20 research outputs found
Содержание ионов натрия в тканях галофитов Крымской флоры на фоне засоления различной степени
The quantitative content and distribution in organs and tissue compartments of Na+ ions in halophytes Suaeda prostrata Pall., Salicornia perennans Willd., Artemisia santonica L. growing in the areas with chloride-sulfate type of salinization of soil in the vicinity of the Sasyk salt lake (Northwest Crimea) has been determined. It was found that for S. perennans and S. prostrata euhalophytes the strategy of translocation of Na+ ions to the organs of the aerial part with increasing NaCl concentration in the medium was typical. In this case, the content of Na+ ions in the cell sap of the above-ground parts of plants significantly increases which is more pronounced in S. perennans. Increasing concentrations of NaCl in the medium contribute to 0.50–0.75% improvement in plant growth indicators and protein content increase in vegetative organs. A positive correlation between the content of Na+ and biomass accumulation in organs of euhalophytes is shown. Glycohalophyte A. santonica is characterized by localization of Na+ ions predominantly in the root tissues. The highest content of Na+ ions in the above-ground organs of euhalophytes growing in natural conditions was observed in the phase of active vegetative growth and budding, therefore, it is recommended to mow their aerial organs at these stages of ontogenesis for the purpose of soil desalinization. It is concluded that absorption of Na+, as a strategy of adaptation of halophytes to salinity, not only helps to reduce water potential in cells and plants in general, but also activates anabolism, which directly correlates with their salt tolerance.Определяли содержание и распределение в органах и компартментах тканей ионов Na+ у галофитов Suaeda prostrata Pall. (сведа стелющаяся), Salicornia perennans Willd. (солерос солончаковый), Artemisia santonica L. (полынь сантонинная), произрастающих на участках с хлоридно-сульфатным типом засоления почвы в окрестностях соленого озера Сасык (Северо-Западный Крым). Для эугалофитов S. perennans и S. prostrata характерна стратегия транслокации ионов Na+ в органы надземной части при повышении концентрации NaCl в среде. При этом значительно возрастает содержание ионов Na+ в клеточном соке органов надземной части растений (более выражено у S. perennans). Повышение концентрации NaCl в среде до 0,50–0,75% способствовало у этих растений улучшению ростовых показателей и увеличению содержания белка в вегетативных органах. Выявлена положительная корреляция между содержанием Na+ и накоплением биомассы в органах эугалофитов. Для гликогалофита A. santonica характерна локализация ионов Na+ преимущественно в тканях корня. Наиболее высокое содержание Na+ в надземных органах эугалофитов, произрастающих в естественных условиях отмечено в фазе активного вегетативного роста и бутонизации, что позволяет рекомендовать делать укосы их надземных органов на данных этапах онтогенеза с целью рассоления почв. Поглощение Na+, как стратегия адаптации галофитов к засолению, не только способствует снижению водного потенциала в клетках и растений в целом, но и активирует анаболизм, что прямо коррелирует с их солеустойчивостью. Определяли содержание и распределение в органах и компартментах тканей ионов Na+ у галофитов Suaeda prostrata Pall. (сведа стелющаяся), Salicornia perennans Willd. (солерос солончаковый), Artemisia santonica L. (полынь сантонинная), произрастающих на участках с хлоридно-сульфатным типом засоления почвы в окрестностях соленого озера Сасык (Северо-Западный Крым). Для эугалофитов S. perennans и S. prostrata характерна стратегия транслокации ионов Na+ в органы надземной части при повышении концентрации NaCl в среде. При этом значительно возрастает содержание ионов Na+ в клеточном соке органов надземной части растений (более выражено у S. perennans). Повышение концентрации NaCl в среде до 0,50–0,75% способствовало у этих растений улучшению ростовых показателей и увеличению содержания белка в вегетативных органах. Выявлена положительная корреляция между содержанием Na+ и накоплением биомассы в органах эугалофитов. Для гликогалофита A. santonica характерна локализация ионов Na+ преимущественно в тканях корня. Наиболее высокое содержание Na+ в надземных органах эугалофитов, произрастающих в естественных условиях отмечено в фазе активного вегетативного роста и бутонизации, что позволяет рекомендовать делать укосы их надземных органов на данных этапах онтогенеза с целью рассоления почв. Поглощение Na+, как стратегия адаптации галофитов к засолению, не только способствует снижению водного потенциала в клетках и растений в целом, но и активирует анаболизм, что прямо коррелирует с их солеустойчивостью.
