13 research outputs found

    Mortality of the invasive white garden snail Theba pisana exposed to three US isolates of Phasmarhabditis spp (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica, and P. papillosa).

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    Theba pisana is a serious snail pest in many parts of the world and affects diverse crops including grain, vegetables, grapevines, and ornamental plants and shrubs. Due to its gregarious nature, ability to reproduce rapidly, and the difficulty of controlling it by conventional methods, it has the potential to become a significant pest where introduced. Mitigating this pest is an important challenge that must be addressed. Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, is a gastropod-killing nematode that is commercially available only in Europe (Nemaslug ®) and Sub-Saharan Africa (Slugtech ® SP). The use of effective gastropod-killing nematodes in the genus Phasmarhabditis (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica and P. papillosa) in California may provide one strategy for alleviating the potential damage and further spread of these snails, which are currently limited to San Diego and Los Angeles counties. Laboratory assays demonstrated for the first time that US isolates of P. hermaphrodita, P. californica and P. papillosa at 150 DJs/cm2 caused significant mortality and are equally lethal to T. pisana. Molluscicidal efficacy of these nematodes are comparable with those of iron phosphate, at the recommended high dose of 4.88 kg/m2. Additional trials are needed to determine their effects at lower dose and whether they are dependent on the size or age of the snails

    Entomopathogenic nematode-gastropod interactions

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    Lethality of Phasmarhabditis spp. (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica, and P. papillosa) Nematodes to the Grey Field Slug Deroceras reticulatum on Canna Lilies in a Lath House

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    The grey field slug, Deroceras reticulatum, is an agricultural pest causing damage to a wide variety of crops each year. The nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita has been shown to effectively kill this slug in field-simulated conditions, leading to its widespread use as a biological control agent in Europe. However, recently discovered isolates of Phasmarhabditis from California have not been tested in a field-simulated environment. The lethality of three local isolates of Phasmarhabditis (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica, & P. papillosa) as well as the molluscicide Sluggo Plus® was assessed on D. reticulatum in a lath house. Remaining leaf area on Canna lilies and slug mortality were recorded after 3 weeks of exposure to treatments. Local isolates efficiently killed D. reticulatum and protection from leaf damage was attained by treatment with P. papillosa. Further experimentation is required to assess plant protection afforded by Phasmarhabditis as plants in some trials may have been in poor health. The three tested Phasmarhabditis isolates are reasonable candidates for biological control within the United States but additional information, particularly on the lethality to non-target gastropods, is needed before an informed decision on their use can be made

    Lethality of Three <i>Phasmarhabditis</i> spp. (<i>P. hermaphrodita</i>, <i>P. californica</i>, and <i>P. papillosa</i>) to Succinea Snails

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    Succinea snails are considered to be invasive and pestiferous gastropods to those in the floricultural industry. Their small size makes them difficult to locate within large plant shipments, and their presence on decorative plants can constitute for an entire shipment to be rejected for sale and distribution. Research performed on Succinea snails is limited, especially in terms of effective mitigation strategies. The nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is a biological control agent used on pestiferous gastropods throughout some European nations. Here, three strains of Phasmarhabditis from the United States (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica, and P. papillosa) were assessed as biological control agents against Succinea snails in controlled laboratory conditions, along with the molluscicide Sluggo Plus® as a control. All species of Phasmarhabditis applied at 30 IJs/cm2 caused significant mortality compared to the non-treated control and treatment with Sluggo Plus®. P. californica caused 100% mortality 6 days after exposure, while P. hermaphrodita and P. papillosa caused the same mortality rate 7 days after exposure. The molluscicide was unable to cause significant mortality compared to the non-treated control. Additional research with US Phasmarhabditis strains, including their non-target effects and distribution may lead to their being a viable option for biological control against Succinea snails

    Dose dependence of Phasmarhabditis isolates (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica, P. papillosa) on the mortality of adult invasive white garden snails (Theba pisana).

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    Theba pisana is an invasive snail pest which has established itself in San Diego County and some areas of Los Angeles County, California. The snail has grown to large populations in some areas and mitigation is becoming necessary to stop the spread of the species. In a previous study, three US strains of Phasmarhabditis species (P. californica, P. papillosa, and P. hermaphrodita) effectively killed juvenile (0.25 gram each, 4-6 mm wide) T. pisana in laboratory conditions at 5 times (150 IJs/cm2) the recommended dose. Based on laboratory assays, we demonstrated that the same three US strains of Phasmarhabditis can effectively kill larger adult T. pisana (0.4-1.2 gram, 11.5-15mm wide) in two weeks at the same dose. The strains were more efficient at killing T. pisana than the compared molluscicide Sluggo Plus®. Results further showed that the most virulent P. californica did not effectively kill T. pisana at lower doses of 30 IJs/cm2 and 90 IJs/cm2. Additional research is needed to develop the most efficient means of application of Phasmarhabditis to mitigate T. pisana in the field

    Mortality of the invasive white garden snail Theba pisana exposed to three US isolates of Phasmarhabditis spp (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica, and P. papillosa).

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    Theba pisana is a serious snail pest in many parts of the world and affects diverse crops including grain, vegetables, grapevines, and ornamental plants and shrubs. Due to its gregarious nature, ability to reproduce rapidly, and the difficulty of controlling it by conventional methods, it has the potential to become a significant pest where introduced. Mitigating this pest is an important challenge that must be addressed. Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, is a gastropod-killing nematode that is commercially available only in Europe (Nemaslug ®) and Sub-Saharan Africa (Slugtech ® SP). The use of effective gastropod-killing nematodes in the genus Phasmarhabditis (P. hermaphrodita, P. californica and P. papillosa) in California may provide one strategy for alleviating the potential damage and further spread of these snails, which are currently limited to San Diego and Los Angeles counties. Laboratory assays demonstrated for the first time that US isolates of P. hermaphrodita, P. californica and P. papillosa at 150 DJs/cm2 caused significant mortality and are equally lethal to T. pisana. Molluscicidal efficacy of these nematodes are comparable with those of iron phosphate, at the recommended high dose of 4.88 kg/m2. Additional trials are needed to determine their effects at lower dose and whether they are dependent on the size or age of the snails