21 research outputs found

    Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 RNA shedding in semen of 36 males with symptomatic, asymptomatic, and convalescent infection during the first and second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

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    : The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), has been identified in the human testis, but the risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through sexual intercourse still needs to be defined. The goal of our study was to determine if SARS-CoV-2 is detectable in the semen of patients suffering or recovering from coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), still testing positive at nasopharyngeal swabs but showing mild or no symptoms at the time of sampling. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in semen was performed by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and nested PCR targeting open reading frame (ORF) 1ab. Medical history of the enrolled patients was taken, including COVID-19-correlated symptoms, both at the time of diagnosis and at the time of interview. Results of real-time RT-PCR and nested PCR in semen showed no evidence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in the 36 patients suffering or recovering from COVID-19 but still positive in a nasopharyngeal swab, from over 116 patients enrolled in the study. SARS-CoV-2 detection and persistence in semen would have an impact on both clinical practice and public health strategies, but our results would suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is not present in the semen of men recovering from COVID-19

    Indagine sulla presenza di Salmonella spp. nelle spezie

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    In the last decades, food-borne infections and food poisoning, due to spices, have increased, in several European countries. The main cause is the improved consumption of ready-to-eat food and increased use of spices in food. A total of 158 samples of spices were analyzed from 2015 to 2019, they were collected in Palermo district, at commercialization or import phase. All samples were analysed for Salmonella spp. All microorganisms isolated were subjected to antibiotic resistance assay. The results of the analysis showed a satisfying hygienic quality of spices, only four samples (2,5%) of sesame showed the presence of Salmonella spp.. The Salmonella isolated strains showed sensitivity to all antibiotics tested except the ampicillin and gentamicin. The strain of S. Maastricht, instead, showed sensitivity to ampicillin and resistance to gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin and tetraciclin

    Detection of Arcobacter spp. in food products collected from Sicilia region: A preliminary study

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of Arcobacter spp. in food samples collected from Sicilia region. A total of 91 food products of animal origin (41 meat, 17 fresh milk, 18 shellfish) and 15 samples of fresh vegetables, were examined by cultural method and confirmed by biochemical analysis and PCR methods. The detection of Arcobacter spp. was performed, after selective enrichment, on two selective agar plates: Arcobacter agar and mCCD (modified charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate) agar supplemented with CAT (Cefoperazone, Amphotericin B and Teicoplanin). Arcobacter species were isolated using the membrane filtration technique. In 13 (14.3%) out of the 91 tested samples, the presence of Arcobacter spp. was found: the isolates were confirmed by multiplex PCR and identified as belonging to the species A. butzleri and A. cryaerophilus. The highest prevalence rate was observed in chicken meat (8.8%) followed by shellfish (3.3%). Negative results have been obtained for raw milks and vegetables samples. The preliminary study highlights the importance of this emerging pathogen and the need for further studies on its prevalence and distribution in different types of food for human consumption

    Relazione tecnica sulle attivitĂ  della Campagna oceanografica "Ancheva 2008"

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    La presente relazione riporta le attività di ricerca svolte nella Campagna oceanografica "Ancheva 2008", nel periodo dal 4 al 14 Agosto 2008 a bordo della N/O "G. Dallaporta". Le suddette attività sono state parte integrante del Progetto "lAboratori di testing per dispositivi eLettroacustici, sensorI oceanograFici e metodologie finalizzati al monitoraggio dello stato delle risorse biologiche del mare" (ALIF), finanziato dal CIPE attraverso l’Assessorato Industria della Regione Sicilia. Alla Campagna oceanografica hanno partecipato i seguenti Enti: 1. Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), CNR, U.O. (TP); 2. Istituto Scienze Marine (ISMAR–CNR), Sezione Pesca Marittima, CNR, Ancona; 3. FAO - MedSudMed Project; 4. Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences (MCFS), Fort S. Lucjan, MarsaXlokk, Malta. L'obiettivo della Campagna oceanografica ù stato quello di valutare la distribuzione e l’abbondanza di piccoli pelagici, prevalentemente sardina (Sardina pilchardus) e acciuga (Engraulis encrasicolus), con l’impiego di strumentazione elettroacustica. Nella prima parte, l’area di lavoro ù stata delimitata dalla piattaforma meridionale della Sicilia (da Marsala a oltre Capo Passero), nella seconda parte ù stata poi studiata la piattaforma continentale di Malta. Le attività svolte sono di seguito descritte sinteticamente: - Rilevazioni acustiche degli stock di piccoli pelagici con echosounder scientifico “Simrad EK60”, con trasduttori split beam a scafo; - Campionamenti biologici di piccoli pelagici con rete pelagica dotata di sistema acustico “Simrad ITI” per il controllo della geometria della rete durante le attività di campionamento; - Campionamento acqua per la misurazione dei parametri fisico-chimici della colonna d’acqua con la sonda multiparametrica “Seabird 9/11”