Накопление и локализация ионов натрия и калия в растениях кукурузы в условиях почвенного засоления
The goal of this work is studying the accumulation and distribution of Na+ and K+ in maize hybrids of different salt tolerance under conditions of the chloride salinity. The new corn hybrid Veselka MV (salt-tolerant) and Odessa 375 MB (not salt-tolerant) were studied. The plants grown in salt-free chernozem soil are control. In the experiment, sodium chloride was dissolved in the irrigation water to form the salinity of test soils up to concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0% of ovendry weight. Soil moisture in the pots was maintained at 60% of the full field water capacity, the air temperature was +25…+27 °C, and the light – 10 klux. Plant samples were dried in the oven under 70 °C. Then, the average sample of 10 specimens was thoroughly levigated in the porcelain pounder and dispersed in distilled water at 100 °C. The ions were extracted, and the extracts were centrifuged for 20 min at 3000 rpm. The ions content in the cell sap was analysed. Plant samples (1 g) were incubated 10 min in chloroform, dried carefully with filter paper, and then the cell sap was squeezed. 1 ml of clear top layer of the cell sap was dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water. Ions content was determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer ("Karl Zeiss", Germany). Salt-tolerant maize hybrid Veselka MW (14 days age) is characterized by an increased content of Na+ in the root tissues in comparison with the above-ground parts. In Odessa 375 MB hybrid this regularity is less pronounced. With the increase of sodium chloride concentration in the soil the content of Na+ in the aerial parts of plants rises. That may be connected with the reduced role of a root barrier. The salt-tolerant hybrid has a higher content of Na+ in the roots as compared to the above-ground parts. The content of K+ was higher in the above-ground parts, which is more pronounced in the salt-tolerant hybrid Veselka MB. The decrease of K+ in cell sap of the root under saline conditions was most pronounced in the salt-sensitive hybrid Odessa 375 MB. The salt-tolerant hybrid Veselka MB is characterized by accumulation of Na+ mainly in the roots, but a higher content of K+ in the aerial part of the plant. For salt-tolerant hybrids are characterized by a higher ratio of K+ / Na+ in the above-ground parts of plants as compared to the not salt-tolerant hybrid.Изучали накопление и локализацию ионов Na+ и К+ в растениях гибридов кукурузы нового поколения, отличающихся по степени солеустойчивости, в условиях почвенного засоления. Для солеустойчивого гибрида Веселка МВ характерна способность к локализации ионов Na+ преимущественно в корне. Значительно повышено по отношению к контролю содержание ионов Na+ в клеточном соке органов надземной части и в особенности корней, а также содержание ионов К+ в органах надземной части по сравнению с корнем в контроле и в опытных вариантах, и более выражена транслокация ионов К+ в вакуоли органов надземной части на солевом фоне. Для солеустойчивого гибрида характерно также более высокое соотношение К+/Na+ в органах надземной части по сравнению с солечувствительным гибридом в условиях засоления.Изучали накопление и локализацию ионов Na+ и К+ в растениях гибридов кукурузы нового поколения, отличающихся по степени солеустойчивости, в условиях почвенного засоления. Для солеустойчивого гибрида Веселка МВ характерна способность к локализации ионов Na+ преимущественно в корне. Значительно повышено по отношению к контролю содержание ионов Na+ в клеточном соке органов надземной части и в особенности корней, а также содержание ионов К+ в органах надземной части по сравнению с корнем в контроле и в опытных вариантах, и более выражена транслокация ионов К+ в вакуоли органов надземной части на солевом фоне. Для солеустойчивого гибрида характерно также более высокое соотношение К+/Na+ в органах надземной части по сравнению с солечувствительным гибридом в условиях засоления
Effect of aluminium on redox-homeostasis of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Common buckwheat is a significant culture in Ukraine, whose importance for food security has increased in recent decades. An important biological feature of buckwheat is the ability of the crop to grow on poor and especially acidic soils. Common buckwheat was sown in Ukraine on the area of 125,000 ha in 2020, mainly in the central part of the country and in the soil-climatic zone Polesie in the north of the country. At the same time, the area under buckwheat cultivation has been steadily decreasing in the last decade, which is due to the low profitability of cultivation on mainly acidic soils. The research was conducted in the field conditions during 2012–2018 in Kiev region, as well as in laboratory conditions. ICP analysis and biochemical methods were used. Yield of buckwheat on light soils of low fertility depends largely on the level of acidity of the soil. On acidic sod-podzolic soils with loam substrate, the aluminum content of the layer is 20–40 cm higher, compared to a layer of 0–20 cm. This is probably one of the reasons why, when the concentration of aluminum in the soil profile is increased, the root system is located mainly in the upper layer of soil with a lower content of aluminum. In this case, the study of the mechanisms of resistance to the action of aluminum on acidic soils is an important component of the cost-effectiveness of crop production in the region. In acidic soils with pH < 5.0, phytotoxic aluminum (Al3+) rapidly inhibits root growth and afterwards negatively affects water and nutrient uptake in plants. Acquiring phytotoxic capacities, in this connection Al ions affect a wide range of