321 research outputs found

    Searching for Answers When Girls Don\u27t Perform Well: Evaluating Classroom Discourse and Microculture in a Sixth Grade Science Classroom

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    This action research project examines the role classroom culture and discourse can play on student learning, with a focus on female students. A sixth grade science classroom was evaluated through analysis of two videotaped astronomy lessons. The classroom environment utilized qualitative methods to examine teacher and student interactions, student and student interactions, and classroom environment. The research project began in response to a previous research project which found that after completing an astronomy unit male students not only out preformed female students, but female students lost gains in several area. Findings suggested that there may be a connection between the classroom discourse and microculture and the girls’ low performance

    The association of posttraumatic stress disorder and quality of life during the first year after acute coronary syndrome

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    Acute coronary syndrome [ACS, including unstable angina (UA) or myocardial infarction (MI)] events can be psychologically traumatic experiences for patients given their unpredictable, sudden onset and life-threatening nature [1]. Although posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is commonly associated with index events of war or assault, PTSD is also associated with life-threatening illness and in particular ACS with approximately 12% of patients developing PTSD [1] and [2]. PTSD due to ACS has a multitude of consequences, including increased risk of ACS recurrence and mortality [3] and [4] in addition to PTSD itself being a debilitating psychiatric condition. Sufferers of PTSD are burdened by symptoms that include re-experiencing the traumatic event via intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, or nightmares; avoiding reminders of the index event; persistent negative alterations in cognition and mood; or physiologic hyperarousal. As such, ACS-induced PTSD is likely associated with substantial detriment in quality of life (QOL). However, few studies have measured this association, and no study has investigated it among a general ACS population or longitudinally. Rather, prior studies were composed of ACS patients only in intensive care units (ICUs) or among armed-services veterans [5], [6] and [7] or are notable for limitations such as cross-sectional designs [5] and [7]

    Anomalously Diffusing and Persistently Migrating Cells in 2D and 3D Culture Environments

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    Appropriately chosen descriptive models of cell migration in biomaterials will allow researchers to characterize and ultimately predict the movement of cells in engineered systems for a variety of applications in tissue engineering. The persistent random walk (PRW) model accurately describes cell migration on two-dimensional (2D) substrates. However, this model inherently cannot describe subdiffusive cell movement, i.e. migration paths in which the root mean square displacement increases more slowly than the square root of the time interval. Subdiffusivity is a common characteristic of cells moving in confined environments, such as three-dimensional (3D) porous scaffolds, hydrogel networks, and in vivo tissues. We demonstrate that a generalized anomalous diffusion (AD) model, which uses a simple power law to relate the mean square displacement (MSD) to time, more accurately captures individual cell migration paths across a range of engineered 2D and 3D environments than does the more commonly used PRW model. We used the AD model parameters to distinguish cell movement profiles on substrates with different chemokinetic factors, geometries (2D vs 3D), substrate adhesivities, and compliances. Although the two models performed with equal precision for superdiffusive cells, we suggest a simple AD model, in lieu of PRW, to describe cell trajectories in populations with a significant subdiffusive fraction, such as cells in confined, 3D environments

    Metabolic acidosis in a lactating woman induced by a deliberate ketogenic diet.

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    ABSTRACT: This article describes a rare case of lactation ketoacidosis in a patient who started a ketogenic diet while nursing an infant and toddler. The patient presented to the ED with a history of nausea, vomiting, and postural dizziness, and was found to have a significant metabolic acidosis and elevated lipase level. The metabolic changes induced in this patient could occur in anyone with high metabolic demands who also is on a strict ketogenic diet. The case highlights the importance of a dietary history in patients with unexplained metabolic derangements

    Blood Pressure Reactivity to an Anger Provocation Interview Does Not Predict Incident Cardiovascular Disease Events: The Canadian Nova Scotia Health Survey (NSHS95) Prospective Population Study

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    We examined the association between blood pressure (BP) reactivity to an anger provocation interview and 10-year incident CVD events in 1,470 adults from the population-based 1995 Nova Scotia Health Survey (NSHS95). In an unadjusted model, those in the highest decile of systolic BP reactivity were more than twice as likely to have an incident CVD event compared to those in the decile with no reactivity (HR = 2.33, 95% CI = 1.15 – 4.69, P = 0.02). However, after adjusting for age and sex, and then also for Framingham risk score, body mass index, and education, this relationship was attenuated and not statistically significant. Diastolic BP reactivity was not associated with CVD incidence in any model. Individual differences in BP reactivity to a laboratory-induced, structured anger provocation interview may not play a major role in clinical CVD endpoints

    E,E-farnesol Inhibits Swarming Motility in \u3cem\u3eBurkholderia cepacia\u3c/em\u3e Through Rhamnolipid Production

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    Burkholderia cepacia and Candida albicans both exhibit cell-to-cell communication through the use of quorum-sensing molecules (QSM) known as autoinducers. E,E-farnesol is a QSM produced by C. albicans which regulates its conversion from yeast to mycelium. Because there is a positive correlation between the presence of B. cepacia and C. albicans in the lungs of individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF), we examined whether E,E-farnesol had an effect on swarming motility in B. cepacia. Swarming motility was inhibited when B. cepacia was exposed to 250 µM of E,E-farnesol. In addition, there was a 26.8% decrease in rhamnolipid production when cells were grown in the presence of E,E-farnesol. These biosurfactants are known to regulate swarming motility. Changes in the rhamnoplipid concentrations could account for the inhibition of swarming motility observed in the presence of E,E-farnesol. The effect of E,E-farnesol on B. cepacia biofilms was also examined because these complex-community structures are detrimental to the lungs of CF patients and are quorum-sensing regulated. Crystal violet staining showed that E,E-farnesol did not significantly affect biofilm formation in B. cepacia. Further studies are needed to determine the effects of E,E-farnesol on established B. cepacia biofilms and whether it can be combined with traditional antibiotics to disrupt these structures

    Comparative Study of Multicellular Tumor Spheroid Formation Methods and Implications for Drug Screening

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    Improved in vitro models are needed to better understand cancer progression and bridge the gap between in vitro proof-of-concept studies, in vivo validation, and clinical application. Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) are a popular method for three-dimensional (3D) cell culture, because they capture some aspects of the dimensionality, cell–cell contact, and cell–matrix interactions seen in vivo. Many approaches exist to create MCTS from cell lines, and they have been used to study tumor cell invasion, growth, and how cells respond to drugs in physiologically relevant 3D microenvironments. However, there are several discrepancies in the observations made of cell behaviors when comparing between MCTS formation methods. To resolve these inconsistencies, we created and compared the behavior of breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer cells across three MCTS formation methods: in polyNIPAAM gels, in microwells, or in suspension culture. These methods formed MCTS via proliferation from single cells or passive aggregation, and therefore showed differential reliance on genes important for cell–cell or cell–matrix interactions. We also found that the MCTS formation method dictated drug sensitivity, where MCTS formed over longer periods of time via clonal growth were more resistant to treatment. Toward clinical application, we compared an ovarian cancer cell line MCTS formed in polyNIPAAM with cells from patient-derived malignant ascites. The method that relied on clonal growth (PolyNIPAAM gel) was more time and cost intensive, but yielded MCTS that were uniformly spherical, and exhibited the most reproducible drug responses. Conversely, MCTS methods that relied on aggregation were faster, but yielded MCTS with grape-like, lobular structures. These three MCTS formation methods differed in culture time requirements and complexity, and had distinct drug response profiles, suggesting the choice of MCTS formation method should be carefully chosen based on the application required