    Safety of Rotavirus Vaccination in Preterm Infants Admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Sicily, Italy: A Multicenter Observational Study

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    Rotavirus (RV) is among the most common vaccine-preventable diseases in children under five years of age. Despite the severity of rotavirus pathology in early childhood, rotavirus vaccination for children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), who are often born preterm and with various previous illnesses, is not performed. This multicenter, 3-year project aims to evaluate the safety of RV vaccine administration within the six main neonatal intensive care units of the Sicilian Region to preterm infants. Methods: Monovalent live attenuated anti-RV vaccination (RV1) was administered from April 2018 to December 2019 to preterm infants with gestational age ≄ 28 weeks. Vaccine administrations were performed in both inpatient and outpatient hospital settings as a post discharge follow-up (NICU setting) starting at 6 weeks of age according to the official immunization schedule. Any adverse events (expected, unexpected, and serious) were monitored from vaccine administration up to 14 days (first assessment) and 28 days (second assessment) after each of the two scheduled vaccine doses. Results: At the end of December 2019, 449 preterm infants were vaccinated with both doses of rotavirus vaccine within the six participating Sicilian NICUs. Mean gestational age in weeks was 33.1 (±3.8 SD) and the first dose of RV vaccine was administered at 55 days (±12.9 SD) on average. The mean weight at the first dose was 3388 (SD ± 903) grams. Only 0.6% and 0.2% of infants reported abdominal colic and fever above 38.5 ◩C in the 14 days after the first dose, respectively. Overall, 1.9% EAEs were observed at 14 days and 0.4% at 28 days after the first/second dose administration. Conclusions: Data obtained from this study confirm the safety of the monovalent rotavirus vaccine even in preterm infants with gestational age ≄ 28 weeks, presenting an opportunity to improve the vaccination offer both in Sicily and in Italy by protecting the most fragile infants who are more at risk of contracting severe rotavirus gastroenteritis and nosocomial RV infection

    Standard Sturmian words and automata minimization algorithms

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    The study of some close connections between the combinatorial properties of words and the performance of the automata minimization process constitutes the main focus of this paper. These relationships have been, in fact, the basis of the study of the tightness and the extremal cases of Hopcroft's algorithm, that is, up to now, the most efficient minimization method for deterministic finite state automata. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to another minimization method that, unlike the approach proposed by Hopcroft, is not based on refinement of the set of states of the automaton, but on automata operations such as determinization and reverse, and is also applicable to non-deterministic finite automata. However, even for deterministic automata, it was proved that the method incurs, almost surely, in an explosion of the number of the states. Very recently, some polynomial variants of Brzozowski's method have been introduced. In this paper, by using some combinatorial properties of words, we analyze the performance of one of such algorithms when applied to a particular infinite family of automata, called standard word automata, constructed by using standard sturmian words. In particular, Θ( nlog n) is the worst case time complexity when the algorithm is applied to the infinite family of word automata associated to Fibonacci words representing also the worst case of Hopcroft's minimization algorithm

    Words, Trees and Automata Minimization

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    In this paper we explore some connections between some combinatorial properties of words and the study of extremal cases of the automata minimization process. An intermediate role is played by the notion od word trees for which some properties of words are generalized. In particular, we describe an infinite family of binary automata, called word automata and constructed by using standard sturmian words and more specifically Fibonacci words, that represent the extremal case of some well known automata minimization algorithms, such as Moore’s and Hopcroft’s methods. As well as giving an overview of the main results in this context, the main purpose of this paper is to prove that, even if a recently introduced polynomial variants of Brzozowski’s algorithm is considered, such family of word automata represent the worst case for the number of steps and for its overall time complexity. This fact suggests that the standard sturmian words, and consequently the associated word automata, are able to capture some properties for which the minimization process becomes inherently more complex