100 research outputs found

    Rigorous results for a population model with selection II: genealogy of the population

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    We consider a model of a population of fixed size NN undergoing selection. Each individual acquires beneficial mutations at rate μN\mu_N, and each beneficial mutation increases the individual's fitness by sNs_N. Each individual dies at rate one, and when a death occurs, an individual is chosen with probability proportional to the individual's fitness to give birth. Under certain conditions on the parameters μN\mu_N and sNs_N, we show that the genealogy of the population can be described by the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. This result confirms predictions of Desai, Walczak, and Fisher (2013), and Neher and Hallatschek (2013).Comment: 54 page

    A coalescent model for the effect of advantageous mutations on the genealogy of a population

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    When an advantageous mutation occurs in a population, the favorable allele may spread to the entire population in a short time, an event known as a selective sweep. As a result, when we sample nn individuals from a population and trace their ancestral lines backwards in time, many lineages may coalesce almost instantaneously at the time of a selective sweep. We show that as the population size goes to infinity, this process converges to a coalescent process called a coalescent with multiple collisions. A better approximation for finite populations can be obtained using a coalescent with simultaneous multiple collisions. We also show how these coalescent approximations can be used to get insight into how beneficial mutations affect the behavior of statistics that have been used to detect departures from the usual Kingman's coalescent

    Critical branching Brownian motion with absorption: survival probability

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    We consider branching Brownian motion on the real line with absorption at zero, in which particles move according to independent Brownian motions with the critical drift of 2-\sqrt{2}. Kesten (1978) showed that almost surely this process eventually dies out. Here we obtain upper and lower bounds on the probability that the process survives until some large time tt. These bounds improve upon results of Kesten (1978), and partially confirm nonrigorous predictions of Derrida and Simon (2007)

    Beta-coalescents and continuous stable random trees

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    Coalescents with multiple collisions, also known as Λ\Lambda-coalescents, were introduced by Pitman and Sagitov in 1999. These processes describe the evolution of particles that undergo stochastic coagulation in such a way that several blocks can merge at the same time to form a single block. In the case that the measure Λ\Lambda is the Beta(2α,α)\operatorname {Beta}(2-\alpha,\alpha) distribution, they are also known to describe the genealogies of large populations where a single individual can produce a large number of offspring. Here, we use a recent result of Birkner et al. to prove that Beta-coalescents can be embedded in continuous stable random trees, about which much is known due to the recent progress of Duquesne and Le Gall. Our proof is based on a construction of the Donnelly--Kurtz lookdown process using continuous random trees, which is of independent interest. This produces a number of results concerning the small-time behavior of Beta-coalescents. Most notably, we recover an almost sure limit theorem of the present authors for the number of blocks at small times and give the multifractal spectrum corresponding to the emergence of blocks with atypical size. Also, we are able to find exact asymptotics for sampling formulae corresponding to the site frequency spectrum and the allele frequency spectrum associated with mutations in the context of population genetics.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117906000001114 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org