61 research outputs found

    Equilibrium and non-equilibrium Ising models by means of PCA

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    We propose a unified approach to reversible and irreversible PCA dynamics, and we show that in the case of 1D and 2D nearest neighbour Ising systems with periodic boundary conditions we are able to compute the stationary measure of the dynamics also when the latter is irreversible. We also show how, according to [DPSS12], the stationary measure is very close to the Gibbs for a suitable choice of the parameters of the PCA dynamics, both in the reversible and in the irreversible cases. We discuss some numerical aspects regarding this topic, including a possible parallel implementation

    On the blockage problem and the non-analyticity of the current for the parallel TASEP on a ring

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    The Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) is an important example of a particle system driven by an irreversible Markov chain. In this paper we give a simple yet rigorous derivation of the chain stationary measure in the case of parallel updating rule. In this parallel framework we then consider the blockage problem (aka slow bond problem). We find the exact expression of the current for an arbitrary blockage intensity ε\varepsilon in the case of the so-called rule-184 cellular automaton, i.e. a parallel TASEP where at each step all particles free-to-move are actually moved. Finally, we investigate through numerical experiments the conjecture that for parallel updates other than rule-184 the current may be non-analytic in the blockage intensity around the value ε=0\varepsilon = 0

    Regular subgroups with large intersection

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    In this paper we study the relationships between the elementary abelian regular subgroups and the Sylow 22-subgroups of their normalisers in the symmetric group Sym(F2n)\mathrm{Sym}(\mathbb{F}_2^n), in view of the interest that they have recently raised for their applications in symmetric cryptography

    On the statistical description of the inbound air traffic over Heathrow airport

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    We present a model to describe the inbound air traffic over a congested hub. We show that this model gives a very accurate description of the traffic by the comparison of our theoretical distribution of the queue with the actual distribution observed over Heathrow airport. We discuss also the robustness of our model

    A Chain of Normalizers in the Sylow 22-subgroups of the symmetric group on 2n2^n letters

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    On the basis of an initial interest in symmetric cryptography, in the present work we study a chain of subgroups. Starting from a Sylow 22-subgroup of AGL(2,n), each term of the chain is defined as the normalizer of the previous one in the symmetric group on 2n2^n letters. Partial results and computational experiments lead us to conjecture that, for large values of nn, the index of a normalizer in the consecutive one does not depend on nn. Indeed, there is a strong evidence that the sequence of the logarithms of such indices is the one of the partial sums of the numbers of partitions into at least two distinct parts

    Rigid commutators and a normalizer chain

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    The novel notion of rigid commutators is introduced to determine the sequence of the logarithms of the indices of a certain normalizer chain in the Sylow 2-subgroup of the symmetric group on 2^n letters. The terms of this sequence are proved to be those of the partial sums of the partitions of an integer into at least two distinct parts, that relates to a famous Euler's partition theorem

    Effects of boundary conditions on irreversible dynamics

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    We present a simple one-dimensional Ising-type spin system on which we define a completely asymmetric Markovian single spin-flip dynamics. We study the system at a very low, yet non-zero, temperature and we show that for empty boundary conditions the Gibbs measure is stationary for such dynamics, while introducing in a single site a ++ condition the stationary measure changes drastically, with macroscopical effects. We achieve this result defining an absolutely convergent series expansion of the stationary measure around the zero temperature system. Interesting combinatorial identities are involved in the proofs

    Entropy-driven cutoff phenomena

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    In this paper we present, in the context of Diaconis' paradigm, a general method to detect the cutoff phenomenon. We use this method to prove cutoff in a variety of models, some already known and others not yet appeared in literature, including a chain which is non-reversible w.r.t. its stationary measure. All the given examples clearly indicate that a drift towards the opportune quantiles of the stationary measure could be held responsible for this phenomenon. In the case of birth- and-death chains this mechanism is fairly well understood; our work is an effort to generalize this picture to more general systems, such as systems having stationary measure spread over the whole state space or systems in which the study of the cutoff may not be reduced to a one-dimensional problem. In those situations the drift may be looked for by means of a suitable partitioning of the state space into classes; using a statistical mechanics language it is then possible to set up a kind of energy-entropy competition between the weight and the size of the classes. Under the lens of this partitioning one can focus the mentioned drift and prove cutoff with relative ease.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figur

    Em que ponto estamos? Sessenta anos de reformas institucionais na Itália (1946-2005)

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