cellular and molecular processes, with a consequent reduction in plant growth. In most plant species, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production can also be induced by Al toxicity leading to oxidative damage of biomolecules and biological membranes. We have detected an accumulation of Al ions in leaf tissues of treatment plants after 10 days of exposure. Tissues of F. esculentum roots contained 155.4% of control level of Al and tissues of F. esculentum leaves – 186.2% of control level of Al ions. Significant intensification of O2•– generation in roots and leaf tissues as a reaction to Al addition to nutrient solution was detected. Increase in antioxidant enzymes activities and non fixed products of lipids peroxidation was characterized as a biochemical defense reaction of F. esculentum over the 10 days of exposure to Al (50 μM). Thus, the results show that the action of 50 μM of Al ions activated antioxidant enzymes – SOD and CAT and decreased oxidative processes, thus promotes pro/antioxidant balance of common buckwheat. These mechanisms of redox homeostasis can be triggers of morphological changes in buckwheat plants, which lead to increased crop resistance when growing on acidic soils with high aluminum content. Thus, the resistance of culture to acid soils may be associated with the possibility of increased accumulation of aluminum in the plant’s tissues, as well as in changes in redox homeostasis with subsequent morphological changes, and primarily the formation of the root system in the top layer of soil with a reduced content of aluminum
Content of sodium ions in the tissues of Crimean flora halophytes depending on the varying degree of salinity
The quantitative content and distribution in organs and tissue compartments of Na+ ions in halophytes Suaeda prostrata Pall., Salicornia perennans Willd., Artemisia santonica L. growing in the areas with chloride-sulfate type of salinization of soil in the vicinity of the Sasyk salt lake (Northwest Crimea) has been determined. It was found that for S. perennans and S. prostrata euhalophytes the strategy of translocation of Na+ ions to the organs of the aerial part with increasing NaCl concentration in the medium was typical. In this case, the content of Na+ ions in the cell sap of the above-ground parts of plants significantly increases which is more pronounced in S. perennans. Increasing concentrations of NaCl in the medium contribute to 0.50–0.75% improvement in plant growth indicators and protein content increase in vegetative organs. A positive correlation between the content of Na+ and biomass accumulation in organs of euhalophytes is shown. Glycohalophyte A. santonica is characterized by localization of Na+ ions predominantly in the root tissues. The highest content of Na+ ions in the above-ground organs of euhalophytes growing in natural conditions was observed in the phase of active vegetative growth and budding, therefore, it is recommended to mow their aerial organs at these stages of ontogenesis for the purpose of soil desalinization. It is concluded that absorption of Na+, as a strategy of adaptation of halophytes to salinity, not only helps to reduce water potential in cells and plants in general, but also activates anabolism, which directly correlates with their salt tolerance
Накопление и локализация ионов натрия и калия в растениях кукурузы в условиях почвенного засоления
The goal of this work is studying the accumulation and distribution of Na+ and K+ in maize hybrids of different salt tolerance under conditions of the chloride salinity. The new corn hybrid Veselka MV (salt-tolerant) and Odessa 375 MB (not salt-tolerant) were studied. The plants grown in salt-free chernozem soil are control. In the experiment, sodium chloride was dissolved in the irrigation water to form the salinity of test soils up to concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0% of ovendry weight. Soil moisture in the pots was maintained at 60% of the full field water capacity, the air temperature was +25…+27 °C, and the light – 10 klux. Plant samples were dried in the oven under 70 °C. Then, the average sample of 10 specimens was thoroughly levigated in the porcelain pounder and dispersed in distilled water at 100 °C. The ions were extracted, and the extracts were centrifuged for 20 min at 3000 rpm. The ions content in the cell sap was analysed. Plant samples (1 g) were incubated 10 min in chloroform, dried carefully with filter paper, and then the cell sap was squeezed. 1 ml of clear top layer of the cell sap was dissolved in 10 ml of distilled water. Ions content was determined by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer ("Karl Zeiss", Germany). Salt-tolerant maize hybrid Veselka MW (14 days age) is characterized by an increased content of Na+ in the root tissues in comparison with the above-ground parts. In Odessa 375 MB hybrid this regularity is less pronounced. With the increase of sodium chloride concentration in the soil the content of Na+ in the aerial parts of plants rises. That may be connected with the reduced role of a root barrier. The salt-tolerant hybrid has a higher content of Na+ in the roots as compared to the above-ground parts. The content of K+ was higher in the above-ground parts, which is more pronounced in the salt-tolerant hybrid Veselka MB. The decrease of K+ in cell sap of the root under saline conditions was most pronounced in the salt-sensitive hybrid Odessa 375 MB. The salt-tolerant hybrid Veselka MB is characterized by accumulation of Na+ mainly in the roots, but a higher content of K+ in the aerial part of the plant. For salt-tolerant hybrids are characterized by a higher ratio of K+ / Na+ in the above-ground parts of plants as compared to the not salt-tolerant hybrid