8 research outputs found

    Gas forming of an AZ31 magnesium alloy at elevated strain rates

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    In this work, the gas forming of AZ31 magnesium alloy 0.75-mm-thick sheets at elevated strain rates (fast gas forming) is investigated through an experimental-numerical approach. First, free inflation tests were carried out to find the conditions, in terms of temperature and forming pressure, able to give the best compromise between the alloy formability and the forming time. The analysis was successively moved to a closed die forming application with a stepped geometry case study in order to analyse the real forming process. Both an axisymmetric model of the free inflation test and a 3D model of the closed die forming process were built to correlate the results from free inflation tests (in terms of optimal strain rate values) to the closed die forming test: Numerical simulations were run to find the pressure value to be applied in gas forming tests. Experimental gas forming trials were finally conducted in order to support the approach and to analyse post-forming characteristics of the formed parts. Results showed that very small fillet radii can be reached on a commercial Mg alloy sheet setting very short forming times (few seconds). The choice of the forming temperature and of the corresponding optimal strain rate strongly affects the grain growth and the cavitation phenomena. Even if the alloy is prone to a strong static and dynamic grain growth at elevated temperatures, a small mean grain size value can be reached in the formed component due to the short forming times

    Laser hardening of AISI 52100 bearing steel with a discrete fiber laser spot

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    Surface hardening with discrete laser spot treatment is an interesting solution since the adoption of a single pulse allows the treatment of different surface geometries avoiding the effect of back tempering. The aim of this work is to find a suitable process window in which operate to get best results in terms of hardness, diameter and depth of the treated region. A single pulse out of a fiber laser source impinging on a bearing hypereutectoid steel was used using different power values, pulse energy and defocussing distances, in order to get the optimal process parameters. The dimensions of the hardened zone and its hardness were then acquired and related to the laser process parameters, to the prior microstructure of the steel (spheroidized and tempered after oil quenching) and to the roughness on the specimen before the laser treatment. Experimental results highlighted that both the surface condition (in terms of roughness) and the initial steel microstructure have a great influence on the achieved hardness values and on the dimension of the laser hardened layer. The pulse energy and power strongly affected the dimension of the hardened layer, too


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    The present work is aimed to determine the mechanical behaviour in hot condition (range 600-1200°C) of a super duplex stainless steel (SAF 2507) for applications in the Oil&Gas field (highly corrosive environments). A wide experimental activity (both tensile and creep tests) was carried out using the Gleeble system, using experimental settings able to make the test robust and replicable. In order to evaluate the constant parameters able to model the material behaviour according to the Norton equation, experimental conditions (in terms of temperature and applied stress) were designed: the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and a subsequent double multi objective optimization were implemented within an integration platform. Finally, using Visual Basic routines model constants were evaluated and/or refined, thus being able to optimally fit real strain –time curves, also in the primary creep stage

    T-joints of Ti alloys with hybrid laser-MIG welding: Macro-graphic and micro-hardness analyses

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    Titanium alloys are characterized by high mechanical properties and elevated corrosion resistance. The combination of laser welding with MIG/GMAW has proven to improve beneficial effects of both processes (keyhole, gap-bridging ability) while limiting their drawbacks (high thermal gradient, low mechanical resistance) In this paper, the hybrid Laser-GMAW welding of Ti-6Al-4V 3-mm thick sheets is investigated using a specific designed trailing shield. The joint geometry was the double fillet welded T-joint. Bead morphologies, microstructures and mechanical properties (micro-hardness) of welds were evaluated and compared to those achieved for the base metals