34 research outputs found
Endoparasites in domestic animals surrounding an Atlantic Forest remnant, in São Paulo State, Brazil
Sobre cooperação e cooperativas em assentamentos rurais About cooperation and cooperativism in rural settlements
O artigo trata do significado da cooperação e do cooperativismo no processo organizativo de assentamentos rurais no estado de São Paulo. Compreendendo cooperação e cooperativismo como processos sociais distintos, discuto os motivos do movimento de institucionalização de cooperativas na sua relação com o declínio das formas de cooperação tradicionalmente desenvolvidas no mundo rural brasileiro. Analiso o significado da cooperação e os problemas decorrentes da sua institucionalização no interior dos assentamentos rurais organizados pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), procurando identificar os elementos que indicam mudanças e permanências em relação ao tradicional cooperativismo rural. Procuro refletir sobre os motivos da atual tendência existente entre os assentados para refutar a cooperativa como modelo organizacional, mas valorizar a cooperação como modo de organização da vida econômica e societária.<br>This article deals with the meaning of cooperation and cooperativism in the organizational process of rural settlements in the state of São Paulo considering cooperation and cooperativism as distinct social processes. I discuss the motive why the movement headed for cooperative institutionalization in relation to the decline of the traditional ways of cooperation developed in the Brazilian rural world. The meaning of cooperation was studied as well as subsequent problems due to its institutionalization within the rural settlements organized by MST - Landless Workers Movement, trying to identify the elements that show change and permanence related to traditional rural cooperativism. I seek to reflect upon the motives of the current trend among settlers to reject the cooperative as an organizational model, despite the fact they appraise cooperation as a way to organize their social and economic life
Dorsal and ventral hippocampus modulate autonomic responses but not behavioral consequences associated to acute restraint stress in rats.
Recent evidence has suggested that the dorsal (DH) and the ventral (VH) poles of the hippocampus are structurally, molecularly and functionally different regions. While the DH is preferentially involved in the modulation of spatial learning and memory, the VH modulates defensive behaviors related to anxiety. Acute restraint is an unavoidable stress situation that evokes marked and sustained autonomic changes, which are characterized by elevated blood pressure (BP), intense heart rate (HR) increases, skeletal muscle vasodilatation and cutaneous vasoconstriction, which are accompanied by a rapid skin temperature drop followed by body temperature increases. In addition to those autonomic responses, animals submitted to restraint also present behavioral changes, such as reduced exploration of the open arms of an elevated plus-maze (EPM), an anxiogenic-like effect. In the present work, we report a comparison between the effects of pharmacological inhibition of DH and VH neurotransmission on autonomic and behavioral responses evoked by acute restraint stress in rats. Bilateral microinjection of the unspecific synaptic blocker cobalt chloride (CoCl2, 1mM) into the DH or VH attenuated BP and HR responses, as well as the decrease in the skin temperature, elicited by restraint stress exposure. Moreover, DH or VH inhibition before restraint did not change the delayed increased anxiety behavior observed 24 h later in the EPM. The present results demonstrate for the first time that both DH and VH mediate stress-induced autonomic responses to restraint but they are not involved in the modulation of the delayed emotional consequences elicited by such stress
Desenvolvimento organizacional e interpessoal em cooperativas de produção agropecuária: reflexão sobre o método Organizational and interpersonal develoment in agricultural production cooperatives: a reflexion on method
O artigo apresenta alguns elementos para a reflexão sobre um método de elaboração e implementação de programa de desenvolvimento organizacional em cooperativas populares de produção agropecuária. Elaborado com base em estudos e experiências vividas com a organização e gestão de cooperativas localizadas nas regiões Sul e Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil e na participação em processos de formação dos cooperados, aborda temas referentes à convivência social e relações interpessoais que interferem no desenvolvimento organizacional. Apresenta um balanço sobre o processo organizativo dos assentamentos e das cooperativas, discute o conceito de desenvolvimento organizacional como estratégia de socialização para o trabalho e a necessidade de construir propostas apropriadas para as organizações cooperativas populares. Esboça algumas diretrizes para a implementação de programas de desenvolvimento organizacional pautados tanto pela solução das necessidades econômicas imediatas quanto pela preservação dos valores humanos e dos recursos naturais, sugerindo a utilização de um método que pode ser capaz de resgatar elementos importantes do universo simbólico dos cooperados.<br>The purpose of this paper is to present some elements which reflect a method of elaborating and implementing organizational development programs in popular agricultural production cooperatives. This text was written based on experiences and studies carried out within the organization and management of cooperatives situated in the south, southeast, and center-west of Brazil, and also within processes which instruct cooperative workers by approaching topics related to social living and interpersonal relations which interfere with organizational development. An analysis balance of the organizational situation of settlements and cooperatives which are the object of intervention is presented. The concept of organizational development as socialization strategy for work, and the necessity for creating adequate proposals for popular cooperative organizations are discussed. Some guidelines for implementing organizational development programs shaped both by the solution of imediate economic necessities and by the preservation of human values and natural resources, suggesting the use of a method which can rescue important elements from the cooperative workers' symbolic universe are outlined