443 research outputs found

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 4., a preliminary check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Central Africa (Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi)

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    A check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae from Central Africa (Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi) is presented. 267 liverwort species and 4 hornworts are recognized for the area. For Zaire 215 Hepaticae and 3 species of Anthocerotae are recorded. In Rwanda 150 liverworts and one hornwort have been found. Burundi is far less known and only 48 Hepaticae are recorded

    A new species of Cololejeunea (Lejeuneaceae: Cololejeuneoideae) from Panama

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    A new species of Cololejeunea section Protocolea, is described from Cerro Fábrega in Panama. The diagnostic characteristics of C. tixierii are lobes ovate-lanceolate, lobules never inflate but explanate or folded without forming a keel, reaching about half of the lobe length and perianth only faintly keeled at maturity

    Floristic survey of epixylic Bryophytes of an area remnant of the Atlantic forest (Timbaúba - PE, Brazil) : 1., Hepaticopsida (except Lejeuneaceae) and Bryopsida

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    A survey of the epixylic bryoflora of a remaining Atlantic forest (seasonal coastal deciduous forest), Engenho Água Azul, in the municipality of Timbaúba ( Lat 7° 35S; Long. 35° 20W ), State of Pernambuco, Brazil, registered 35 species of bryophytes distributed in 11 families of Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Pilotrichaceae, Fissidentaceae, Hookeriaceae, Hypnaceae, Leucobryaceae, Leucomiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Plagiotheciaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Thuidiaceae, and 5 of Hepaticopsida: Aneuraceae, Frullaniaceae, Geocalycaceae, Plagiochilaceae and Radulaceae. New records northeastern of Brazil are: Frullania caroliniana Sullivant, F. gymnotis Nees & Mont., Ochrobryum stenophyllum Besch., Plagiochila trigonifolia Steph., Radula macrostachya Linbenb. & Gott., Riccardia digitiloba (Spruce ex Steph.) Hell, Thuidium tomentosum Schimp. ex Besch. and Trichosteleum pusillum (Hornsch.) Jaeg. There is an indication of the description, illustration, and geographic distribution for Brazil of all taxons found.En este trabajo se presenta el catálogo de la flora briofítica epífita de la selva tropical oceánica Engenho Agua Azul, situada en el municipio de Timbaúba (Lat. 7º 35S; Long. 35º 20O), perteneciente al estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Se registraron 35 especies de briófitos distribuidas en 11 familias de la clase Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Pilotrichaceae, Fissidentaceae, Hookeriaceae, Hypnaceae, Leucobryaceae, Leucomiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Plagiotheciaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Thuidiaceae y 5 de la clase Hepaticopsida: Aneuracee, Frullaniaceae, Geocalycaceae, Plagiochilaceae y Radulaceae. Se aportan nuevas citas para la región nordeste del Brasil - Frullania caroliniana Sullivant, F. gymnotis Nees & Mont., Ochrobryum stenophyllumBesch., Plagiochila trigonifoliaSteph., Radula macrostachya Linbenb. & Gott., Riccardia digitiloba(Spruce ex Steph.) Hell, Thuidium tomentosum Schimp. ex Besch. yTrichosteleum pusillum (Horsnch.) Jaeg. Se presenta una descripción y una ilustración de cada taxon y se comenta su distribución geográfica

    The epiphyllous habit in the hepatic genus Frullania

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    We report for the first time 11 species of Frullania growing as epiphylls in New Zealand, New Caledonia, and Colombia . Also listed are 29 Frullania species that have previously been recorded growing as epiphylls in other regions of the world. The highest diversity of Frullania epiphyllous species are in the floristic regions of New Zealand, New Caledonia, Macraonesia, and Madagascar. Frullania epiphylls range in altitude from sea-level to 2500m and can be categorised into facultative or accidental epiphylls. The number of Frullania species currently recorded growing as epiphylls will no doubt increase as more revisions of the genus in different floristic regions take place. This number may also increase if botanists were to explore leaf surfaces as a potential substrate for Frullania species, in addition to bark and rock habitats that have traditionally been described as microhabitats for the genus

    Quick reference list of basic literature to identify tropical African bryophytes

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    The aim of this short and selected reference list is to guide bryologists in the very scattered African literature when they try to identify specimens, as no standard bryofloras are available for the whole of Tropical Africa. The idea to compile such a reference list was raised during the Tropical Bryology Workshop held by the British Bryological Society, in the Botany School of Cambridge University, on the 21st of September 1990. The list is based on the senior author’s private library and files. We hope that the publication and distribution of such a list, even if incomplete, will prove to be useful for the future taxonomic and floristic works in Tropical Africa with special reference to the Bryologia Africana Project. We also hope that it will encour- age further collecting and identification by those who are not well versed in or do not possess the very diversified taxonomic literature on African bryo- phytes

    Neotropical moss floras : species common to North and South America

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    North and South America share about 675 species that show two basic patterns, namely, those with a continuous range and those with a disjunct distribution. Both may have resulted from step-bystep migration, but the latter, including 118 species, may be due to break up of previous distributions by post-Tertiary tectonic and climatic changes or by long-distance dispersal

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 12., Metzgeriaceae, Plagiochilaceae, Lejeuneaceae (the nonepiphyllous collections)

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    Vanden Berghen (1948) who himself described two new species (1951, 1953) and supplied a key for the Central African taxa (Vanden Berghen 1960). Kuwahara described Metzgeria agnewii from the Aberdare Mts. in Kenya (1973), established the classification of subgeneric taxa (1978) and synonymized several African taxa with other known species (1986), so the known distribution of several African Metzgeria considerably widened

    Cephaloziella biokoensis sp. nov. (Marchantiopsida, Cephaloziellaceae), from the island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea)

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    A new species, Cephaloziella biokoensis Vá a & F.Müller, is described and illustrated. The type locality is at the highest point of the island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) at an altitude of ca. 2900 m NN. The new species belongs to subgenus Prionolobus (Spruce) Müll.Frib. and is closely related to C. turneri (Hook.) Müll.Frib. The main differences between these two species are shown in a table

    New bryophyte taxon records for tropical countries 4

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    Nord Kivu: c. 6 km north of Lubero, on sandy soil of tree-shaded road cutting, c. 1800m, 0º 8' S, 29º 14' E, 11 Aug 1988. C.R. Stevenson Z 78f, det. E.W. Jones (BM, & herb. C.R. Stevenson). Growing mixed with Frullania serrata, Pilotrichella, Trachypodopsis, etc. Distrib.: Annobon, Bioko, Burundi, Cameroun, Kenya, Rwanda, Sao Tome, Tanzania

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaïre and Rwanda : 28., Lejeuneaceae ; a ramicolous collection

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    The treatment of non epiphyllous Lejeuneaceae taxa was published in the first part of the Central African BRYOTROP results (Pócs 1993b). Anyhow, a nice material collected on tiny twigs (partly from fallen canopy branches) from the W edge of Nyungwe Forest Reserve, in a wet type of montane rainforest at 2000 m altitude, remained unidentified