37 research outputs found

    Characterization of the genetic determinants of context-specific DNA methylation in primary monocytes

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    To better understand inter-individual variation in sensitivity of DNA methylation (DNAm) to immune activity, we characterized effects of inflammatory stimuli on primary monocyte DNAm (n = 190). We find that monocyte DNAm is site-dependently sensitive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), with LPS-induced demethylation occurring following hydroxymethylation. We identify 7,359 high-confidence immune-modulated CpGs (imCpGs) that differ in genomic localization and transcription factor usage according to whether they represent a gain or loss in DNAm. Demethylated imCpGs are profoundly enriched for enhancers and colocalize to genes enriched for disease associations, especially cancer. DNAm is age associated, and we find that 24-h LPS exposure triggers approximately 6 months of gain in epigenetic age, directly linking epigenetic aging with innate immune activity. By integrating LPS-induced changes in DNAm with genetic variation, we identify 234 imCpGs under local genetic control. Exploring shared causal loci between LPS-induced DNAm responses and human disease traits highlights examples of disease-associated loci that modulate imCpG formation

    Scripts and Outputs for Murphy et al.

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    Zip file containing the preprocessing workflow and all scripts for generating the statistics, tables and plots used in Murphy et al. "Platelets sequester extracellular DNA, capturing tumour-derived and free fetal DNA" File contains several directories: Preprocessing Coverage Statistics Karyotype Plot TSS and Fragment Length Analysis Most analyses were performed in R and both the R Markdown as well as the resulting .html file are provided. The raw data is deposited in EGA under the accession EGAS00001006854

    DNA modifications: naturally more error prone?

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    Epigenetic DNA modifications are essential for normal cell function in vertebrates, but they can also be hotspots of mutagenesis. Methylcytosine in particular has long been known to be less stable than other nucleotides and spontaneously deaminates to thymine. Beyond this well-established phenomenon, however, the influence of epigenetic marks on mutagenesis has recently become an active field of investigation. In this review, we summarize current knowledge of the interactions between different DNA modifications and other mutagenic processes. External mutagens, such as UV light or smoking carcinogens, affect modified cytosines differently from unmodified ones, and modified cytosine can in some cases be protective rather than mutagenic. Notably, cell-intrinsic processes, such as DNA replication, also appear to influence the mutagenesis of modified cytosines. Altogether, evidence is accumulating to show that epigenetic changes have a profound influence on tissue-specific mutation accumulation

    DNA modifications: naturally more error prone?

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    Epigenetic DNA modifications are essential for normal cell function in vertebrates, but they can also be hotspots of mutagenesis. Methylcytosine in particular has long been known to be less stable than other nucleotides and spontaneously deaminates to thymine. Beyond this well-established phenomenon, however, the influence of epigenetic marks on mutagenesis has recently become an active field of investigation. In this review, we summarize current knowledge of the interactions between different DNA modifications and other mutagenic processes. External mutagens, such as UV light or smoking carcinogens, affect modified cytosines differently from unmodified ones, and modified cytosine can in some cases be protective rather than mutagenic. Notably, cell-intrinsic processes, such as DNA replication, also appear to influence the mutagenesis of modified cytosines. Altogether, evidence is accumulating to show that epigenetic changes have a profound influence on tissue-specific mutation accumulation

    Cancer genetics may aid diagnostics of developmental disorders

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    5-hydroxymethylcytosine marks regions with reduced mutation frequency in human DNA.

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    CpG dinucleotides are the main mutational hot-spot in most cancers. The characteristic elevated C>T mutation rate in CpG sites has been related to 5-methylcytosine (5mC), an epigenetically modified base which resides in CpGs and plays a role in transcription silencing. In brain nearly a third of 5mCs have recently been found to exist in the form of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), yet the effect of 5hmC on mutational processes is still poorly understood. Here we show that 5hmC is associated with an up to 53% decrease in the frequency of C>T mutations in a CpG context compared to 5mC. Tissue specific 5hmC patterns in brain, kidney and blood correlate with lower regional CpG>T mutation frequency in cancers originating in the respective tissues. Together our data reveal global and opposing effects of the two most common cytosine modifications on the frequency of cancer causing somatic mutations in different cell types

    Mutational signature distribution varies with DNA replication timing and strand asymmetry

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    Background: DNA replication plays an important role in mutagenesis, yet little is known about how it interacts with other mutagenic processes. Here, we use somatic mutation signatures – each representing a mutagenic process – derived from 3056 patients spanning 19 cancer types to quantify the strand asymmetry of mutational signatures around replication origins and between early and late replicating regions. Results: We observe that most of the detected mutational signatures are significantly correlated with the timing or direction of DNA replication. The properties of these associations are distinct for different signatures and shed new light on several mutagenic processes. For example our results suggest that oxidative damage to the nucleotide pool substantially contributes to the mutational landscape of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Conclusions: Together, our results indicate an interaction between DNA replication, the associated damage repair, and most mutagenic processes

    Mutational signature distribution varies with DNA replication timing and strand asymmetry

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    Background: DNA replication plays an important role in mutagenesis, yet little is known about how it interacts with other mutagenic processes. Here, we use somatic mutation signatures – each representing a mutagenic process – derived from 3056 patients spanning 19 cancer types to quantify the strand asymmetry of mutational signatures around replication origins and between early and late replicating regions. Results: We observe that most of the detected mutational signatures are significantly correlated with the timing or direction of DNA replication. The properties of these associations are distinct for different signatures and shed new light on several mutagenic processes. For example our results suggest that oxidative damage to the nucleotide pool substantially contributes to the mutational landscape of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Conclusions: Together, our results indicate an interaction between DNA replication, the associated damage repair, and most mutagenic processes

    5-hydroxymethylcytosine marks regions with reduced mutation frequency

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    CpG dinucleotides are the main mutational hot-spot in most cancers. The characteristic elevated C>T mutation rate in CpG sites has been related to 5-methylcytosine (5mC), an epigenetically modified base which resides in CpGs and plays a role in transcription silencing. In brain nearly a third of 5mCs have recently been found to exist in the form of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), yet the effect of 5hmC on mutational processes is still poorly understood. Here we show that 5hmC is associated with an up to 53% decrease in the frequency of C>T mutations in a CpG context compared to 5mC. Tissue specific 5hmC patterns in brain, kidney and blood correlate with lower regional CpG>T mutation frequency in cancers originating in the respective tissues. Together our data reveal global and opposing effects of the two most common cytosine modifications on the frequency of cancer causing somatic mutations in different cell types