14 research outputs found

    Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL)

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    The purpose of this project was to conduct R&D on specified components and provide technical design support to a SuperPower team developing a high temperature superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL). ORNL teamed with SuperPower, Inc. on a Superconductivity Partnerships with Industry (SPI) proposal for the SFCL that was submitted to DOE and approved in FY 2003. A contract between DOE and SuperPower, Inc. was signed on July 14, 2003 to design, fabricate and test the SFCL. This device employs high temperature superconducting (HTS) elements and SuperPower's proprietary technology. The program goal was to demonstrate a device that will address a broad range of the utility applications and meet utility industry requirements. This DOE-sponsored Superconductivity Partnership with Industry project would positively impact electric power transmission reliability and security by introducing a new element in the grid that can significantly mitigate fault currents and provide lower cost solutions for grid protection. The project will conduct R&D on specified components and provide technical design support to a SuperPower-led team developing a SFCL as detailed in tasks 1-5 below. Note the SuperPower scope over the broad SPI project is much larger than that shown below which indicates only the SuperPower tasks that are complementary to the ORNL tasks. SuperPower is the Project Manager for the SFCL program, and is responsible for completion of the project on schedule and budget. The scope of work for ORNL is to provide R&D support for the SFCL in the following four broad areas: (1) Assist with high voltage subsystem R&D, design, fabrication and testing including characterization of the general dielectric performance of LN2 and component materials; (2) Consult on cryogenic subsystem R&D, design, fabrication and testing; (3) Participate in project conceptual and detailed design reviews; and (4) Guide commercialization by participation on the Technical Advisory Board (TAB). SuperPower's in-kind work for the SFCL will be provided in the following areas: (1) Work with ORNL to develop suitable test platforms for the evaluation of subsystems and components; (2) Provide cryogenic and high voltage subsystem designs for evaluation; (3) Lead the development of the test plans associated with the subsystem and components and participate in test programs at ORNL; and (4) Based on the test results, finalize the subsystem and component designs and incorporate into the respective SFCL prototypes

    Laser-induced fluorescence of phosphors for remote cryogenic thermometry

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    Remote cryogenic temperature measurements can be made by inducing fluorescence in phosphors with temperature-dependent emissions and measuring the emission lifetimes. The thermographic phosphor technique can be used for making precision, noncontact, cryogenic-temperature measurements in electrically hostile environments, such as high dc electric or magnetic fields. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is interested in using these thermographic phosphors for mapping hot spots on cryogenic tank walls. Europium-doped lanthanum oxysulfide (La2O2S:Eu) and magnesium fluorogermanate doped with manganese (Mg4FGeO6:Mn) are suitable for low-temperature surface thermometry. Several emission lines, excited by a 337-nm ultraviolet laser, provide fluorescence lifetimes having logarithmic dependence with temperature from 4 to above 125 K. A calibration curve for both La2O2S:Eu and Mg4FGeO6:Mn is presented, as well as emission spectra taken at room temperature and 11 K

    Drift tube beam blocking experiments performed on the ORNL/PLT neutral beam line at the ORNL medium energy test facility

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    The Fusion Energy Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in cooperation with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) designed, constructed, and tested four high power neutral beam injectors for application on the Princeton Large Torus (PLT). This system employs a modified duoPIGatron ion source which has produced ion beams with parameters up to 70 A, 45 keV, and 500 msec. Nominal extraction parameters were 60-A, 40-keV, and 300-msec pulses, simultaneously. Neutral power up to 750 kW for 100 msec was calorimetrically measured on a simulated PLT target behind a PLT-sized aperture of 20 x 25 cm located at 4.10 m. Initial performance of these beam lines on PLT was near these parameters. Calorimetric measurements of beam power delivered to the PLT torus with a 3.65-m beam line length and with 100-msec full power pulses indicate a 10 to 15% reionization loss when the beam line pulse is synchronized to the pulsed torus magnetic fields. Data taken at ORNL are presented to show that this power loss is approximately equal to that calculated on drift tube pressure measurements taken without drift tube magnetic fields