414 research outputs found

    Constant-Weight Gray Codes for Local Rank Modulation

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    We consider the local rank-modulation scheme in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. The local rank-modulation, as a generalization of the rank-modulation scheme, has been recently suggested as a way of storing information in flash memory. We study constant-weight Gray codes for the local rank-modulation scheme in order to simulate conventional multi-level flash cells while retaining the benefits of rank modulation. We provide necessary conditions for the existence of cyclic and cyclic optimal Gray codes. We then specifically study codes of weight 2 and upper bound their efficiency, thus proving that there are no such asymptotically-optimal cyclic codes. In contrast, we study codes of weight 3 and efficiently construct codes which are asymptotically-optimal

    Van der Waals Interaction between Flux Lines in High-T_c Superconductors: A Variational Approach

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    In pure anisotropic or layered superconductors thermal fluctuations induce a van der Waals attraction between flux lines. This attraction together with the entropic repulsion has interesting consequences for the low field phase diagram; in particular, a first order transition from the Meissner phase to the mixed state is induced. We introduce a new variational approach that allows for the calculation of the effective free energy of the flux line lattice on the scale of the mean flux line distance, which is based on an expansion of the free energy around the regular triangular Abrikosov lattice. Using this technique, the low field phase diagram of these materials may be explored. The results of this technique are compared with a recent functional RG treatment of the same system.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    On Optimal Anticodes over Permutations with the Infinity Norm

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    Motivated by the set-antiset method for codes over permutations under the infinity norm, we study anticodes under this metric. For half of the parameter range we classify all the optimal anticodes, which is equivalent to finding the maximum permanent of certain (0,1)(0,1)-matrices. For the rest of the cases we show constraints on the structure of optimal anticodes

    Limited-Magnitude Error-Correcting Gray Codes for Rank Modulation

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    We construct Gray codes over permutations for the rank-modulation scheme, which are also capable of correcting errors under the infinity-metric. These errors model limited-magnitude or spike errors, for which only single-error-detecting Gray codes are currently known. Surprisingly, the error-correcting codes we construct achieve a better asymptotic rate than that of presently known constructions not having the Gray property, and exceed the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Additionally, we present efficient ranking and unranking procedures, as well as a decoding procedure that runs in linear time. Finally, we also apply our methods to solve an outstanding issue with error-detecting rank-modulation Gray codes (snake-in-the-box codes) under a different metric, the Kendall Ï„\tau-metric, in the group of permutations over an even number of elements S2nS_{2n}, where we provide asymptotically optimal codes.Comment: Revised version for journal submission. Additional results include more tight auxiliary constructions, a decoding shcema, ranking/unranking procedures, and application to snake-in-the-box codes under the Kendall tau-metri
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