4 research outputs found
Gram-positive Stäbchenbakterien im Urin: eine epidemiologische und methodische Analyse
Aus Mittelstrahlurinen wurden die meisten Coryneformen isoliert. Eine Assoziation coryneformer Stäbe mit Kontakt zu Fremdmaterialien wurde ausgeschlossen. Der altersabhängige Nachweis coryneformer Stäbe aus Urinproben war für >60 Jahre zu verzeichnen. Bezüglich des Geschlechts konnte kein Zusammenhang zu Coryneformen gefunden werden. Zur Identifizierung der Bakterien ist die Massenspektrometrie eine zuverlässige Methodik. Die Gensequenzierung ist zur Identifikation als Goldstandard anzusehen. Eine Verlängerung der Inkubationszeit der beimpften Kulturmedien bringt nur wenig Informationsgewinn
Comprehensive cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 3.0 Tesla: feasibility and implications for clinical applications
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the applicability of high magnetic field strengths for comprehensive functional and structural cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eighteen subjects underwent comprehensive cardiac MRI at 1.5 T and 3.0 T. The following imaging techniques were implemented: double and triple inversion prepared FSE for anatomic imaging, 4 different sets of echocardiographic-gated CINE strategies for functional and flow imaging, inversion prepared gradient echo for delayed enhancement imaging, T1-weighted segmented EPI for perfusion imaging and 2-dimensional (2-D) spiral, and volumetric SSFP for coronary artery imaging. RESULTS:: Use of 3 Tesla as opposed to 1.5 Tesla provided substantial baseline signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) improvements for anatomic (T1-weighted double IR: DeltaSNR = 29%, DeltaCNR = 20%, T2-weighted double IR: DeltaSNR = 39%, DeltaCNR = 33%, triple IR: DeltaSNR = 74%, DeltaCNR = 60%), functional (conventional CINE: DeltaSNR = 123%, DeltaCNR = 74%, accelerated CINE: DeltaSNR = 161%, DeltaCNR = 86%), myocardial tagging (DeltaSNRsystole = 54%, DeltaCNRsystole = 176%), phase contrast flow measurements (DeltaSNR = 79%), viability (DeltaSNR = 48%, DeltaCNR = 40%), perfusion (DeltaSNR = 109%, DeltaCNR = 87%), and breathhold coronary imaging (2-D spiral: DeltaSNRRCA = 54%, DeltaCNRRCA = 69%, 3-D SSFP: DeltaSNRRCA = 60%, DeltaCNRRCA = 126%), but also revealed image quality issues, which were successfully tackled by adiabatic radiofrequency pulses and parallel imaging. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac MRI at 3.0 T is feasible for the comprehensive assessment of cardiac morphology and function, although SAR limitations and susceptibility effects remain a concern. The need for speed together with the SNR benefit at 3.0 T will motivate further advances in routine cardiac MRI while providing an image-quality advantage over imaging at 1.5 Tesla
Influence of high magnetic field strengths and parallel acquisition strategies on image quality in cardiac 2D CINE magnetic resonance imaging: comparison of 1.5 T vs. 3.0 T
The aim of this paper is to examine signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and image quality of cardiac CINE imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T. Twenty volunteers underwent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations using a 1.5-T and a 3.0-T scanner. Three different sets of breath-held, electrocardiogram-gated (ECG) CINE imaging techniques were employed, including: (1) unaccelerated SSFP (steady state free precession), (2) accelerated SSFP imaging and (3) gradient-echo-based myocardial tagging. Two-dimensional CINE SSFP at 3.0 T revealed an SNR improvement of 103% and a CNR increase of 19% as compared to the results obtained at 1.5 T. The SNR reduction in accelerated 2D CINE SSFP imaging was larger at 1.5 T (37%) compared to 3.0 T (26%). The mean SNR and CNR increase at 3.0 T obtained for the tagging sequence was 88% and 187%, respectively. At 3.0 T, the duration of the saturation bands persisted throughout the entire cardiac cycle. For comparison, the saturation bands were significantly diminished at 1.5 T during end-diastole. For 2D CINE SSFP imaging, no significant difference in the left ventricular volumetry and in the overall image quality was obtained. For myocardial tagging, image quality was significantly improved at 3.0 T. The SNR reduction in accelerated SSFP imaging was overcompensated by the increase in the baseline SNR at 3.0 T and did not result in any image quality degradation. For cardiac tagging techniques, 3.0 T was highly beneficial, which holds the promise to improve its diagnostic value