3,751 research outputs found

    Bromostibine complexes of iron(II): hypervalency and reactivity

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    The halostibine complexes [CpFe(CO)2(SbMe2Br)][CF3SO3] and [CpFe(CO)2(SbMe2Br)][BF4] both contain significant interactions between the anion and the formally neutral Sb(III) ligand, which simultaneously displays Lewis acidic and Lewis basic properties. The unexpected secondary product [CpFe(CO)(Me2BrSb-?-Br-SbBrMe2)] is formed in the presence of excess ligand, the strongly associated Br– anion bridging the two Sb donors to form a four-membered FeSb2Br ring.<br/

    Psychiatrists should investigate their patients less

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    Psychiatrists often order investigations such as blood tests, neuroimaging and electroencephalograms for their patients. Rationales include ruling out 'organic' causes of psychiatric presentations, providing baseline parameters before starting psychotropic medications, and screening for general cardiometabolic health. Hospital protocols often recommend an extensive panel of blood tests on admission to a psychiatric ward. In this Against the Stream article, we argue that many of these investigations are at best useless and at worst harmful: the yield of positive findings that change clinical management is extremely low; special investigations are a poor substitute for a targeted history and examination; and incidental findings may cause anxiety and further unwarranted investigation. Cognitive and cultural reasons why over-investigation continues are discussed. We conclude by encouraging a more targeted approach guided by a thorough bedside clinical assessment

    Diamagnetic Suppression of Component Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause

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    We present particle-in-cell simulations of collisionless magnetic reconnection in a system (like the magnetopause) with a large density asymmetry across the current layer. In the presence of an ambient component of the magnetic field perpendicular to the reconnection plane the gradient creates a diamagnetic drift that advects the X-line with the electron diamagnetic velocity. When the relative drift between the ions and electrons is of the order the Alfven speed the large scale outflows from the X-line necessary for fast reconnection cannot develop and the reconnection is suppressed. We discuss how these effects vary with both the plasma beta and the shear angle of the reconnecting field and discuss observational evidence for diamagnetic stabilization at the magnetopause.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; accepted by JGR; agu2001.cls and agu.bst include

    Characterization of Space Shuttle Ascent Debris Aerodynamics Using CFD Methods

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    An automated Computational Fluid Dynamics process for determining the aerodynamic Characteristics of debris shedding from the Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle during ascent is presented. This process uses Cartesian fully-coupled, six-degree-of-freedom simulations of isolated debris pieces in a Monte Carlo fashion to produce models for the drag and crossrange behavior over a range of debris shapes and shedding scenarios. A validation of the Cartesian methods against ballistic range data for insulating foam debris shapes at flight conditions, as well as validation of the resulting models, are both contained. These models are integrated with the existing shuttle debris transport analysis software to provide an accurate and efficient engineering tool for analyzing debris sources and their potential for damage

    Joining up health and bioinformatics: e-science meets e-health

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    CLEF (Co-operative Clinical e-Science Framework) is an MRC sponsored project in the e-Science programme that aims to establish methodologies and a technical infrastructure forthe next generation of integrated clinical and bioscience research. It is developing methodsfor managing and using pseudonymised repositories of the long-term patient histories whichcan be linked to genetic, genomic information or used to support patient care. CLEF concentrateson removing key barriers to managing such repositories ? ethical issues, informationcapture, integration of disparate sources into coherent ?chronicles? of events, userorientedmechanisms for querying and displaying the information, and compiling the requiredknowledge resources. This paper describes the overall information flow and technicalapproach designed to meet these aims within a Grid framework

    Structural and Functional Evaluation of Clinically Relevant Inhibitors of Steroidogenic Cytochrome P450 17A1

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    Human steroidogenic cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) is a bifunctional enzyme that performs both hydroxylation and lyase reactions, with the latter required to generate androgens that fuel prostate cancer proliferation. The steroid abiraterone, the active form of the only CYP17A1 inhibitor approved by the Food and Drug Administration, binds the catalytic heme iron, nonselectively impeding both reactions and ultimately causing undesirable corticosteroid imbalance. Some nonsteroidal inhibitors reportedly inhibit the lyase reaction more than the preceding hydroxylase reaction, which would be clinically advantageous, but the mechanism is not understood. Thus, the nonsteroidal inhibitors seviteronel and orteronel and the steroidal inhibitors abiraterone and galeterone were compared with respect to their binding modes and hydroxylase versus lyase inhibition. Binding studies and X-ray structures of CYP17A1 with nonsteroidal inhibitors reveal coordination to the heme iron like the steroidal inhibitors. (S)-seviteronel binds similarly to both observed CYP17A1 conformations. However, (S)-orteronel and (R)-orteronel bind to distinct CYP17A1 conformations that differ in a region implicated in ligand entry/exit and the presence of a peripheral ligand. To reconcile these binding modes with enzyme function, side-by-side enzymatic analysis was undertaken and revealed that neither the nonsteroidal seviteronel nor the (S)-orteronel inhibitors demonstrated significant lyase selectivity, but the less potent (R)-orteronel was 8- to 11-fold selective for lyase inhibition. While active-site iron coordination is consistent with competitive inhibition, conformational selection for binding of some inhibitors and the differential presence of a peripheral ligand molecule suggest the possibility of CYP17A1 functional modulation by features outside the active site

    Improved Quantum Hard-Sphere Ground-State Equations of State

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    The London ground-state energy formula as a function of number density for a system of identical boson hard spheres, corrected for the reduced mass of a pair of particles in a sphere-of-influence picture, and generalized to fermion hard-sphere systems with two and four intrinsic degrees of freedom, has a double-pole at the ultimate \textit{regular} (or periodic, e.g., face-centered-cubic) close-packing density usually associated with a crystalline branch. Improved fluid branches are contructed based upon exact, field-theoretic perturbation-theory low-density expansions for many-boson and many-fermion systems, appropriately extrapolated to intermediate densities, but whose ultimate density is irregular or \textit{random} closest close-packing as suggested in studies of a classical system of hard spheres. Results show substantially improved agreement with the best available Green-function Monte Carlo and diffusion Monte Carlo simulations for bosons, as well as with ladder, variational Fermi hypernetted chain, and so-called L-expansion data for two-component fermions.Comment: 15 pages and 7 figure
