675 research outputs found

    Gene-alcohol interactions identify several novel blood pressure loci including a promising locus near SLC16A9

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    Alcohol consumption is a known risk factor for hypertension, with recent candidate studies implicating gene-alcohol interactions in blood pressure (BP) regulation. We used 6,882 (predominantly) Caucasian participants aged 20 to 80 years from the Framingham SHARe (SNP Health Association Resource) to perform a genome-wide analysis of SNP-alcohol interactions on BP traits. We used a two-step approach in the ABEL suite to examine genetic interactions with three alcohol measures [ounces of alcohol consumed per week, drinks consumed per week, and the number of days drinking alcohol per week] on four BP traits [systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial (MAP), and pulse (PP) pressure]. In the first step, we fit a linear mixed model of each BP trait onto age, sex, BMI, and antihypertensive medication while accounting for the phenotypic correlation among relatives. In the second step, we conducted 1 degree-of-freedom (df) score tests of the SNP main effect, alcohol main effect, and SNP-alcohol interaction using the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters from the first step. We then calculated the joint 2 df score test of the SNP main effect and SNP-alcohol interaction using MixABEL. The effect of SNP rs10826334 (near SLC16A9) on SBP was significantly modulated by both the number of alcoholic drinks and the ounces of alcohol consumed per week (p-values of 1.27E-08 and 3.92E-08, respectively). Each copy of the G-allele decreased SBP by 3.79 mmHg in those consuming 14 drinks per week versus a 0.461 mmHg decrease in non-drinkers. Index SNPs in 20 other loci exhibited suggestive (p-value≤1E-06) associations with BP traits by the 1 df interaction test or joint 2df test, including 3 rare variants, one low-frequency variant, and SNPs near/in genes ESRRG, FAM179A, CRIPT-SOCS5, KAT2B,ADCY2, GLI3, ZNF716, SLIT1, PDE3A, KERA-LUM, RNF219-AS1, CLEC3A , FBX015, and IGSF5. SNP -alcohol interactions may enhance discovery of novel variants with large effects that can be targete

    Mapping the conformations of biological assemblies

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    Mapping conformational heterogeneity of macromolecules presents a formidable challenge to X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, which often presume its absence. This has severely limited our knowledge of the conformations assumed by biological systems and their role in biological function, even though they are known to be important. We propose a new approach to determining to high resolution the three-dimensional conformations of biological entities such as molecules, macromolecular assemblies, and ultimately cells, with existing and emerging experimental techniques. This approach may also enable one to circumvent current limits due to radiation damage and solution purification.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Comparison of two methods for analysis of gene-environment interactions in longitudinal family data: The Framingham heart study

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    Gene–environment interaction (GEI) analysis can potentially enhance gene discovery for common complex traits. However, genome-wide interaction analysis is computationally intensive. Moreover, analysis of longitudinal data in families is much more challenging due to the two sources of correlations arising from longitudinal measurements and family relationships. GWIS of longitudinal family data can be a computational bottleneck. Therefore, we compared two methods for analysis of longitudinal family data: a methodologically sound but computationally demanding method using the Kronecker model (KRC) and a computationally more forgiving method using the hierarchical linear model (HLM). The KRC model uses a Kronecker product of an unstructured matrix for correlations among repeated measures (longitudinal) and a compound symmetry matrix for correlations within families at a given visit. The HLM uses an autoregressive covariance matrix for correlations among repeated measures and a random intercept for familial correlations. We compared the two methods using the longitudinal Framingham heart study (FHS) SHARe data. Specifically, we evaluated SNP–alcohol (amount of alcohol consumption) interaction effects on high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC). Keeping the prohibitive computational burden of KRC in mind, we limited the analysis to chromosome 16, where preliminary cross-sectional analysis yielded some interesting results. Our first important finding was that the HLM provided very comparable results but was remarkably faster than the KRC, making HLM the method of choice. Our second finding was that longitudinal analysis provided smaller P-values, thus leading to more significant results, than cross-sectional analysis. This was particularly pronounced in identifying GEIs. We conclude that longitudinal analysis of GEIs is more powerful and that the HLM method is an optimal method of choice as compared to the computationally (prohibitively) intensive KRC method

    Atmospheric methane, record from greenland ice core over the last 1000 years

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    The atmospheric methane concentration in ancient times can be reconstructed by analysing air entrapped in bubbles of polar ice sheets. We present results from an ice core from Central Greenland (Eurocore) covering the last 1000 years. We observe variations of about 70 ppbv around the mean pre-industrial level, which is confirmed at about 700 ppbv on a global average. According to our data, the beginning of the anthropogenic methane increase can be set between 1750 and 1800. Changes in the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere may contribute significantly to the pre-industrial methane concentration variations, but changes in methane emissions probably play a dominant role. Since methane release depends on a host of influences it is difficult to specify clearly the reasons for these emission changes. Methane concentrations correlate only partially with proxy-data of climatic factors which influence the wetland release (the main source in pre-industrial times). A good correlation between our data and a population record from China suggests that man may already have influenced the CH4-cycle significantly before industrialisation

    The role of SNP-loop diuretic interactions in hypertension across ethnic groups in HyperGEN

