48,946 research outputs found

    Comparisons of results obtained with several proton penetration codes, part 2

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    Penetration codes for solar flare proton spectrum incident on semi-infinite slabs of aluminum and of tissu

    Fully Constrained Majorana Neutrino Mass Matrices Using Σ(72×3)\Sigma(72\times 3)

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    In 2002, two neutrino mixing ansatze having trimaximally-mixed middle (ν2\nu_2) columns, namely tri-chi-maximal mixing (TχM\text{T}\chi\text{M}) and tri-phi-maximal mixing (TϕM\text{T}\phi\text{M}), were proposed. In 2012, it was shown that TχM\text{T}\chi\text{M} with χ=±π16\chi=\pm \frac{\pi}{16} as well as TϕM\text{T}\phi\text{M} with ϕ=±π16\phi = \pm \frac{\pi}{16} leads to the solution, sin2θ13=23sin2π16\sin^2 \theta_{13} = \frac{2}{3} \sin^2 \frac{\pi}{16}, consistent with the latest measurements of the reactor mixing angle, θ13\theta_{13}. To obtain TχM(χ=±π16)\text{T}\chi\text{M}_{(\chi=\pm \frac{\pi}{16})} and TϕM(ϕ=±π16)\text{T}\phi\text{M}_{(\phi=\pm \frac{\pi}{16})}, the type~I see-saw framework with fully constrained Majorana neutrino mass matrices was utilised. These mass matrices also resulted in the neutrino mass ratios, m1:m2:m3=(2+2)1+2(2+2):1:(2+2)1+2(2+2)m_1:m_2:m_3=\frac{\left(2+\sqrt{2}\right)}{1+\sqrt{2(2+\sqrt{2})}}:1:\frac{\left(2+\sqrt{2}\right)}{-1+\sqrt{2(2+\sqrt{2})}}. In this paper we construct a flavour model based on the discrete group Σ(72×3)\Sigma(72\times 3) and obtain the aforementioned results. A Majorana neutrino mass matrix (a symmetric 3×33\times 3 matrix with 6 complex degrees of freedom) is conveniently mapped into a flavon field transforming as the complex 6 dimensional representation of Σ(72×3)\Sigma(72\times 3). Specific vacuum alignments of the flavons are used to arrive at the desired mass matrices.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.085

    Deviations from Tribimaximal Neutrino Mixing using a Model with Δ(27)\Delta(27) Symmetry

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    We present a model of neutrino mixing based on the flavour group Δ(27)\Delta(27) in order to account for the observation of a non-zero reactor mixing angle (θ13\theta_{13}). The model provides a common flavour structure for the charged-lepton and the neutrino sectors, giving their mass matrices a `circulant-plus-diagonal' form. Mass matrices of this form readily lead to mixing patterns with realistic deviations from tribimaximal mixing, including non-zero θ13\theta_{13}. With the parameters constrained by existing measurements, our model predicts an inverted neutrino mass hierarchy. We obtain two distinct sets of solutions in which the atmospheric mixing angle lies in the first and the second octants. The first (second) octant solution predicts the lightest neutrino mass, m329 meVm_3 \sim 29~\text{meV} (m365 meVm_3 \sim 65~\text{meV}) and the CPCP phase, δCPπ4\delta_{CP} \sim -\frac{\pi}{4} (δCPπ2\delta_{CP} \sim \frac{\pi}{2}), offering the possibility of large observable CPCP violating effects in future experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Incoherence of Bose-Einstein condensates at supersonic speeds due to quantum noise

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    We calculate the effect of quantum noise in supersonic transport of Bose-Einstein condensates. When an obstacle obstructs the flow of atoms, quantum fluctuations cause atoms to be scattered incoherently into random directions. This suppresses the propagation of Cherenkov radiation, creating quantum turbulence and a crescent of incoherent atoms around the obstacle. We observe similar dynamics if the BEC is stirred by a laser beam: crescents of incoherent atoms are emitted from the laser's turning-points. Finally, we investigate supersonic flow through a disordered potential, and find that the quantum fluctuations generate an accumulation of incoherent atoms as the condensate enters the disorder.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Teacher and student perceptions of the development of learner autonomy : a case study in the biological sciences

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    Biology teachers in a UK university expressed a majority view that student learning autonomy increases with progression through university. A minority suggested that pre-existing diversity in learning autonomy was more important and that individuals not cohorts differ in their learning autonomy. They suggested that personal experience prior to university and age were important and that mature students are more autonomous than 18-20 year olds. Our application of an autonomous learning scale (ALS) to four year-groups of biology students confirmed that the learning autonomy of students increases through their time at university but not that mature students are necessarily more autonomous than their younger peers. It was evident however that year of study explained relatively little

    Multi-timer for milking studies

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    Recent research into milking machine operation has proved that the belief of old-time hand-milkers that fast milking was good milking was soundly based. In current practice the emphasis is on convenient shed and yard design and systematic routine in handling the cows. This permits a high throughput of cows and a high output of milk per labour unit. The multi-timer designed and built by Mr. G. W. R. Scott and described in this article will prove most valuable for pinpointing where time is lost

    Spontaneous creation of non-zero angular momentum modes in tunnel-coupled two-dimensional degenerate Bose gases

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    We investigate the dynamics of two tunnel-coupled two-dimensional degenerate Bose gases. The reduced dimensionality of the clouds enables us to excite specific angular momentum modes by tuning the coupling strength, thereby creating striking patterns in the atom density profile. The extreme sensitivity of the system to the coupling and initial phase difference results in a rich variety of subsequent dynamics, including vortex production, complex oscillations in relative atom number and chiral symmetry breaking due to counter-rotation of the two clouds.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Quantifying Finite Temperature Effects in Atom Chip Interferometry of Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We quantify the effect of phase fluctuations on atom chip interferometry of Bose-Einstein condensates. At very low temperatures, we observe small phase fluctuations, created by mean-field depletion, and a resonant production of vortices when the two clouds are initially in anti-phase. At higher temperatures, we show that the thermal occupation of Bogoliubov modes makes vortex production vary smoothly with the initial relative phase difference between the two atom clouds. We also propose a technique to observe vortex formation directly by creating a weak link between the two clouds. The position and direction of circulation of the vortices is subsequently revealed by kinks in the interference fringes produced when the two clouds expand into one another. This procedure may be exploited for precise force measurement or motion detection.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure