79 research outputs found


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    The financial control represents an audit activity of the manner in which the financial legislation is respected, with the purpose of preventing the use of unjustified expenses and to assure profit by using the material, financial and work resources. The efficiency reflects certain forms of concrete manifestation of the principle of rationality in the economic activity. The efficiency criteria express the necessity that the engaged factors should be used in optimum conditions, which means that the obtained results should be superior to the submitted efforts. The financial control is not limited to what is happening inside the company and is not limited to its perimeter. It equally regards the financial relations of the economic units with the outside, with the economic, administrative and social environment in which it develops its activity. The financial control is realised only with the help of the value indicators by the own organs of the economic unit, but especially through outside specialized organs which belong to the state or other public organisations. The necessity of the financial control consists in the fact that represents a means of prevention of the illegal facts, a means of identification of the deficiencies and a means of establishment of the measures necessary to become legal. These represent a source of information used un developing the general manager’s activity. The manager of the public entity must know and apply the functions of the control in taking future decisions, namely of: preventing, observing the situation, perfecting, adjusting the activity and correcting the disorders, provision and forecasting, coercive and reparatorycontrol, resources, effects, management

    Boron Compounds in the Breast Cancer Cells Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy

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    Boron in Human Nutrition and its Regulations Use

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    Abstract: According to the literature, there are increasingly more scientific data regarding the boron importance in the human nutrition. The request for boron supplements has become more significant due to the following two discoveries: boron transport within the animal cell and the cellular signaling of some bacteria by a sugar borate complex. It is necessary to establish the benefits and the toxicity of boron consumption for humans and animals, although a biological function of boron has not been defined yet. In addition, it is important to know the legal regulations for boron use worldwide, its physiological effects and health uses

    A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effect of Calcium Fructoborate on Systemic Inflammation and Dyslipidemia Markers for Middle-Aged People with Primary Osteoarthritis

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    The objective of this pilot study was to determine whether 15 days of dietary supplementation with calcium fructoborate could acutely modulate inflammatory and lipid blood markers in individuals diagnosed with primary osteoarthritis. During 2 weeks, a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind study was conducted on 116 subjects that were initially recruited. Seventy-two subjects started the study, being divided into four groups, and only 60 completed the study as designed. The aim was to compare the effects of calcium fructoborate to placebo on subjects diagnosed with knee primary osteoarthritis. The obtained outcomes were inflammation biomarkers (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and lipid markers (triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol). No serious adverse events were reported. The calcium fructoborate showed beneficial effect on the inflammatory markers for all groups subjected to the treatment when compared with the placebo group and slight changes in the lipid metabolism. This study suggests that short-term (2 weeks) calcium fructoborate supplementation in patients with osteoarthritis symptoms has a favorable prognosis on inflammation diseases

    Rolul borului în prevenirea bolilor osteoarticulare și distribuția acestuia pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova

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    Introduction. Boron is a trace mineral that is supposed to be essential for human health. Organic plant based boron compounds are highly bioavailable for humans and can positively influence minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and act in synergy with vitamin D, which are beneficial for osteoarticular health. Material and methods. We made an analysis of 126 bibliographic sources and mapped the Republic of Moldova to the content of boron in deep water and to the adults’ prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthropathy. Results. Boron is important for osteogenesis and its deficiency can lead to impaired growth and abnormal bones development. It supports bone health in postmenopausal women by reducing urinary loss of the minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone building. In countries where soil was depleted of boron and daily intake of this mineral was 1 mg or lower, the incidence of arthritis was between 20 and 70%. In Moldova, in the regions where boron concentration in deep drinking water were low (0.28 mg/L in well water and 0.51 mg/L in artesian well water) in Soroca in 2019, the prevalence with the rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthropathy were high (51.6 per 10000 inhabitants) with one exception, UTA Gagauzia (35.1 per 10000 inhabitants), where we found a high boron concentration in deep drinking water (2.05 mg/L in well water and 2.2 mg/L in artesian well water) in 2015. Conclusions. Boron can affect bone metabolism. In regions where boron concentration in deep drinking water is low, the osteoarticular morbidity can be higher with the exception of UTA Gagauzia, where we suppose that dietary pattern can be a cause of these results. In the future we will study eating habits in this region and a clearer conclusion will be made.Introducere. Borul este un microelement probabil esențial pentru oameni. Compușii organici ai borului au o biodisponibilitate înaltă pentru oameni și pot influența pozitiv metabolismul calciului, fosforului și al magneziului, acționând în sinergie cu vitamina D, în mod pozitiv pentru oase. Material și metode. Pentru realizarea studiului au fost analizate 126 de surse bibliografice, a fost cartografiată Republica Moldova după concentrația borului în apa potabilă de profunzime și după prevalența adulților prin artrită reumatoidă și poliartropatiile inflamatorii. Rezultate. Borul este important pentru osteogeneză, iar deficiența acestuia poate compromite creșterea și dezvoltarea oaselor. El susține sănătatea osoasă a femeilor aflate în menopauză prin reducerea pierderii urinare a calciului, magneziului și a fosforului. În țările în care solul este privat de bor, iar aportul zilnic al acestui mineral este de 1 mg și mai puțin, incidența artritei este cuprinsă între 20 și 70%. În Moldova, în regiunile în care concentrația borului în apa potabilă de profunzime a fost joasă (0,28 mg/l în apa din fântâni și 0,51 mg/l în apa din sondele arteziene în Soroca în 2019), prevalența prin artrită reumatoidă și poliartropatii inflamatorii a fost înaltă (51,6 pentru 10000 locuitori), cu o singură excepție – UTA Găgăuzia (35,1 pentru 10 000 locuitori), unde am depistat o concentrație înaltă a borului în apa potabilă de profunzime (2,05 mg/l în apa din fântâni și 2,2 mg/l în apa din sondele arteziene) în anul 2015. Concluzii. Borul poate afecta metabolismul osos. În regiunile în care concentrația borului în apa potabilă de profunzime este joasă, morbiditatea osteoarticulară poate fi înaltă, cu excepția UTA Gagauzia, unde presupunem că deprinderile alimentare ale locuitorilor pot cauza aceste rezultate. Astfel, modul de alimentație al locuitorilor din această zonă se impune a fi studiat în profunzime și doar atunci vom putea trasa concluzii mai clare


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    The paper highlights the histo-anatomical investigation of root, rhizome, aboveground stem and leaf of Polygala vulgaris L. (Polygalaceae) species, harvested in August 2016, from southern Romania, as well as the preliminary thin-layer chromatographic analysis of the polyphenols content of the aerial parts (Polygalae vulgaris herba). Rutin was identified and quantified starting from the 11 TLC fingerprint bands


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    Concerning Ziziphora capitata L. (Lamiaceae) species, the paper presents the histo-anatomical analysis of root, aboveground stem and leaf, along with the chromatographic investigations of the polyphenols in the aerial parts. Caffeic acid (126.2 μg/mL) and rutin (171.3 μg/mL) were identified in the 20% methanolic extract of Ziziphorae capitatae herba, by thin-layer chromatography coupled with photodensitometry

    The role of boron in the functioning of the osteoarticular system

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    National Agency for Public Health, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, BioBoron Research Institute, Craiova, RomaniaBackground: Boron was classified by the World Health Organization as ‘possible essential elements for human health’. It can be found in different forms in the environment, has beneficial effects on bones and its deprivation can impair calcium and magnesium metabolism and bone development, their health and maintenance. Dietary boron supplementation can help prevent and manage degenerative and inflammatory bones and articular diseases, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Relevant articles were identified in PubMed, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Scopus databases published until June 2021, describing the role of boron in the functioning of the osteoarticular system. Conclusions: From organic and inorganic boron forms that can enter the human body, organic plant based boron compounds are highly bioavailable. In the functioning of the osteoarticular system boron acts by regulation of calcium and magnesium metabolism, enhancing the vitamin D activation process and influencing serum steroid hormone levels. A boron intake equal to or higher than 3 mg per day can help prevent/or correct arthritis, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Calcium fructoborate can reduce pain, joint discomfort and increase endogenous vitamin D level in patients with osteoarthritis. Boron may play a role in pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis and its severity and a supplementation with boron element may be useful

    The influence of boron-containing compounds on cardiovascular health

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    Agenția Națională pentru Sănătate Publică, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Institutul de Cercetare Bioboron, Craiova, România, Conferința Națională cu participare internațională „Un mediu sigur-sănătate protejată” 12-13 noiembrie 2020Rezumat. Obiective. Borul este un element biologic prezent în natură sub diferite forme, însă, există din ce în ce mai multe evidențe că acesta poate fi clasificat drept un micronutrient esențial pentru animale și oameni. Studiile preliminare demonstrează implicarea compușilor borului în remedierea unor procese biologice din organism, precum inflamația și stresul oxidativ, care pot influența apariția maladiilor cardiovasculare și amplifica acțiunea factorilor de risc. Deși efectul exact al compușilor borului asupra organismului uman nu a fost încă stabilit, lucrarea dată își propune studierea evidențelor existente, focusându-se pe sănătatea cardiovasculară. Scopul studiului a fost efectuarea reviului literaturii pentru depistarea posibilei influențe a compușilor borului asupra sănătății cardiovasculare. Material și metode. Am analizat peste 150 de surse bibliografice, în care au fost evidențiate funcțiile borului și ale compușilor acestuia, dar și a impactului lor asupra factorilor de risc pentru bolile cardiovasculare. Rezultate. Am depistat că cei mai importanți compuși pentru sănătatea umană sunt esterii borului care pot fi preluați din alimentele de origine vegetală și pot fi utilizați de către organismul uman direct în metabolismul celular. Aceștia au capacitatea de a modula un răspuns la factorii de risc pentru bolile cardiovasculare, precum stresul oxidativ, inflamația, dar și a influența dislipidemiile, diabetul zaharat de tip II, fumatul și obezitatea. Concluzii. Studiile actuale sugerează că o dietă bogată în compușii borului, preluați din alimente vegetale, are un efect potențial cardioprotector, fiind implicată în diminuarea factorilor de risc pentru bolile cardiovasculare.Abstract. Objectives. Boron is a biological trace element which can be find in different natural compounds, but there is substantial and growing support for it to be classified as an essential nutrient for animals and humans. Previous studies suggest an active involvement of boron-containing compounds in the mediation of several biological reactions in the body, as inflammation and oxidative stress, which can influence occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and can amplify the risk factor impact. Although, the exact role of boron-containing compounds on human body has not yet been established, this work aims to study existing results with a special focus on cardiovascular health. The aim of this study was to review the literature and to detect the possible influence of boron compounds on cardiovascular health. Materials and methods. We made an analysis of more than 150 bibliographic sources that highlighted the boron and its compounds functions, and their impact on cardiovascular risk factors. Results. We found out that the most important compounds for human health are boron esters which can be taken from plant-based food and can be used directly in human cellular metabolism. These compounds have the ability to modulate a response to cardiovascular risk factors, such as oxidative stress and inflammation, but also can influence dyslipidemia, type II diabetes, smoking and obesity. Conclusions. Current studies suggest that a rich boron plant-based diet can have a potential cardioprotective effect and can be involved in reducing of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases