the recipient of numerous grants and published over 80 papers in the field of cardiothoracic surgery. As a teacher and mentor, he was a beloved figure who placed great faith in his residents. He participated in over 60 professional societies, serving as president to many such as the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery and the Pennsylvania Association of Thoracic Surgery. He was also recognized through his many awards, in particular the John Y. Templeton III lectureship established in 1980 at Jefferson of whom Denton Cooley was the first lecturer. Dr. Templeton retired from practice in 1987. He is forever remembered as an important model of a modern surgeon evident in numerous academic achievements, the admiration and affection of his trainees, and the lives of patients that he had touched

    Preventing Isolated Perioperative Reintubation: Who is at highest risk?

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    Objectives: 1. We aim to characterize IPR nationally through a retrospective review of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program participant user file (NSQIP PUF). 2.Identify risk factors for IPR including analysis of procedure type and preoperative characteristics.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1041/thumbnail.jp

    William Edwards Ladd, M.D. (1880-1967): the description of his bands.

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    In the early 20th century, an established surgical specialty catering to pediatric surgery did not exist, and pediatric surgical ailments were operated on by general surgeons. With his devotion to childhood diseases and his unique thinking in surgical development, William E. Ladd would become a leading figure in America by pioneering the field of pediatric surgery

    Roscoe Reid Graham (1890 to 1948): a Canadian pioneer in general surgery.

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    Roscoe Reid Graham, a Canadian surgeon trained at the University of Toronto, was a true pioneer in the field of general surgery. Although he may be best known for his omental patch repair of perforated duodenal ulcers-often referred to as the Graham patch -he had a number of other significant accomplishments that decorated his surgical career. Dr. Graham is credited with being the first surgeon to successfully enucleate an insulinoma. He ventured to do an essentially brand new operation based solely on his patient\u27s symptoms and physical findings, a courageous move that even some of the most talented surgeons would shy away from. He also spent a large portion of his career dedicated to the study of rectal prolapse, working tirelessly to rid his patients of this awful affliction. He was recognized by a number of different surgical associations for his operative successes and was awarded membership to those both in Canada and the United States. Despite all of these accolades, Dr. Graham remained grounded and always fervent in his dedication to the patient and their presenting symptom(s), reminding us that to do anything more would be meddlesome. In an age when medical professionals are often all too eager to make unnecessary interventions, it is imperative that we look back at our predecessors such as Roscoe Reid Graham, for they will continually redirect us toward our one and only obligation: the patient