3 research outputs found

    Local interfacial structure influences charge localization in titania composites: Beyond the band alignment paradigm

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    The phase junction of nanocomposite materials is key to enhanced performance but is largely ignored in recent theoretical examinations of photocatalytic interactions in titania-based composites. Computational advances now allow more precise modeling of the electronic and optical properties of composites, and focusing on mixed-phase TiO2 as a model, we use density functional theory (DFT) to interrogate the essential structural feature, namely, the rutile anatase interface, and its relationship to photogenerated charge localization, bulk band alignments, and defect formation. The interfacial region is disordered and distinct from rutile and anatase and contains low coordinated Ti sites and oxygen vacancies, both drivers of charge localization. The relaxations of the interface upon formation of excited electrons and holes determine the final location of charges which cannot always be predicted from bulk band alignments. A detailed understanding of the interfacial phase junction lays the foundation for directed synthesis of highly active and efficient composite photocatalysts

    p53 and metabolism

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    Although metabolic alterations have been observed in cancer for almost a century, only recently have the mechanisms underlying these changes been identified and the importance of metabolic transformation realized. p53 has been shown to respond to metabolic changes and to influence metabolic pathways through several mechanisms. The contributions of these activities to tumour suppression are complex and potentially rather surprising: some reflect the function of basal p53 levels that do not require overt activation and others might even promote, rather than inhibit, tumour progression