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    Blood pressure (BP) is significantly influenced by genetic factors; however, less than 3% of the BP variance has been accounted for by variants identified from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of primarily European-descent cohorts. Other genetic influences, including gene-environment (GxE) interactions, may explain more of the unexplained variance in BP. African Americans (AA) have a higher prevalence and earlier age of onset of hypertension (HTN) as compared with European Americans (EA); responses to anti-hypertensive drugs vary across race groups. To examine potential interactions between the use of loop diuretics and HTN traits, we analyzed systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood BP from 1,222 AA and 1,231 EA participants in the Hypertension Genetic Epidemiology Network (HyperGEN). Population-specific score tests were used to test associations of SBP and DBP, using a panel of genotyped and imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for African Americans (2.9 million SNPs) and European Americans (2.3 million SNPs). Several promising loci were identified through gene-loop diuretic interactions, although no SNP reached genome-wide significance after adjustment for genomic inflation. In AA, SNPs in or near the genes NUDT12, CHL1, GRIA1, CACNB2, and PYHIN1 were identified for SBP, and SNPs near ID3 were identified for DBP. For EA, promising SNPs for SBP were identified in ESR1and for DBP in SPATS2L and EYA2. Among these SNPs, none were common across phenotypes or population groups. Biologic plausibility exists for many of the identified genes, suggesting that these are candidate genes for regulation of BP and/or anti-hypertensive drug response. The lack of genome-wide significance is understandable in this small study employing gene-drug interactions. These findings provide a set of prioritized SNPs/candidate genes for future studies in HTN. Studies in more diversified population samples may help identify previously missed variants

    First-Digit Law in Nonextensive Statistics

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    Nonextensive statistics, characterized by a nonextensive parameter qq, is a promising and practically useful generalization of the Boltzmann statistics to describe power-law behaviors from physical and social observations. We here explore the unevenness of the first digit distribution of nonextensive statistics analytically and numerically. We find that the first-digit distribution follows Benford's law and fluctuates slightly in a periodical manner with respect to the logarithm of the temperature. The fluctuation decreases when qq increases, and the result converges to Benford's law exactly as qq approaches 2. The relevant regularities between nonextensive statistics and Benford's law are also presented and discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Multi-omics insights into the biological mechanisms underlying statistical gene-by-lifestyle interactions with smoking and alcohol consumption

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    Though both genetic and lifestyle factors are known to influence cardiometabolic outcomes, less attention has been given to whether lifestyle exposures can alter the association between a genetic variant and these outcomes. The Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium\u27s Gene-Lifestyle Interactions Working Group has recently published investigations of genome-wide gene-environment interactions in large multi-ancestry meta-analyses with a focus on cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption as lifestyle factors and blood pressure and serum lipids as outcomes. Further description of the biological mechanisms underlying these statistical interactions would represent a significant advance in our understanding of gene-environment interactions, yet accessing and harmonizing individual-level genetic and \u27omics data is challenging. Here, we demonstrate the coordinated use of summary-level data for gene-lifestyle interaction associations on up to 600,000 individuals, differential methylation data, and gene expression data for the characterization and prioritization of loci for future follow-up analyses. Using this approach, we identify 48 genes for which there are multiple sources of functional support for the identified gene-lifestyle interaction. We also identified five genes for which differential expression was observed by the same lifestyle factor for which a gene-lifestyle interaction was found. For instance, in gene-lifestyle interaction analysis, the T allele of rs6490056

    A genome-wide study of blood pressure in African Americans accounting for gene-smoking interaction

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    Cigarette smoking has been shown to be a health hazard. In addition to being considered a negative lifestyle behavior, studies have shown that cigarette smoking has been linked to genetic underpinnings of hypertension. Because African Americans have the highest incidence and prevalence of hypertension, we examined the joint effect of genetics and cigarette smoking on health among this understudied population. The sample included African Americans from the genome wide association studies of HyperGEN (N = 1083, discovery sample) and GENOA (N = 1427, replication sample), both part of the FBPP. Results suggested that 2 SNPs located on chromosomes 14 (NEDD8; rs11158609; raw p = 9.80 × 10(−9), genomic control-adjusted p = 2.09 × 10(−7)) and 17 (TTYH2; rs8078051; raw p = 6.28 × 10(−8), genomic control-adjusted p = 9.65 × 10(−7)) were associated with SBP including the genetic interaction with cigarette smoking. These two SNPs were not associated with SBP in a main genetic effect only model. This study advances knowledge in the area of main and joint effects of genetics and cigarette smoking on hypertension among African Americans and offers a model to the reader for assessing these risks. More research is required to determine how these genes play a role in expression of hypertension

    Niche differentiation among clones in asexual grass thrips.

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    Many asexual animal populations comprise a mixture of genetically different lineages, but to what degree this genetic diversity leads to ecological differences remains often unknown. Here, we test whether genetically different clonal lineages of Aptinothrips grass thrips differ in performance on a range of plants used as hosts in natural populations. We find a clear clone-by-plant species interactive effect on reproductive output, meaning that clonal lineages perform differently on different plant species and thus are characterized by disparate ecological niches. This implies that local clonal diversities can be driven and maintained by frequency-dependent selection and that resource heterogeneity can generate diverse clone assemblies